The Trump Presidency - Part 2

Going to be hilarious when the SC overturns gay marriage.

I don't think that's the purpose of his donation. He's simply greasing the skids so Trump doesn't take an adversarial posture with Apple when it comes to tech related tariff policy and China, since 20% of Apple's sales come from there.
Going to be hilarious when the SC overturns gay marriage.
And they will, quicker than an Amy Coney Barrett confirmation hearing. If we ever came to a time in this country where being gay was a crime, log cabin Republicans and pricks like Cook would would be spitting out names and addresses without being asked.
I don't think that's the purpose of his donation. He's simply greasing the skids so Trump doesn't take an adversarial posture with Apple when it comes to tech related tariff policy and China, since 20% of Apple's sales come from there.
Bribery to line his own pockets like the rest of them. Trump isn't fecking around with a company like Apple.
I don't think that's the purpose of his donation. He's simply greasing the skids so Trump doesn't take an adversarial posture with Apple when it comes to tech related tariff policy and China, since 20% of Apple's sales come from there.
Of course, because for the rich there is no such thing as an erosion of their rights. No matter the laws or rules he can feck who he wants, live with who he wants, and be who he wants, so why should he give a feck about the normals?
I'm not sure what that article has to do with Trump's pro legal migration stance.
You sarcastically asked what fascist shit he was going to do next. That post was one of many potential answers. As if an example was going to be hard to find.

Bank of America, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley latest to exit Net-Zero Banking Alliance​

The financial institutions’ decision to leave NZBA comes shortly after Goldman Sachs and Wells Fargo announced they were departing the United Nations-backed climate coalition last month.

The power of Trump!

This is a good strategic move for the US, to boil the competition and ride it out with superior geography and the ability to attract global talent. Long-term winners in a devastated planet.
Nothing, which is why I bolded the relevant part of your post. It's a pretty common merhod.
You sarcastically asked what fascist shit he was going to do next. That post was one of many potential answers. As if an example was going to be hard to find.
I genuinely don't understand what either of you mean. That article is supposed to highlight fascist stuff Trump might do next?
I genuinely don't understand what either of you mean. That article is supposed to highlight fascist stuff Trump might do next?

Orwell is pretty overrated, and generally a shit writer, but society seems to like his work and it's hard to get more 1984 than Gorka's suggestion. I guess he could have worked in Alexa as well.
Orwell is pretty overrated, and generally a shit writer, but society seems to like his work and it's hard to get more 1984 than Gorka's suggestion. I guess he could have worked in Alexa as well.
Orwell a shit writer. You went full contrard.
Stories and message are part of being a writer.

I think it's pretty clear what I mean, no? His prose is bad, would that be better? He writes like a middling journalist.

Someone could conceivably find The Da Vinci Code an exciting story, while at the same time acknowledging that Dan Brown can't write.

He was a better writer than whoever did Trump's book, to keep this in the realm of on topic.
Definitely the type of jackwagon who calls into the likes of Hannity radio show and ilk to complain about the latest Breitbart news blast, and definitely calls someone like Hannity "a great American."
The sooner these older folk die off in their generational crap the better, though I don't hold too much hope for the next generation in line