The Trump Presidency - Part 2

line up, lick boot. all these cnuts.

“Trump is an absolute piece of shit, who could possibly support that?”

“If you’re nice about him he’ll change laws to help make you even richer”

“I was wrong, he’s amazing!”

line up, lick boot. all these cnuts.

I think all these people are just coming to terms with the fact that MAGA is here to stay for a long time. They won't let it slip like they did in 2020, they will make sure all protections are in place to prevent Dems from coming back into power in a very long time, and they'll go deeper and deeper into MAGA rhetoric rather than try and be in any way balanced. These are scary times because it won't be just 4 years, and it won't be just US eventually.
I think all these people are just coming to terms with the fact that MAGA is here to stay for a long time. They won't let it slip like they did in 2020, they will make sure all protections are in place to prevent Dems from coming back into power in a very long time, and they'll go deeper and deeper into MAGA rhetoric rather than try and be in any way balanced. These are scary times because it won't be just 4 years, and it won't be just US eventually.
My biggest concern is that they go full Russia and voting infrastructure is taken under their control and elections are comprehensively rigged.

They have already proven that the judicial system is no longer independent and heavily pro-MAGA right up to the Supreme Court.

So if they win the next election with 90% of votes and get a supermajority of 400-35 in the house and 90-10 in the senate there is nothing in place to stop them, they are in charge of their own investigations. That’s it, it’s over.
My biggest concern is that they go full Russia and voting infrastructure is taken under their control and elections are comprehensively rigged.

They have already proven that the judicial system is no longer independent and heavily pro-MAGA right up to the Supreme Court.

So if they win the next election with 90% of votes and get a supermajority of 400-35 in the house and 90-10 in the senate there is nothing in place to stop them, they are in charge of their own investigations. That’s it, it’s over.
Yeah, I hope I'm overreacting and it won't be that bad but they control pretty much everything in government, and seems like they will have full control of all major social media for the next few years. This is not like 2016 where there was still some balance retained despite Trump coming into power, they have prepared much better this time around to set everything up according to his vision.

I'm also very wary of repercussions where I live too. Our far right has been getting more and more traction over the last few years, they are still around 10-12% (albeit with another, less extreme right wing party who were in power not long ago and still have sitting president until Summer at 25-30%), they are becoming more and more bold recently with messaging around Trump and I could realistically see them progressing from here, and this I am super scared about as I genuinely cannot imagine how miserable life would be with them in power.
Terrifying that the world is not only sleeping into AI in the same way we slept walked into the dangers of social media, but with these tech-bro wankers at the helm, dictating what’s right and wrong
Dems should of told Biden two years ago he's done and started pushing Bernie.

Possibly, for sure Biden should have only been a 1 term president and there are no doubt other things that could have been done better.

I'm at the point now though of believing nothing would have really made a difference. Their media control & propaganda apparatus is too much and there is no defence against it.

Social media for political manipulation was good in 2016, with Cambridge Analytica pretty much writing the book on it and proving it in both the UK & the US. That was over 10 years ago... A decade of further development and then AI came along, which is practically a WMD in this field. Then they buy twitter so they can turn it purely into a propaganda machine. Facebook, tiktok, instagram/youtube comments already belong to them apparently. WTF can we do.

Bernie would have had 2 years of being utterly destroyed.
Nah, I don't think I will, thanks

sorry if this upsets you, which it evidently does, but I'm choosing to remain open -minded to the fact he didn't get a fair trial given the cops on his case have proven to be corrupt

now, with the greatest respect, leave me alone, because I don't care if you believe otherwise


I should have known by your name that actually presenting you with reality would be futile.
Yeah, I hope I'm overreacting and it won't be that bad but they control pretty much everything in government, and seems like they will have full control of all major social media for the next few years. This is not like 2016 where there was still some balance retained despite Trump coming into power, they have prepared much better this time around to set everything up according to his vision.

I'm also very wary of repercussions where I live too. Our far right has been getting more and more traction over the last few years, they are still around 10-12% (albeit with another, less extreme right wing party who were in power not long ago and still have sitting president until Summer at 25-30%), they are becoming more and more bold recently with messaging around Trump and I could realistically see them progressing from here, and this I am super scared about as I genuinely cannot imagine how miserable life would be with them in power.

I hope everyone starts 'overreacting' tbh, god forbid we are wrong.

I should have known by your name that actually presenting you with reality would be futile.

the irony of this

unable to accept someone else has a different opinion to you on the internet, so have to resort to name calling

not to mention the sheer absurdity of your position, after finding out I want to keep an open mind for very good reasons, and I'm happy to leave it at that, it's simply not enough for you

go on then, let's have it, if you want to do this do it properly, what is it about my name you find so unacceptable?

but the next reply you get isn't going to molly coddle your fragile little ego, it's going to eviscerate it
the irony of this

unable to accept someone else has a different opinion to you on the internet, so have to resort to name calling

not to mention the sheer absurdity of your position, after finding out I want to keep an open minit d for very good reasons, and I'm happy to leave it at that, it's simply not enough for you

go on then, let's have it, if you want to do this do it properly, what is it about my name you find so unacceptable?

but the next reply you get isn't going to molly coddle your fragile little ego, it's going to eviscerate it

You can have your opinion, I'm just presenting you with the facts of why it is wrong.

Nothing unacceptable just Jean Tarrou from The Plague. A futile existence.
You can have your opinion, I'm just presenting you with the facts of why it is wrong.

