The Trump Presidency - Part 2

There's plenty to criticize about Vivek. For three years on the campaign trail, he embodied the classic “assimilated Indian,” extolling the virtues of American culture — its freedoms, value and opportunities. Then, in an about-face, he published an essay railing against “lazy American culture,” contradicting every flattering word he once uttered. The hypocrisy is glaring.

Yet instead of honing in on this or other legitimate critiques, some people retreat to tired identity politics, insisting a “brown person” can’t be a prominent Republican ("traitorous scum", "should bear painful consequences"), or claiming Trump is somehow Hitler. It’s a hollow, ignorant, third world, one-dimensional argument. Just... feck off.

But again, this is exactly what I’m talking about. Some people do indeed bring race into politics (x race should be automatically dem). That is dumb.

That isn’t what’s happening here. This is an Indian origin politician, flirting with far right, white nationalist ideas and politicians.

It’s not that a brown person can’t be a prominent republican. It’s that a brown person can’t expect to be a prominent republican who espouses the great replacement theory and interacts regularly with white supremacists, and not eventually expect some blowback from those same people. People who espouse that theory don’t want to stop just dirty poor browns from coming in. They don’t want to be replaced by any brown person.

Similarly, a German Jew can be incredibly right wing, that’s fine. A German Jew or a Syrian Muslim who supports the AFD….yeah that’s a dumb feck and should be criticised.
There's plenty to criticize about Vivek. For three years on the campaign trail, he embodied the classic “assimilated Indian,” extolling the virtues of American culture — its freedoms, value and opportunities. Then, in an about-face, he published an essay railing against “lazy American culture,” contradicting every flattering word he once uttered. The hypocrisy is glaring.

Yet instead of honing in on this or other legitimate critiques, some people retreat to tired identity politics, insisting a “brown person” can’t be a prominent Republican ("traitorous scum", "should bear painful consequences"), or claiming Trump is somehow Hitler. It’s a hollow, ignorant, third world, one-dimensional argument. Just... feck off.
The point is that MAGA republicans tolerate racial minorities when they can be made use of, and treat them like scum at the same time.

Minorities that suck up to MAGA are despicable. They do it for their own self interest and ignore/deny the obvious racism of the MAGA republicans.

A ‚brown person‘ can be a republican, but not a believable MAGA republican, in my opinion. It immediately makes me question their motives or sanity.
Oh wow, did he get banned?

Can't say I'm too surprised - every interaction I read for him seems to make me think, "Is he intentionally trying to piss off everyone?"
He used to be sensible. Don't know when this kicked in. Probably something to do with the chem trails over his house and the fluoride in his drinking water.
I often struggle deciding when it’s worth trying to engage with people like that. On the one hand I think dissenting views are important and we don’t want an echo chamber, but on the other hand it’s also important not to amplify and legitimatise bad faith arguments and potentially bots/paid mouthpieces.
So I asked an Indian who grew up in the US, and apparently Piyush is Bobby Jindal's birth name. A weird reference to make in 2024, that guy has been irrelevant for a decade. There's another word starting with P that everyone understands as an insult directed at Indians now!

Anyway I didn't report him, but really disliked his cowardice in not explaining why he kept saying Piyush. If you want to needle racistly, do it with your full fecking heart, not this mealy mouthed shit.
So I asked an Indian who grew up in the US, and apparently Piyush is Bobby Jindal's birth name. A weird reference to make in 2024, that guy has been irrelevant for a decade. There's another word starting with P that everyone understands as an insult directed at Indians now!

Anyway I didn't report him, but really disliked his cowardice in not explaining why he kept saying Piyush. If you want to needle racistly, do it with your full fecking heart, not this mealy mouthed shit.
I did. The whole Piyush/Borys spiel cannot be condoned.

That said, I'd be very surprised if it was a reference to Bobby. God knows what went on in his head.
was probably drunk when that went down

was making a point about racism whilst being casually racist :lol:
So I asked an Indian who grew up in the US, and apparently Piyush is Bobby Jindal's birth name. A weird reference to make in 2024, that guy has been irrelevant for a decade. There's another word starting with P that everyone understands as an insult directed at Indians now!

Anyway I didn't report him, but really disliked his cowardice in not explaining why he kept saying Piyush. If you want to needle racistly, do it with your full fecking heart, not this mealy mouthed shit.

Irrelevant to this topic but that guy ran my state into the damn ground, irrelevant now in politics but his legacy still lives on here, not in a good way.
Irrelevant to this topic but that guy ran my state into the damn ground, irrelevant now in politics but his legacy still lives on here, not in a good way.

