Dawn’s less famous husband
is there an "OTUS for everything then?
Not weird at all. You've got the president, his family and his staff openly mocking the leader of an invaded country with comments about his dress sense and his height. It's pretty despicable.It’s probably a weird thing to say but if I was a yank one of the things that would stress me out the most would be the complete lack of dignity, class and decorum from someone who is the figurehead of your country all over the world. Means feck all in the grand scheme of things but Christ almighty, it’s so grim to watch.
Pretty scary 4 SCOTUS judges are perfectly fine with turning this country into a dictatorship.
The parallels are interesting even before the Roman empire became what it was because you had people like Sulla who paved the way for Caesar to be dictator for life. It only takes someone to break the law and subvert the constitution for their own vanity/power and things are never the same again because if they can do it, then so can anyone else because a precedent has been set. Trump might actually just be the start of that and it's quite sad that Americans, like the ancient Romans, were fiercely republican and hated kings and now consciously or unconsciously they actually want a fecking monarchy again.I remember discussing with one of my history teachers in university how the fall and decline of Rome happened. He accurately predicted that the US would have a similar sort of decline chaos/followed by short burst of stability and back again. But we thought it would take several decades if not centuries. But with Trumpism, there might not even be a USA ten years from now. In less than 6 weeks he's allied himself with Russia and is on the point of surrendering the USA's leadership of the so called 'free world' for good.
At one point he's going to need a military victory to distract the populace and get them to rally around the flag. I wonder which poor country is going to get the privilege of seeing the stars and stripes waving around the place.
Presidents of both stripes have been filling the Supreme Court with justices with that vision of the powers of the presidency. For obvious reasons but no-one anticipated a Trump.
Presidents of both stripes have been filling the Supreme Court with justices with that vision of the powers of the presidency. For obvious reasons but no-one anticipated a Trump.
A brilliant production yes, but it doesn’t have the effect they presumably think it does.
The follow up SC ruling will be “The President can overrule anything the SC say” 6-3 in favour.I think the executive ignore the Supreme Court.
If that was actually true than the Supreme Court wouldn't have just voted 5-4 to not let Trump cut USAID. In fact, none of the Democrat SC appointments have that type of belief in unitary executive theory and not even John Roberts has that "vision of the powers of the Presidency" so this statement is not correct.
Great speech, such a shame the Dems never supported Bernie, such a missed opportunity.
Great speech, such a shame the Dems never supported Bernie, such a missed opportunity.
Kagan was considered a pro executive power appointee when she was nominated so...
She might be voting for her team at the moment but she was there for a reason....
Should have run in 2016. No chance Trump wins against him.
Great speech, such a shame the Dems never supported Bernie, such a missed opportunity.
To be honest they didn’t choose Harris over him, they weren’t going to run an 83-year old after they’ve just removed an 82-year old from the race because he felt too old.I can never respect a party choosing Clinton or Harris over him.
To be honest they didn’t choose Harris over him, they weren’t going to run an 83-year old after they’ve just removed an 82-year old from the race because he felt too old.
No they really didn't did particular the opposition.For obvious reasons but no-one anticipated a Trump.
Presidents of both stripes have been filling the Supreme Court with justices with that vision of the powers of the presidency. For obvious reasons but no-one anticipated a Trump.
putting him aside I think people seem to forget that harris was always a shit candidate to begin with. If I'm remembering correctly, she was one to early ones to drop out of primaries. no one knew what she stood for. sure, biden made it worse by delaying his announcement (Imo that wouldn't have changed anything radically). couple this with her running a shit campaign with no messaging and burning through a feck ton of money. It just shows you how unserious dems are and don't really stand for anything.To be honest they didn’t choose Harris over him, they weren’t going to run an 83-year old after they’ve just removed an 82-year old from the race because he felt too old.
Centuries were never on the cards, not in the world we're living in, but similarily to Rome the US will implode. Drunk on its own power, out stretched, corrupt, violent, and socially "decadent".I remember discussing with one of my history teachers in university how the fall and decline of Rome happened. He accurately predicted that the US would have a similar sort of decline chaos/followed by short burst of stability and back again. But we thought it would take several decades if not centuries. But with Trumpism, there might not even be a USA ten years from now. In less than 6 weeks he's allied himself with Russia and is on the point of surrendering the USA's leadership of the so called 'free world' for good.
At one point he's going to need a military victory to distract the populace and get them to rally around the flag. I wonder which poor country is going to get the privilege of seeing the stars and stripes waving around the place.
Centuries were never on the cards, not in the world we're living in, but similarily to Rome the US will implode. Drunk on its own power, out stretched, corrupt, violent, and socially "decadent".
Due to its privilegied geographic configuration, as well as its technological and military superiority, there never was going to be any real outside threat to the US. The danger was always going to come from within.
Iran would be the most likely target, but I don't think that it would be enough to divert the US from its crash course. The country is rotten to the core.
I remember around the time when Obama started drone strike executing American citizens abroad executive power being a major issue for the supreme court and dems looked to shore up their authority.I’m not sure what rulings saw the democratic appointed justices side with fascist levels of executive power, but they haven’t supported any of these next level attempts by Trump.
Is there a particular ruling you’re thinking of?
They could have definitely picked a much better candidate. The elections could and probably would have been won with someone selected more carefully. I mean, they already tried running an uninspiring woman against Trump in 2016 and lost miserably even when she was a favorite to being with, to do it again when Biden/Harris presidency wasn’t exactly perceived very favorably was just calling for a disaster.putting him aside I think people seem to forget that harris was always a shit candidate to begin with. If I'm remembering correctly, she was one to early ones to drop out of primaries. no one knew what she stood for. sure, biden made it worse by delaying his announcement (Imo that wouldn't have changed anything radically). couple this with her running a shit campaign with no messaging and burning through a feck ton of money. It just shows you how unserious dems are and don't really stand for anything.
The man is despicable and a complete moron, that said I have never seen a president follow through so decisively on campaign promises.
Everyone thought he was just bluffing and convincing themselves “no he just saying that to get elected but he won’t really do that”. Now reality has hit home to his voter base that he is deadly serious about every campaign promise.
This is actually refreshing since most politicians over promise and under deliver however in this case his policies are so insane and destructive that there is a very real chance he will bring about a global market crash.
What's worse is that 4 of them voted to not pay for work/contracts that has already been done, which is what this ruling is about, future aid is still screwed as far as I can tellPretty scary 4 SCOTUS judges are perfectly fine with turning this country into a dictatorship.
Yep, but it goes beyond that imo. The thing I find the most concerning (and this applies generally and not just to Trump’s presidency) is that I suspect not enough people actually care.Reminds me of those Led by Donkeys guys. Clever ideas, well implemented and enjoyed by their base but completely irrelevant to the people they’re taking potshots at and anyone who would vote for them.
Do you really wonder that? This isn’t a criticism of you, but in all reality we are surely all aware that the overwhelming majority of voters pay little to no attention to detail. Most people are single issue voters…..guns, abortion, immigration etc…..or vote purely on a gut reaction, “he’s tough”, “he’s too old”, “he’s a straight talker” etc. etc.I continually wonder why people think he won't do what he says he'll do when the very specific, very directed manual for what he wants to do is called Project 2025 and all he's doing is implementing that document's recommendations. There's a literal playbook that he's following, nothing should be a surprise.