The weakness of the Treaty of Versailles, especially its enforcement, is exactly why there was a Hitler. This is a lesson the allies learned from when dealing with Nazi Germany. I mean, I'm not even a historian (nor did I stay I at Holiday Inn Express last night), but even I can see there were big issues with the Treaty and its aftermath:
1. Failure to dismantle the German military: The treaty "limited" the Germans to 100k troops and no air force. One problem, the treaty had feck all for enforcement mechanisms and Hitler and co easily circumvented what was there.
2. Economic penalties: Sure, the treaty initially led to turmoil in Germany's economy, but the Dawes plan (1925ish),Young plan (1930ish), and leaving the Ruhr valley industrial base inplacewent a long way to accelerating the economic recovery of Germany. All that is fine and dandy, but without proper oversight and enforcement all this led to was a re-militarization of Germany (see point 1)
3. Lack of basic enforcement: Hell, even the shit that was in the treaty was poorly, or not, enforced (see the "oh well" attitude to the re-militarization of the Rhineland by Hitler).