And Vivek would do the same if he ever came close to power...
To Trump's "credit" I suppose, my mum lives over in West Palm Beach, I was there recently and my step dad does alot of work at Mar-a-lago and encounters alot of staff on his properties, despite his well known dillholeness he is actually surprisingly well supported and well received by his foreign workers, most are actually illegal (they swear he won't come for them) but he does have a lot of H1B workers there - quite how that works is beyond me considering an American should be considered for the role first (I think he goes on the Elon thing here) but he does tip well, he gives out $100 bills on the regular.

So basically I can see Trump siding with Elon, mostly because he gets cheap foreign workers who love him because he allows them to be in America and pays them off - cheaply but less expensive than an American worker

Yes, obviously the big tech is only concerned about profit. The whole debate is so misplaced. Likes of Meta, Apple, Google don't hire Indians because of DEI or because of low pay, it is because of shortage of talent in the US market. To save costs they just outsource engineering to low cost centres like India, not hire cheaply in US since with former you can reduce cost by 66% which is not possible by keeping the job in US. There is some H1B/L1 abuse in the engineering domain to bring in low wage workers from Asia but it is not prominent by any means. MAGA right just doesn't like the number of brown people coming in, that too in these high paying jobs. So much so that Steven Bannon is arguing for DEI in favor of Blacks and Latinos.
Yes, obviously the big tech is only concerned about profit. The whole debate is so misplaced. Likes of Meta, Apple, Google don't hire Indians because of DEI or because of low pay, it is because of shortage of talent in the US market. To save costs they just outsource engineering to low cost centres like India, not hire cheaply in US since with former you can reduce cost by 66% which is not possible by keeping the job in US. There is some H1B/L1 abuse in the engineering domain to bring in low wage workers from Asia but it is not prominent by any means. MAGA right just doesn't like the number of brown people coming in, that too in these high paying jobs. So much so that Steven Bannon is arguing for DEI in favor of Blacks and Latinos.

It's not lack of talent. It's really poor allocation of talent.

For example, FAANG have literal hordes of Engineers, top talent engineers being paid 300kUSD to do literally the sum of nothing. Meta had a notorious problem where they would hire someone and just bench them and not assign them to a team for 9 months. It was called "Bootcamp".

Why? So nobody else could get them.
Yes, obviously the big tech is only concerned about profit. The whole debate is so misplaced. Likes of Meta, Apple, Google don't hire Indians because of DEI or because of low pay, it is because of shortage of talent in the US market. To save costs they just outsource engineering to low cost centres like India, not hire cheaply in US since with former you can reduce cost by 66% which is not possible by keeping the job in US. There is some H1B/L1 abuse in the engineering domain to bring in low wage workers from Asia but it is not prominent by any means. MAGA right just doesn't like the number of brown people coming in, that too in these high paying jobs. So much so that Steven Bannon is arguing for DEI in favor of Blacks and Latinos.

Yes as far as I know there is some visa abuse happening by Infosys, but those are not jobs that Americans would particularly want anyway.
It's not lack of talent. It's really poor allocation of talent.

For example, FAANG have literal hordes of Engineers, top talent engineers being paid 300kUSD to do literally the sum of nothing. Meta had a notorious problem where they would hire someone and just bench them and not assign them to a team for 9 months. It was called "Bootcamp".

Why? So nobody else could get them.

What has that got to do with the immigration debate? Besides that era is well and truly over now with even the likes of Google doing periodic layoffs to boost productivity. Only in AI domain you will now found companies mindlessly hoarding talent.
Yes as far as I know there is some visa abuse happening by Infosys, but those are not jobs that Americans would particularly want anyway.

At best you can argue that the kind of work companies like Infosys do can be done by some Americans from non engineering backgrounds also after some coding certification courses, rather than have a requirement to hire some with an engineering degree.
What has that got to do with the immigration debate? Besides that era is well and truly over now with even the likes of Google doing periodic layoffs to boost productivity. Only in AI domain you will now found companies mindlessly hoarding talent.

It's relevant because I think the H1B numbers would organically fall in the tech sector if tech companies weren't so over-zealous with hiring. But you're right in that it's somewhat corrected itself.
Irrelevant to this topic but that guy ran my state into the damn ground, irrelevant now in politics but his legacy still lives on here, not in a good way.

Possibly the weakest presidential announcement in US history as well. His family clearly didn't want to be there...and it was at their home.
Trump going against his own base to back President Musk....that should go down well with his base.

Trump's complete lack of ideology will become extremely visible when he takes office again. He's been pandering to his base with America first rhetoric, but once reality hits and that goes against what the corporate interests want it's clear as day what he is going to pick.