Nothing unacceptable just Jean Tarrou from The Plague. A futile existence.

Bullshit, you didn't do that. You presented a picture of an Ostrich and attacked my character because of my username.

Stay classy.
Or manipulated by propoganda, predominantly by right and far right new and old media, for political gain.
And if you believe that’s the main reason for it then you’re choosing to keep your head in the sand.
And if you believe that’s the main reason for it then you’re choosing to keep your head in the sand.
It's just strange to complain about the masses falling for propaganda in an election season where the most consequential and obvious bit of propaganda was "Biden is sharp as a tack", which only a segment of liberals fell for.
“Trump is an absolute piece of shit, who could possibly support that?”

“If you’re nice about him he’ll change laws to help make you even richer”

“I was wrong, he’s amazing!”
This represents the majority of the Republican base I live amongst.
And if you believe that’s the main reason for it then you’re choosing to keep your head in the sand.
Nope. The masses have always been open to manipulation based on idiotic biases. Recently that has been further weaponised.
It's just strange to complain about the masses falling for propaganda in an election season where the most consequential and obvious bit of propaganda was "Biden is sharp as a tack", which only a segment of liberals fell for.
Huh? What utter nonsense.
My biggest concern is that they go full Russia and voting infrastructure is taken under their control and elections are comprehensively rigged.

They have already proven that the judicial system is no longer independent and heavily pro-MAGA right up to the Supreme Court.

So if they win the next election with 90% of votes and get a supermajority of 400-35 in the house and 90-10 in the senate there is nothing in place to stop them, they are in charge of their own investigations. That’s it, it’s over.
That’s exactly what will happen. It’ll become entrenched like in Hungary or Russia. And this kind of shit will most likely be coming to the UK in the next four years if Labour don’t pull the finger out of their arsehole.
My big concern with all this is how other global democracies as well as the media are happy to humour Trump to curry favour. We've seen Starmer flat out refuse to condemn Musk's Seig Heil (despite warning us of the lessons of the holocaust) and David Lammy go full 180 and claim how impressed he is by Trump after meeting him. And that's not even going into how supposedly Liberal silicon valley are now all kissing the ring. On top of that you have the media seemingly afraid of calling a spade a spade in regards to Musk's 'Roman Salute'.

I'm all for letting the US crash and burn just so the smoothbrained MAGA cultists find out (but do feel sorry for the ordinary folk there who wanted no part in this), but I just fear this cancerous nonsense will spread over to European democracies as some new wave of hypernormalised fascism.
At least the media is feeling the burn of being perceived as assisting Trump with their round tables of sanewashing his nonsense. Despite the liberal media label Maga slapped on every outlet they all pretty much proved to assist him and his message since 2016 in different ways. Now CNN laying off huge numbers and other outlets following. The Billionaire owners of some of the largest newspapers who at the end were denying editorials and endorsements to appease Trump had staffers quitting etc.

I know I am not going to consume media like I did for the next 4 years and be aghast at his every utterance and action. They thought we would watch those roundtables of arguing with Trump surrogates trying to convince them they aren't awful when in reality its just giving them airtime.
Huh? What utter nonsense.

I agree with you. I think we could all do ourselves a massive favour and start to exploring just how manipulated we are in basically everything. We must be brainwashed if we all accept a system designed to benefit so few of it's people as the right way to exist.
Just waiting to hear that all school books to be burnt and will be replaced with a curriculum that celebrates the great and powerful United States of America. All free thinking to be outlawed. I’m only half joking too.
Just waiting to hear that all school books to be burnt and will be replaced with a curriculum that celebrates the great and powerful United States of America. All free thinking to be outlawed. I’m only half joking too.
I thought that was already the case!
I think all these people are just coming to terms with the fact that MAGA is here to stay for a long time. They won't let it slip like they did in 2020, they will make sure all protections are in place to prevent Dems from coming back into power in a very long time, and they'll go deeper and deeper into MAGA rhetoric rather than try and be in any way balanced. These are scary times because it won't be just 4 years, and it won't be just US eventually.

To me there is somethin ominous brewing and all this powerful people they don't lick Trump's arse because they want to profit as a main reason but because they are shit scared of something that will happen and they need to be on the winning side. They will benefit economically as a byproduct. But is not normal this public support from people that are much powerful economically than anyone in the world. They could be wishy washy, comply with a couple of things to be on government side and business than usual. To me it looks like people behind Trump, dangerous people, have a plan tat will shake the US and the world and they need all the social media on their side and they push them to get involved in it and if not you will be in real trouble. I know I am entering into conspiracy territory but I don't like it at all the way it looks
God his Davos speech is tiresome. Arrogant, rambling and peppered with puerile self-aggrandising tangents.
It's just strange to complain about the masses falling for propaganda in an election season where the most consequential and obvious bit of propaganda was "Biden is sharp as a tack", which only a segment of liberals fell for.
The entire right wing machine is built around fear mongering and bigotry and using misinformation to inflame that in the masses. Yet you single out Biden is okay as the real problem (which didn’t matter as he was replaced anyway).
The entire right wing machine is built around fear mongering and bigotry and using misinformation to inflame that in the masses. Yet you single out Biden is okay as the real problem (which didn’t matter as he was replaced anyway).
It mattered an enormous amount and is in the top three reasons why Trump was elected.
Good luck folks.

This will lead to millions of LGBT people and non-white people losing their jobs or being refused employment by bigoted business owners won't it? How does this do anything but hurt the economy?