The Trump Presidency - Part 2

They could have definitely picked a much better candidate. The elections could and probably would have been won with someone selected more carefully. I mean, they already tried running an uninspiring woman against Trump in 2016 and lost miserably even when she was a favorite to being with, to do it again when Biden/Harris presidency wasn’t exactly perceived very favorably was just calling for a disaster.
they were hamstrung with the timing of biden's announcement. but I don't know you run a campaign with no messaging and have the audacity to blame everyone else under the sun for the result.
They love the 51st state thing don't they?

If they desperately want one, how about Israel? Many of them are dual citizens, and the Yanks love glazing for them over their own country sometimes. They can then carry out a genocide through their own direct volition just as Trump and his buddies would have wanted. Would probably get bipartisan support too.
If they want to create a 51st state here’s a wild idea, recognise the existing Americans living in Peurto Rico and DC and give them representation.
South Africa Prepares Trade Deal Meant to Ease Tensions With Trump
South Africa is preparing a new trade offer to present to President Trump, hoping to appeal to his transactional approach to foreign policy and ease boiling tensions with Washington, a spokesman for South Africa’s president said this week.
The spokesman, Vincent Magwenya, said in an interview that South African officials are anticipating Mr. Trump will call for an end to the African Growth and Opportunity Act, a decades-old trade agreement that has been an economic boon to the 32 African nations that it includes.
If they want to create a 51st state here’s a wild idea, recognise the existing Americans living in Peurto Rico and DC and give them representation.

No other country in the world can the billionaire class blatantly buy power like the United States. It makes a mockery of the “world’s greatest democracy”. It’s a charade. It’s scary, almost a nightmare.

Announce something on Monday.
Make some exempts on Tuesday.
Announce that you are delaying it on
Say you’re making changes on Thursday.
Insult the fake news media on Friday.

Next week: the same.
Announce something on Monday.
Make some exempts on Tuesday.
Announce that you are delaying it on
Say you’re making changes on Thursday.
Insult the fake news media on Friday.

Next week: the same.

Should get Craig David sing that out
Democrats, useless as they are, can't even scrape up a few million to run some ads right now with all this 51st state stuff and ask voters "what does this have to do with cost of living"
Do you really wonder that? This isn’t a criticism of you, but in all reality we are surely all aware that the overwhelming majority of voters pay little to no attention to detail. Most people are single issue voters…..guns, abortion, immigration etc…..or vote purely on a gut reaction, “he’s tough”, “he’s too old”, “he’s a straight talker” etc. etc.

When it comes to specific policies, people are always surprised because they never delved into the details of what they were voting for, and they never will, despite being surprised multiple times in the past.

The Presidential election is now a popularity reality show for entertainment purposes in the eyes of most Americans. Unfortunately it just happens to have massive geopolitical and climate consequences. It hasn’t been decided on policy for a long time, and the big mistake the Dems make is running as though it is.

You're absolutely right, my "wonder" was rhetorical. I can't disagree with anything you've said there, and I think it's rather easy to predict the outcomes for a democracy when it's citizens are not engaged and/or prone to voting on emotion, gut reactions, "I'd have a beer with him" or whatever else.

That being said, it doesn't seem like the Democratic party or even the more competent elements of the news media have read Project 2025. Fair enough it's a 900 page document so I don't expect laypeople to read it, but rival politicians would surely want to avail themselves of access to their opponent's strategy. Or media wanting to know what's coming next and be the first to report, or the first to come up with a pithy critique, etc.
You're absolutely right, my "wonder" was rhetorical. I can't disagree with anything you've said there, and I think it's rather easy to predict the outcomes for a democracy when it's citizens are not engaged and/or prone to voting on emotion, gut reactions, "I'd have a beer with him" or whatever else.

That being said, it doesn't seem like the Democratic party or even the more competent elements of the news media have read Project 2025. Fair enough it's a 900 page document so I don't expect laypeople to read it, but rival politicians would surely want to avail themselves of access to their opponent's strategy. Or media wanting to know what's coming next and be the first to report, or the first to come up with a pithy critique, etc.
You are bang on the money. And yes, I did assume your wonder was rhetorical rather than literal, but your opening gambit was an easy segue for me to make a point I wanted to highlight.
No other country in the world can the billionaire class blatantly buy power like the United States. It makes a mockery of the “world’s greatest democracy”. It’s a charade. It’s scary, almost a nightmare.

They've taken it to new heights this time, i'll give them that.

The concept of "We'll make mistakes but we'll correct them" is such a daft one. It's only a mistake when there's an instant backfire and those can generally be fixed, but there's quite a lot of these where the consequences won't be instant.
Democrats, useless as they are, can't even scrape up a few million to run some ads right now with all this 51st state stuff and ask voters "what does this have to do with cost of living"

Won't they just refer to oil and gas, minerals, and how it will be beneficial to the US and in return they can lower costs of living thanks to no longer having to import it.
Democrats, useless as they are, can't even scrape up a few million to run some ads right now with all this 51st state stuff and ask voters "what does this have to do with cost of living"
Waste of time and money when there's no elections, do you think anyone is going to think about or vote based on adverts that ran nearly 2 years before they can vote on it?
This idiot is going to cause a global recession isn't he, just when the world was starting to slowly recover from covid.
Make no mistake, if Canada became the 51st state, for a little while at least it would likely see the continent foster an economy never quite seen before.