The Trump Presidency - Part 2

Can it even come back? Isn't it eradicated in the form we know it?

I was being facetious. Yes, it's been eradicated according to the WHO. No cases have been recorded in nearly 50 years. Although Russia and the USA still have stockpiles of the virus so you can never really be sure it won't come back. It is unlikely though. Well you would hope so anyway.
Nothing screams moving towards west like murdering journalists, political opposition, poisoning a presidential candidate or destabilising neighboring countries.

We have very different ideas of what being close to the west means, so let's leave it at that.
It’s counter factual history at this point. If he had come to power regardless, would he (and Russia) have pursued the exact same course as he has?
Considering that that course was being pursued way earlier than NATO engagement happened and that time is happening in the linear fashion, a lot of it would obviously still happen. Although obviously Baltics would already be worked on for decades by now.
Did I see it on here, or youtube? Trump suggesting tariffs will make the World Cup more interesting while looking completely disinterested in the weird Club WC trophy.

I would think the invasion rather proves the need for NATO, rather than being evidence it’s dangerous to make alliances.

Has any alliance ever been blamed for a war in history, simply by existing?

Seems to me that alliances have, historically, been a way to prevent war.

Or did Britain’s alliance with Poland force the Nazis to invade?
You could argue that WWI happened because of alliances, though not a single one
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Did a Ukrainian piss in your chips or something?

It just amazes me that people are so casual and unreflective with serious matters like these. Look at what’s happened to Ukraine in all of this! And if we don’t learn from history then we’re doomed to repeat it.
The question I would be interested in asking these people is if Trump did exactly the same things he has done to everyone else till now, but just personally spares them, would they still support him.
Similarly interesting as the question, does the pope shit in the woods?
You could argue that WWI happened because of alliances, though not a single one
I think the issue with the alliances in WW1 was that the two sides didn’t really understand who would get involved to support their allies and who would stay at home, meaning leaders didn’t really understand the consequences of their actions - that’s what led to the rapid escalation during the July Crisis. By contrast, everyone, including Putin, knows what Article 5 means
The contrary also applies. The decision to expand NATO wasn’t taken as some sort of noble course to sustain the freedom of said countries. The main factor behind it was Russia’s weakness.
That's fair enough, but in the end a socereign country chosing to pursue integration with the West isn't a provocation.

Of course the west could've told them to feck off and block it entirely, but accomodating them is hardly a provocation.
Can it even come back? Isn't it eradicated in the form we know it?
It is 'eradicated' in the wild, but it is held in 2 laboratories in the world, one being the CDC in Atlanta and the other in Russia, given what's going on currently at the former it's a potential disaster waiting to happen
I think the issue with the alliances in WW1 was that the two sides didn’t really understand who would get involved to support their allies and who would stay at home, meaning leaders didn’t really understand the consequences of their actions - that’s what led to the rapid escalation during the July Crisis. By contrast, everyone, including Putin, knows what Article 5 means
IMO that's a little simplistic - most of the leaders knew exactly what would happen, though none would have known how the war would have panned out

It just amazes me that people are so casual and unreflective with serious matters like these. Look at what’s happened to Ukraine in all of this! And if we don’t learn from history then we’re doomed to repeat it.

Casual and unreflective? That's quite an arrogant position to hold considering the amount of measured and detailed pushback you are recieving. Not from me mind.

While history points out that yes, the US influence through NATO and less open organisations , along the Eastern European front with missiles pointed at the USSR was a direct feck you and led to the escalation of the Cold War, but if the Soviets reacted and invaded West Germany it wouldn't have been the fault of the US or NATO. It would have been the fault of the Soviets and nobody would have argued otherwise, except the most rabid commie internationalists. But despite the narrative, they were few and far between because it was a mental idea, especially at that time.

I know people who would have dismissed that reality previously, but now bizarrely are aware of NATO 'provocation' despite it being only a fraction of the post WW2 version. The culture wars have rounded them up and convinced them this current version of Russia is somehow to be pitied despite naked expansionism on their part.

