The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Trump now has a bee in his bonnet about Bezos and the Washington Post

Going after Amazon? That's actually not a terrible idea... Let's see how they make something really awful of it.
"I am gonna show him who got the bigger button" :D

Is he talking about that secret meeting between Kim and Xi of which the Chinese censored all footage spreading on their web?
Going after Amazon? That's actually not a terrible idea... Let's see how they make something really awful of it.

He's mad at Bezos because he owns the Washington Post. He's effectively using Amazon's market share as an excuse to pressure Bezos to stop accurately covering him.
Going after Amazon? That's actually not a terrible idea... Let's see how they make something really awful of it.

Is he talking about that secret meeting between Kim and Xi of which the Chinese censored all footage spreading on their web?

He has a personal score to settle with Jeff Bezos. He's just pissed that the wealthiest person on the planet hates his guts.
I called my colleague out on the Christian fundamentalist hypocrisy in supporting Trump today. We were at lunch and she was giving the “why does anyone care?” and the “what about Bill Clinton?” lines and I couldn’t take it anymore.

Hit her on the fact that it’s the Fundamentalists fault that this is “news worthy” because they constantly use their morality against Democrats whenever it is politically convenient and that the “liberal” news sources are just proving a point by showing the hypocrisy of the Christian Right.

She tried a “well it’s a lesser of two evils” to which I responded “not to your God it isn’t. All sin is equal according to Christianity. Abortion doesn’t supersede Adultery.”

She got quiet at that and other more moderate GOP voters at the lunch table agreed with me.

Thumbs up for standing up and showing the their hypocrisy
Their argument is that the agreement is between the company that Cohen set up and Daniels, with Trump as 3rd party beneficiary.
He can’t say Trump knew about the deal ‘cos that’d imply that Trump was in on it while also acknowledging that Trump had an affair with Stormy, right?

Would love to know what Melania’s saying about it all.
The affair itself isn't really the story. It's the silencing attempt which violates campaign finance law. If Trump knew of it or ordered it then he's in big trouble. Evangelicals don't give a feck either way.
He can’t say Trump knew about the deal ‘cos that’d imply that Trump was in on it while also acknowledging that Trump had an affair with Stormy, right?

Would love to know what Melania’s saying about it all.

I am sure she cant take the humiliation anymore. She will open up another legal front on Trump's ass.
Guardian said:
President Trump tweeted pictures of cranes replacing barrier fence along the Mexican border, suggesting his proposed 2,000-mile “wall” was under way. But the pictures in fact show local work on only a two-mile stretch of barrier undertaken last month – before Congress refused to fully fund Trump’s wall in a budget deal he signed recently.

“Great briefing this afternoon on the start of our Southern Border WALL!” Trump tweeted on Wednesday, attaching four photos apparently from the scene of a small barrier replacement project in Calexico, California.

Describing the Calexico replacement project last month, the Associated Press reported that “a barrier built in the 1990s from recycled metal scraps and landing mat will be torn down for bollard-style posts that are 30 feet high, significantly taller than existing walls”.
I am sure she cant take the humiliation anymore. She will open up another legal front on Trump's ass.
Isn't it actually a crime to cheat on your spouse in some states? I'm sure I read that somewhere.
I always laughed about how stupid the idea of a pacific rim movie. Building walls to guard against Kaiju, the massive monster of destruction that can destroy concrete building but can't jump and can't break the wall.

But oh dear... I guess Donald thinks human are more stupid than kaiju
Those films are all about people working together aren’t they? This White House would be fecked.
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