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I’m sure they do know but I’ll take the headline figures with a pinch of salt until that data is released.
To be clear, I’m sure it still works well against Delta. They all do. But when you see headline efficacy % that high you have to assume it includes a lot of the earlier, more vaccine susceptible variants. And it would be fairly typical of a pharma company to trumpet the headline %, while burying the more relevant data in the small print, or in later less widely circulated press releases (and I’m saying this as someone who works in pharma!)
But with Efficacy % going from 94 to 93% then only a tiny proportion of delta could be registered if they saw a substantial fall in delta efficacy right? I mean if only 20% of research cases were delta and the efficiacy was say 80% on these the remaining 80% of cases should actually have gone up to 97% to constrain the total drop to 93%