It just amazes me that people are so casual and unreflective with serious matters like these. Look at what’s happened to Ukraine in all of this! And if we don’t learn from history then we’re doomed to repeat it.
Humans have never learned from history, especially when it comes to warfare, so it's a bit naive to be amazed that it hasn't changed in recent times
do we really need the us in nato? when it comes to war and armies, they’ve only had one war against themselves, which they can’t agree who actually lost. they swept in at the end of world wars when all the participants were war weary and desperate. and claimed to be some massive heroes, despite suffering way fewer casualties than everyone else and never being directly attacked except for one harbour, which they go on about endlessly.

the only wars they’ve started themselves against minnows have finished as national embarrassments, yet they think of themselves as superior. at least when europe goes all genocidal they come away with new territory.
Humans have never learned from history, especially when it comes to warfare,
so it's a bit naive to be amazed that it hasn't changed in recent times
There should be a continuous effort to try though. History is the best teacher we have.
There should be a continuous effort to try though. History is the best teacher we have.
Absolutely, we have learned when a megalomaniac with ultra nationalistic ideas and a huge army invades somewhere, they should really be stopped. Have you learned that?
Absolutely, we have learned when a megalomaniac with ultra nationalistic ideas and a huge army invades somewhere, they should really be stopped. Have you learned that?
Have you learned that communism doesn’t work?

Jokes aside…I’ll ask the following: what’s your take on the treatment of Germany post-WW1? Was the Treaty of Versailles a wise course of action to take? Would the same megalomaniac with ultra nationalistic ideas have emerged and secured power regardless?
Have you learned that communism doesn’t work?

Jokes aside…I’ll ask the following: what’s your take on the treatment of Germany post-WW1? Was the Treaty of Versailles a wise course of action to take? Would the same megalomaniac with ultra nationalistic ideas have emerged and secured power regardless?
The treaty of Versailles was far too lenient.
Yay…let’s have a succession of megalomaniacs. One Hitler wasn’t enough for WI_Red.

So... the answer is to let the "bad guys" get away with it? You do not strike me as a person who would want to be "soft on crime" ;)
Yay…let’s have a succession of megalomaniacs. One Hitler wasn’t enough for WI_Red.
What? :lol:

The weakness of the Treaty of Versailles, especially its enforcement, is exactly why there was a Hitler. This is a lesson the allies learned from when dealing with Nazi Germany. I mean, I'm not even a historian (nor did I stay I at Holiday Inn Express last night), but even I can see there were big issues with the Treaty and its aftermath:

1. Failure to dismantle the German military: The treaty "limited" the Germans to 100k troops and no air force. One problem, the treaty had feck all for enforcement mechanisms and Hitler and co easily circumvented what was there.
2. Economic penalties: Sure, the treaty initially led to turmoil in Germany's economy, but the Dawes plan (1925ish),Young plan (1930ish), and leaving the Ruhr valley industrial base inplacewent a long way to accelerating the economic recovery of Germany. All that is fine and dandy, but without proper oversight and enforcement all this led to was a re-militarization of Germany (see point 1)
3. Lack of basic enforcement: Hell, even the shit that was in the treaty was poorly, or not, enforced (see the "oh well" attitude to the re-militarization of the Rhineland by Hitler).

It just amazes me that I am so casual and unreflective with serious matters like these. Look at what’s happened to Ukraine in all of this! And if I don’t learn from history then I’m doomed to repeat it.
Fixed that for you.

Russia violated the 1994 security agreement, not the US or Ukraine.
There should be a continuous effort to try though. History is the best teacher we have.
I don't disagree, and we have tried, in the last century the League of Nations and the United Nations were created to do just that, and we still failed, the reality is that certain peoples/countries think they are better than everyone else and act as such
What? :lol:

The weakness of the Treaty of Versailles, especially its enforcement, is exactly why there was a Hitler. This is a lesson the allies learned from when dealing with Nazi Germany. I mean, I'm not even a historian (nor did I stay I at Holiday Inn Express last night), but even I can see there were big issues with the Treaty and its aftermath:

