The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I don’t understand why presidents have the authority to bypass the judicial system.
It’s something that should have been changed right after Ford pardoned Nixon. Actually before that of course, but that should have the last straw.
The only reason I think it’s still there is that the Dems want that too.
I wonder why.
This pardon feels like him running out of moves. He desperately needs to change the news of the day.

It's more than a pardon. A pardon still means a conviction or admittance or presumption of guilt.

Trump has commuted the sentence and completely overruled the conviction saying it was part of a political witch hunt.

I know that's semantics in a way, but it's important to show how far he has gone to completely disregard the rule of law and justice system to impose his own judgement.
It's more than a pardon. A pardon still means a conviction or admittance or presumption of guilt.

Trump has commuted the sentence and completely overruled the conviction saying it was part of a political witch hunt.

I know that's semantics in a way, but it's important to show how far he has gone to completely disregard the rule of law and justice system to impose his own judgement.
Especially after what he just did (Trump) deserves to be prosecuted and sentenced to the fullest extent of the law. This is so so damaging to the rule of law in this country. Law and order president my ass. As you said, he didn't just pardon him, he basically said that he is the one who decides what the law is. That should piss off every single law professional with an ounce of ethics.

America - the biggest banana republic shit show. Chinese history books will look at this as the time when we officially gave up being (at least pretending to be-) the moral compass of the world. You're welcome.
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Worrying about conflicts of interest is for losers.

One of the (many) awful things about Trump is that he makes people like Sessions look good.
Thomas opinion is predictably fecking complete garbage, but Alito's is fairly reasonable. He doesn't really dissent from the majority per se as much as just ask for more specificity from congress. The fact that Thomas even sits on the highest court in the land is a sick joke however. You may as well stick Eric Trump on there and be done with it.

Justice Clarence Thomas

Justice Samuel Alito:
feck Alito. He was supposed to be very close to Roberts, but he has been voting like Thomas for the entire duration of this presidency. Surprisingly, Gorsuch seems reasonable, and in this case even Kavanaugh voted the right thing, while Alito again being totally partisan.
feck Alito. He was supposed to be very close to Roberts, but he has been voting like Thomas for the entire duration of this presidency. Surprisingly, Gorsuch seems reasonable, and in this case even Kavanaugh voted the right thing, while Alito again being totally partisan.

Has Thomas ever voted against a Republican position?
Well, this is a kick in the balls.

Trump has 91% chance of winning second term, professor’s model predicts

However in Mr Norpoth’s model, not only will the president be re-elected, but he will expand his margin in the electoral college from 304 electoral votes in 2016 to 362 in 2020.

Immediately disqualifying. This guy wants attention, and probably thinks he's the one with all the real answers. His model doesn't take polling into account at all, it's basically all about how well the candidates did in the primaries (Biden started off poorly) and historical swings (Presidents are usually two terms). That's it, that's literally what the model does.

Bizarrely though, the PDF you can download on his own site also explains some other factors, but those factors haven't aged very well.

The Coronavirus outbreak appears not to have damaged Trump’s re-election prospects. To the contrary, his job approval rating ticked up and still holds at 49% in the May Gallup Poll.

In fact, the battle against the virus may help his re-election prospects by casting Trump as a wartime president, as happened with other presidents.

It's safe to say this isn't happening.
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'Thank you, stupid inaccurate modelling guy!'
Wow, he just straight up cancelled Roger Stone's sentence? This is reaching whole new levels of corruption. It's scary, the amount of evil we condone if said evil is gradually normalized by building it up the way Trump has.
Apparently he has commuted the sentence rather than pardoning him. This means Stone is not liable for state charges and can still plead the 5th if asked to give evidence against Trump.
Apparently he has commuted the sentence rather than pardoning him. This means Stone is not liable for state charges and can still plead the 5th if asked to give evidence against Trump.

that was the whole point. Stone threatened to talk unless he was commuted.
Immediately disqualifying. This guy wants attention, and probably thinks he's the one with all the real answers. His model doesn't take polling into account at all, it's basically all about how well the candidates did in the primaries (Biden started off poorly) and historical swings (Presidents are usually two terms). That's it, that's literally what the model does.

