The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Have these people forgot that the USPS has no problem delivering during the war on xmas? If they can handle the copious amounts of junk mail I recieve every week then they can handle a couple of envelopes from the houses they stop by 6 days a week. Dumb republicans.
Hell I'll volunteer to help USPS make their routes.
White House-USAID liaison fired after series of anti-LGBTQ tweets

Her beliefs line up with the GOP base extreme anti LGBTQ platform they voted for 2 times now. She was pointed out as a hateful crazy person when she got the job. But, the twitter rant today was just over the top even for them I guess. Crazy press confrence scheduled Thursday she says " to discuss the rampant anti-Christian sentiment at USAID ". Sure to be classy
TBF, he's right on this. China has controlled entry of outsiders in its own internet market. That just cannot be overlooked when their companies now face repurcussions on the same grounds in other countries
Just watched the axios interview. It's incredible how everyone has accepted he is an idiot and we all move along.
White House-USAID liaison fired after series of anti-LGBTQ tweets

Her beliefs line up with the GOP base extreme anti LGBTQ platform they voted for 2 times now. She was pointed out as a hateful crazy person when she got the job. But, the twitter rant today was just over the top even for them I guess. Crazy press confrence scheduled Thursday she says " to discuss the rampant anti-Christian sentiment at USAID ". Sure to be classy

She's an absolute arsehole and anyone with these archaic, bigoted ideals is an arsehole as well. But this reply did make me chuckle.

The Axios interview is insane. The interviewer's reaction when he says "We're lower than the world" :lol: He has a Louis Theroux style about him.


It's both amazing and terrifying watching him and his nutjobs in the WH basically denying reality. Does he really believe that Covid 19 will magically dissappear if he just shuts his eyes? It's like he's not even trying to do anything and just sits back and enjoys his parallell universe while spitting bile at anything that dare to oppose him - including a deadly virus ffs. It's like Stalin when he refused to believe the Nazis were rolling over the border with millions of soldiers in 1941, but at least he came up with a response fairly quick.
I just realized I would be a better potus than the current potus. Biggest surprise is it took me almost 4 years.
And some say Biden would not be able to debate this guy?. How bad must Biden be?
And some say Biden would not be able to debate this guy?. How bad must Biden be?

Biden will clean Trump's clock in a debate. The only people saying he won't are Trump fanboys trying to build a narrative about Biden being senile.
And some say Biden would not be able to debate this guy?. How bad must Biden be?

I think it's more you can't debate a guy who doesn't respond to or even understand your points. He just constantly interrupts and blabs on whilst also calling out others for trying to interrupt him.
I don't even understand why he agreed to do the Axios interview to begin with, instead of a soft ball chat with Tucker Carlson or his rent boy Hannity. Now the Lincoln Project has enough material to harass him for a year.
Full interview.

Have you noticed how he is sitting during the interview? He is hiding his heels behind the legs of the chair - am sure because of the pics that highlighted the lifts he wears in his shoes! Anytime there is a cut to a wide shot, his heels are directly behind the chairlegs!

SO incredibly thin-skinned!!!
Full interview.

He says "sometimes testing is not a good the manuals" "What manuals?"
"When I took over we didn't have a test"
"I comprehend better than anyone you've interviewed in a long time"
The way he pronounces China.
"Russia used to a thing called the Soviet Union. Because of Afghanistan, they went bankrupt, they became Russia."
What a trainwreck.
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