Ugh, managed to accidentally break my news-avoidance with this last night. What a shameful, disgraceful denigration of the office and of the US's standing. China and Russia should be pretty damn happy today. Few quick thoughts:
1. To all the American liberals and pro-democracy voters who stayed home last fall, f*ck each and every one of you. All 15m of you who couldn't be bothered to get out and show the world that America isn't represented by Donald J Trump and his lackeys. F*ck you. This is on you. Not him. You had the opportunity to avoid this and you turned your holier-than-thou noses up because you weren't energised enough, or fearful enough of what he'd be like, despite every bloody thing on Earth showing you. This is what you were too stupid to vote against. You own it. I'm sorry Harris or literally any one wasn't far enough down your particular issue-hole but this was the alternative, and you knew that, and you did nothing.
2. For the next 4 years world leaders need to not rely on any sense of morals, history or even common decency. If you want something or need something from America, go watch the mob films and rehearse as if you were going to see the Don. Because that's what America is now. Hopefully for only 4 more years. Trump is a mob boss, driven by greed, expecting deference, worship and most importantly quid pro quo in every dealing. He couldn't be any clearer. Ukraine doesn't have cards, I don't give a flying f*ck why, but I have cards, you want cards, you come to me, you better grovel. The GOP will do nothing. Marco 'world order' Rubio can't even see above the top of the damn desk. There's an entire infrastructure in place to ensure whatever dear leader decides today will be paraded as strong, correct and the bestest decision by tomorrow. Do not go high, there is no high with Trump. Grit your teeth and hope things change in 4 years time, or even better, in 2.
3. This is a real, potentially pivotal opportunity for Europe and other sensible countries to unite, and pull their finger out. Stop relying on the US. The populace is too stupid, fat and rich to be relied upon in the future. Elections will swing, but there's no guarantee we won't actually have another Trump as President in the next 3 cycles. Or this one. You can't rely on us. You have to ramp up military spending, your own information warfare systems and so forth.
4.My only hope is that America needed this. It needs to feel the pain it had already forgotten from the first Trump Presidency. It needs to break down the walls of congitive dissonance and willful ignorance that have been put up around the GOP. It needs to feel embarassed, shameful, fearful and resentful every day of this idiot's term. And it needs to vote accordingly in 2 years, and in every other election.