The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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So savage!


If they could get him to a formal interview under caution it would be hilarious.

Trumps lawyer: "Answer everything no comment"

Interviewer: "Have you or your associates at any time had contact with the Russian government?"

Trump's lawyer: "SAY NO COMMENT"

Trump: "It's ok I've got this Brian"

Trumps lawyer: "My name is Michael, please Donald, just say no comment".

Trump: "Now see what you don't realise is, is that Obama has had various meetings with Putin for the last 8 years and that's just fine... Hillary, who by the way I beat by, did I ever tell you about my inauguration? Very impressive, you see it was... "

Trumps lawyer:

I really like the analogy of someone having commited arson and Trump/The GOP wanting to find and punish whoever called the fire department.
IMO, it's quite clear what's happening here. The GOP has itself been compromised. Whatever Was stolen from them must be enough to end a lot of political careers.

I don't get this at all, it's old news and most people must have known this? So how can it be "huge" and how could nobody have put two and two together before until now?

There is so much on Trump, his kids have made ridiculous statements over the years, their cockiness, arrogance, stupidity and delusions of grandeur shine through in interviews and I'm shocked, truly shocked that things they said haven't been investigated before.
No, I don't think that's what was being suggested.
It can't continue this way. Someone will leave, and I won't surprised if the General does.

If roles were reversed and this was Clinton's team I dread to think what Cruz et al would be saying. Disgusting. Not surprised. They'll do nothing.
The largest group in the checks and balances system is the voters. If the GOP do nothing about this, how will the public react in 2018? (or 2020, but it's too far for now). Ultimately, that what really matters.
It can't continue this way. Someone will leave, and I won't surprised if the General does.

The largest group in the checks and balances system is the voters. If the GOP do nothing about this, how will the public react in 2018? (or 2020, but it's too far for now). Ultimately, that what really matters.

McMaster is well admired throughout. Bannon would probably leave well before anyone else.
Check out Drumpf's new Twitter banner. How pathetic.

It shows the level of care (of anything) they have when they couldn't even be bothered about not showing that words were cut off from the bottom:

Aight, I've been doing coaching stuff all afternoon. What page do I need to go back and read from?

Or will somebody be a pal and give me a run down?
This will gain more traction in the coming days. If Trump's golf courses are funded by the Russians (probably Putin cronies) then all the Russia stuff sort of begins to make more sense, even more so in terms of why he's hiding his taxes and why he refuses to be critical of Putin.

So Yates has killed off the "Obama liked him" tactic used by Trump to defend Flynn, and SNL had his son Eric down pat all along.

What a day
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