1. Failure to dismantle the German military: The treaty "limited" the Germans to 100k troops and no air force. One problem, the treaty had feck all for enforcement mechanisms and Hitler and co easily circumvented what was there.
2. Economic penalties: Sure, the treaty initially led to turmoil in Germany's economy, but the Dawes plan (1925ish),Young plan (1930ish), and leaving the Ruhr valley industrial base inplacewent a long way to accelerating the economic recovery of Germany. All that is fine and dandy, but without proper oversight and enforcement all this led to was a re-militarization of Germany (see point 1)
3. Lack of basic enforcement: Hell, even the shit that was in the treaty was poorly, or not, enforced (see the "oh well" attitude to the re-militarization of the Rhineland by Hitler).
Ferdinand Foch said it best, he was critical of the treaty's terms, controversially saying it was not harsh enough on Germany and that its leniency could lead to future conflicts. "This is not peace,” he said. “It is an armistice for 20 years." - he was spot on almost to the day
What? :lol:

The weakness of the Treaty of Versailles, especially its enforcement, is exactly why there was a Hitler. This is a lesson the allies learned from when dealing with Nazi Germany. I mean, I'm not even a historian (nor did I stay I at Holiday Inn Express last night), but even I can see there were big issues with the Treaty and its aftermath:

1. Failure to dismantle the German military: The treaty "limited" the Germans to 100k troops and no air force. One problem, the treaty had feck all for enforcement mechanisms and Hitler and co easily circumvented what was there.
2. Economic penalties: Sure, the treaty initially led to turmoil in Germany's economy, but the Dawes plan (1925ish),Young plan (1930ish), and leaving the Ruhr valley industrial base inplacewent a long way to accelerating the economic recovery of Germany. All that is fine and dandy, but without proper oversight and enforcement all this led to was a re-militarization of Germany (see point 1)
3. Lack of basic enforcement: Hell, even the shit that was in the treaty was poorly, or not, enforced (see the "oh well" attitude to the re-militarization of the Rhineland by Hitler).
The Marshall Plan emerged from efforts not to repeat the mistakes of the Treaty of Versailles. History has proven which course was better, not just for Germany but for Western Europe as a whole.
The Marshall Plan emerged from efforts not to repeat the mistakes of the Treaty of Versailles. History has proven which course was better.
So, apparently, you think the Treaty of Versailles was better. Why?

Edit: Unless you think the Marshall plan was a thing and not at all the carrot to the stick that was the Potsdam Agreement
Have you learned that communism doesn’t work?

Jokes aside…I’ll ask the following: what’s your take on the treatment of Germany post-WW1? Was the Treaty of Versailles a wise course of action to take? Would the same megalomaniac with ultra nationalistic ideas have emerged and secured power regardless?
Wait, why is this relevant? Are you comparing what happened to the USSR in the 1990s to the Treaty of Versailles? Or to Russia's subsequent geopolitical situation? How are those situations similar?
Did I see it on here, or youtube? Trump suggesting tariffs will make the World Cup more interesting while looking completely disinterested in the weird Club WC trophy.

He just doesn't have a fecking clue. First time it's been held in this part of the world? The USA hosted it in 1994 and Mexico hosted it twice previously in 1970 and 1986. They will become the first country to host it three times when they hold matches there next summer. Completely clueless and always wanting to take credit for everything and anything. It's just so fecking pathetic.

They rigged the election and I became President :lol: I think he definitely mispoke there. I know what he was getting at but he rambles so much he came out with a very incriminating statement whilst yet again proving he can't let anything go and was trying to dig at the Democrats. Any excuse. It's so nauseating and petty.

Tensions are a good thing and will make it more exciting (when asked about the issues between the USA, Mexico and Canada causing problems with the joint hosting of the World Cup)

Honestly, what the actual feck?

Another clown show ending with refusal to answer questions and him scraping his signature and then showing it off to everyone like it's some major achievement. A fecking world cup task force. :lol: Complete and utter bollocks.

The way he's going we might not even have a world cup next year anyway. Be funny if everyone boycotted it and demanded the matches are in just Canada and Mexico. :lol: