In this case you (not you personally) absolutely are.
The US is one of the biggest assholes and one of the most evil countries in History, by a couple of light-years. It's been responsible for millions of deaths, genocide, land theft and countless bloody regime changes. It has no respect whatsoever for any kind of rules other than its own.
You (again not directed at you) are a deeply unjust, racist, shite country that eats its own citizens, defines its existence through perpetual wars and can't see past its own schizophrenic blinders.
What makes it even more repugnant is that it constantly tried to hide its crimes behind the pretense of "frEedOm and DEmOcracY". Now, it doesn't even bother.
Sorry if it comes across as a personal attack, that's not my intention. I've read enough of your posts to know where you stand.