The Trump Presidency - Part 2

What happened is that a guy was found guilty of serious crimes and was given a harsh sentence, you appear to be glossing over the seriousness of those crimes and seem to think what he has served was more a appropriate sentence, some of us here disagree

What I really find abhorent is that he was pardoned, he's been absolved of his crimes, if it was felt that perhaps the sentence was too harsh then it could have been commuted (that's a personal view and is not directed it at anything you said)

I'm not glossing over anything, sorry, I seriously doubt he did all that. There were some strange things about the case, I'm not writing it out in case I get accused of defending the guy again.

the guy went in jail saying the cops were corrupt
now one of said cops is in jail for corruption

and two others are accused

that's enough to cast some doubts in my eyes, and I'd be interested to hear his side before I join you with my pitchfork
Oh yes. That will last long. Especially with Trump practically gifting West bank to Israel.

During Biden, Israel officially annexed parts of the West bank and people were dying there. so business as usual. With Biden was so bad that even that not to last ceasefire is better than what they had with Biden
Blaming the left / centrist politicians for our current state of society is a bit too easy imho - they're doing a shitty job, agreed but let's face it: the golden era of universal wealth is well over (was never a reality to begin with) and people in general don't want to hear the sad truth, that's why they keep voting populists with easy and convenient "solutions".

Yes but those people don't have the solutions and the ones who have failed to convince the voters of it. And while the age of "universal" wealth (at the cost of third world countries and the environment) might be over, the fact that the remaining wealth has never been more unevenly distributed is the main reason why people are worse off than they used to be 20 years ago. The left should hammer into the heads of the voters that the whole trickle down effect is a big lie and that 99% of people would be better off with an eat the rich philosophy instead.
Isolationism works both ways. The world just needs to find different allies and turn its back on the US, since it’s doing the same to everyone else.

Sure, but no country has US influence and no one is as harmful as Trump
Poorly worded post on my part. I was just talking about US impact, and you are 100% correct about the rest of the world.
No worries mate. I understood but it just pisses me off what will happen in the next years to come and there is nothing we can do. And you are right. 80 million people voted for this asshole
He says a lot right things... Nothing really "left" when you live in Europe and you see the conditions of life of many in the US of A

I will never understand how any sane person, that isn't obscenely rich, could disagree with anything he says here.

Oh what's that? People working full time jobs shouldn't live in poverty, healthcare should be affordable and we shouldn't destroy the planet we're living on? Get out of here you filthy, woke communist, we need like, the exact opposite of all of those things!
Yes but those people don't have the solutions and the ones who have failed to convince the voters of it. And while the age of "universal" wealth (at the cost of third world countries and the environment) might be over, the fact that the remaining wealth has never been more unevenly distributed is the main reason why people are worse off than they used to be 20 years ago. The left should hammer into the heads of the voters that the whole trickle down effect is a big lie and that 99% of people would be better off with an eat the rich philosophy instead.
sure, but there seems to exist a very strong tendency in people to blame everybody but those. And I don't see that changing anytime soon.

And yes, they are doing a shitty job, that's for sure. But let's face it, doing extremely complicated work the honest way is always much more difficult than spouting lies and bullying the weaker. And the general populace isn't honoring it either.
Its hard to believe we re only a few days into this shitshow. Im so tired already.

Can you Brits please talk to King Charlie and ask him to take us over again or something. A real King surely cant be worse than someone who portrays himself to be one.

I'll wear something red to cheer your arrival.
Wait a mo - does that mean that a US company can refuse someone employment because they are non-white and/or female?
If so, erm........

And probably tell them in their face. "Because you are black" because 1st amendment
Good luck folks.

I love the way argument to get rid of it is that employment shouldn’t be based on race or sex. Yes, that’s why the law they’re trying to scrap is there in the first place. Some folks really are as thick as dog shit.
I love the way argument to get rid of it is that employment shouldn’t be based on race or sex. Yes, that’s why the law they’re trying to scrap is there in the first place. Some folks really are as thick as dog shit.
Mission to make the non oppressed feel oppressed successful I guess.
It's interesting the amount of times Trump accuses people of being dumb and/or lacking grace. I doubt he even understands the concept of self awareness.
Gas the way he uses the word ' nasty' too!
Trump of all people.
He's a typical bully, loves to dish it out but can't take it.
a blanket order immediately stopping the arrival of asylum seekers whove had their claims processed after a long application time and accepted, and were in the middle of arranging flights / transport, whilst living in fear, is just feckin cruel.
It's interesting the amount of times Trump accuses people of being dumb and/or lacking grace. I doubt he even understands the concept of self awareness.
the original draft of that message read that ' God owes him an apology',
Obviously the US is powerful, but part of that is being at the centre of the Western world.

I agree and also, the center of the western world is the US. Don't get me wrong. Is happening in UK, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, France, Italy, Hungary, etc... but if the far right would ends ruling Spain would not have the same effect than the US
I do have a twisted fantasy in my head of MAGA deciding to remove birth right citizenship and make us all take & pass a citizenship test to stay.

Jokes on you, you xenophobic cnuts. Enjoy Greenland.
Yes but those people don't have the solutions and the ones who have failed to convince the voters of it. And while the age of "universal" wealth (at the cost of third world countries and the environment) might be over, the fact that the remaining wealth has never been more unevenly distributed is the main reason why people are worse off than they used to be 20 years ago. The left should hammer into the heads of the voters that the whole trickle down effect is a big lie and that 99% of people would be better off with an eat the rich philosophy instead.

What even is the modern day left? It just seems to be political correctness and scoffing at easy targets on the right.
Four more years! Four more years! Four more years!

You're so fecked and the world alongside it.
And you're cheering the fact that you are also fecked or are you really an alien from outer space?
The thing that arguably pisses me off the most is how much it distracts everyone again from the plight of the rest of the world in a way and allowing lunatics everywhere, including in this country too of course - to seem relatively mild or completely fly under the radar all together.

Trump got one thing he undoubtedly wanted, and that's some very notable sections in future history books. The title of the chapter should be the Dumb Ages.
The thing that arguably pisses me off the most is how much it distracts everyone again from the plight of the rest of the world in a way and allowing lunatics everywhere, including in this country too of course - to seem relatively mild or completely fly under the radar all together.

Trump got one thing he undoubtedly wanted, and that's some very notable sections in future history books. The title of the chapter should be the Dumb Ages.
At this moment of time you’d be forgiven to think we’re heading back to the dark ages.
The orange madman is going places, there's nothing to stop him, and we all are part of the ride.

I can only laugh at how fecked we are.
I can only hope he doesn't deport me, I'm not a citizen though I am a legal resident and white so in theory I should be safe!