The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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No but it's the capital of the country you live in. You probably hear more about it that I do. I don't believe that the terror attacks and immigration has changed the city irrevocably. Anyway I hope they haven't.

For me the only difference was more visible security in public places.
He's doing what he can to disparage intelligence community in front of his supporters, because like the press, he knows they can bring him down.

Sowing the seeds of doubt. It will work too.

It's a bit different to screwing with the press though, they are far more capable of producing a smoking gun.

You're probably right, but I do suspect it's just a case of Trump just throwing as hissy fit at them when he didn't get his own way.
Older patients as in natural GOP supporters?

The funny thing about it is that he gained popularity by telling different groups exactly what they wanted to hear and they ignored what he said about other policies as long as he made promises about the ones dear to their heart (immigration, planned parenthood, vaccine/autism bullshit conspiracies ect ect).

The trouble he has now is that his supporters can no longer ignore the policies that affect them negatively.

By all means chuck a fist in the air and scream MAGA if he promises that he's going to stop a 15 year old girl from terminating a pregnancy that would likely commit her and her child into a life of poverty...

...but when his policy all of a sudden means that it's going to cost you tens of thousands for the treatment you need or it's going to deny you cover for it entirely then all of a sudden this politics thing isn't quite so much fun.

His politics is so extreme that he will end up upsetting every subsection of society he manipulated to support him.
His politics is so extreme that he will end up upsetting every subsection of society he manipulated to support him.

Hopefully................... Actually I don't meant that as that means people will suffer, but that's inevitable I think. I just hope it's as few as possible. All this talk about military and nuclear arsenal expansion is particularly worrying though.
Interesting findings from Quinnipiac University National Poll on many issues, i.e. on ACA and immigration.

Republicans Out Of Step With U.S. Voters On Key Issues
By wide margins, American voters oppose several key proposals by President Donald Trump and/or Republicans in Congress, ranging from across the board tax cuts to oil pipelines to the wall on the Mexican border, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today.

Voters support 54 - 38 percent "renegotiating major trade deals with other countries, even if it means paying more for the products you buy" and support 87 - 10 percent increasing federal spending for roads, mass transit and other infrastructure, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh- pe-ack) University Poll finds.

But American voters oppose other measures:
  • 62 - 31 percent against reducing taxes across the board, even if it increases the deficit;
  • 51 - 38 percent against restarting the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines;
  • 60 - 37 percent against building the wall on the Mexican border, with 65 - 33 percent against the wall if the U.S. must pay for it;
  • 76 - 18 percent against lowering taxes on the wealthy;
  • 50 - 43 percent against lowering taxes on businesses and corporations;
  • 54 - 34 percent against removing regulations on businesses and corporations;
  • 63 - 27 percent against removing specific regulations intended to combat climate change;
  • 54 - 43 percent against repealing the Affordable Care Act.
The U.S. should deport all immigrants, 19 percent of American voters say, while 22 percent say the U.S. should deport only immigrants who have committed any crime and 53 percent say only immigrants who have committed a serious crime should be deported. Three percent say no illegal immigrants should be deported.

"He rattled the rafters with bold calls for pipelines and tax cuts, a big wall and a new health care plan. But while his base may be eating it up, a broad portion of the electorate is telling President Donald Trump there is a big difference between campaign bravado and an agenda that works for all Americans," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

A total of 32 percent of American voters are "very concerned" or "somewhat concerned" that they will lose their current health insurance if the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, is repealed. A total of 68 percent are "not so concerned" or "not concerned at all."

A total of 50 percent of American voters are "very concerned" or "somewhat concerned" that the cost of their current health care will rise if Obamacare is repealed. A total of 49 percent are "not so concerned" or "not concerned at all."

A total of 44 percent of American voters are "very concerned" or "somewhat concerned" that the quality of their health care will get worse if Obamacare is repealed. A total of 56 percent are "not so concerned" or "not concerned at all." Legalized Marijuana

Marijuana should be made legal in the U.S., voters say 59 - 36 percent. Republicans are opposed 61 - 35 percent and voters over 65 years old are opposed 51 - 42 percent. Every other party, gender, education, age and racial group listed supports legalized marijuana.

Voters support 93 - 6 percent legalized marijuana for medical purposes if prescribed by a doctor.

The government should not enforce federal laws against marijuana in states that have legalized medical or recreational marijuana use, voters say 71 - 23 percent. Voters in every listed group support this position. That Russian Thing

A total of 64 percent of American voters are "very concerned" or "somewhat concerned" about President Trump's relationship with Russia.

Voters support 72 - 23 percent, including 52 - 43 percent among Republicans, investigations into the potential links between some of Trump's campaign advisors and the Russian government.

Alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election is a "very important" or "somewhat important issue" 65 percent of American voters say.

From February 16 - 21, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,323 voters nationwide with a margin of error of +/- 2.7 percentage points. Live interviewers call landlines and cell phones.
Hopefully................... Actually I don't meant that as that means people will suffer, but that's inevitable I think. I just hope it's as few as possible. All this talk about military and nuclear arsenal expansion is particularly worrying though.
He'll never get the funding.
The birth of a dictatorship and we've all got front row seats.
It's actually ironic that the US once liberated Germany from the Nazi regime, GOP have always advertised the US as an export nation of freedom and democracy but that they in fact pursue an agenda of limiting freedom and democratic rights.
No tweet about the poor Indian who got shot and killed why a white racist who thought he was shooting a middle easterner? No, guess not...

Non Americans who support Trump...we know why you do it...paragraph after paragraph of bullshit, isn't going to change the truth.

He wasn't even bearded. These guys can't profile at all. First Sikhs and now South Indians.

It also means my foolproof hide-from-the-racist technique of regular shaving isn't much use :(
It's saddening how the Republicans have steadily killed the notion of affordable healthcare for everyone when it would be of such huge benefit to the American people.
Can they afford to fund an increase in budget to the military and buy the land to build "The Wall" and pay a company to build it?
Everything that's related to the wall will be paid by Mexico, remember? :angel::wenger:
@langster The almost daily Kellyanne topic. :D

A group of law professors from around the country has filed a professional misconduct complaint against White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, a graduate of George Washington University Law School who was admitted to the D.C. Bar in 1995.

The letter, filed with the office that handles misconduct by members of the D.C. Bar, said Conway should be sanctioned for violating government ethics rules and “conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation,” the letter says.

The 15 professors, who specialize in legal ethics, cite several incidents, including a television interview in which Conway made the “false statement that President Barack Obama had ‘banned’ Iraqi refugees from coming into the United States for six months following the ‘Bowling Green Massacre,’ ” and the use of her position to endorse Ivanka Trump products.

“We do not file this complaint lightly,” the professors said in their filing. “We believe that, at one time, Ms. Conway, understood her ethical responsibilities as a lawyer and abided by them. But she is currently acting in a way that brings shame upon the legal profession.”
Between this latest shit and Trump's 'Tomorrow Belongs To Me' speech earlier, surely something has to be done about him soon.
Nobody loves the first amendment more than me. I mean, it's a great amendment, the best.

He literally said those very words only this afternoon. Does he not understand what a lying hypocrite he is? Such an odious excuse for a man.

That's brilliant. Love it. I love the "we do not file this complaint lightly" part. Priceless.

Lawyers moaning about other lawyers bringing their profession into disrepute. :lol:

Exactly. It's brilliant.

well now

*This was not the daily briefing we get from Spicey - nevertheless is it mental.

AP and Time Magazine then walked out.

Do the BBC even have a news channel in the US? Wonder what his problem with them is.
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