Bizarrely though, the PDF you can download on his own site also explains some other factors, but those factors haven't aged very well.

It's safe to say this isn't happening.

Once again, Redcafe lives up to its Stamp of Sciencing :D

I wonder what the Keys to the White House guy is saying right now...
It's more than a pardon. A pardon still means a conviction or admittance or presumption of guilt.

Trump has commuted the sentence and completely overruled the conviction saying it was part of a political witch hunt.

I know that's semantics in a way, but it's important to show how far he has gone to completely disregard the rule of law and justice system to impose his own judgement.
Isn't it the other way around?

He's commuted his sentence, so he won't serve his time, but he's still a convicted felon.
The man ram on a drain the swamp platform. I think those that continue to serve in administration ate even lower than he is.
This should be some of the biggest news in American history, a president commuting the sentence of a man who lied to protect him but in Trump's America its just another day. Its terrifying how quickly this type of behaviour became normalised. This is the actions of a dictator and there should be country wide mass protests and demands for him to step down, but there won't.
What is Joe Biden actually doing atm? Isnt he supposed be campaigning now? I think i've seen do 1 speech in the last several months.
What is Joe Biden actually doing atm? Isnt he supposed be campaigning now? I think i've seen do 1 speech in the last several months.
The best thing he can do is shut the feck up and not look like an idiot. Which is VERY hard for a politician to do. Let Trump end himself.
The best thing he can do is shut the feck up and not look like an idiot. Which is VERY hard for a politician to do. Let Trump end himself.

Yep. He’s watching on as Trump stumbled around looking for rope to hang himself with. He doesn’t need to boost his polling figures, it’s a scale, as Trump pushes himself down Biden gets a lift.
The best thing he can do is shut the feck up and not look like an idiot. Which is VERY hard for a politician to do. Let Trump end himself.

I disagree, sooner or later he has come out and take stance on everything and say what he wants do to. Personally I think slogans like "Defund the police" is a terrible slogan when crime and homocide rates are really high in a big cities like Chicago for instance. A better slogan is "reform the police" in terms of training the police to desescalate situations and use less lethal force where it can be avoided.
Only surprising thing is that he didn't commute or pardon Stone on the day he was sentenced. Trump loves doing stuff on Friday nights.

America wanted independence from Britain so they wouldn't be ruled by our monarchy. The constitution and the makeup of the USA has shown, particularly in recent years, that if everything lines up for a President, their power is even greater. In November if the Republicans win the House, Senate and Presidency and they get another SCOTUS seat in the next few years, Trump can go full Putin.
Isn't it the other way around?

He's commuted his sentence, so he won't serve his time, but he's still a convicted felon.
Yes, commute means that the conviction still holds in official records, he just nullified the punishment.
I disagree, sooner or later he has come out and take stance on everything and say what he wants do to. Personally I think slogans like "Defund the police" is a terrible slogan when crime and homocide rates are really high in a big cities like Chicago for instance. A better slogan is "reform the police" in terms of training the police to desescalate situations and use less lethal force where it can be avoided.
The truth is this election is a referendum on Trump, not really about issues. Biden won the nomination because people felt he was the most likely to beat Trump (electability politics) .

I agree the best course of action for him is to keep quiet, because every time he talks he just sounds more and more Trump-like.

I don't understand what "Defund the police" has to do with him. He's not the type you'd associate with causes like that.
Biden should definitely keep his mouth shut and stay invisible for as long as possible. He’s a walking gaffe and the last thing we need is him sticking his foot in his mouth just as Trump is imploding.
Meanwhile 66,627 new Covid 19 cases. A new daily record, and he's not even talking about it anymore.

Beautiful numbers, a lot of people say, it's a beautiful number, almost, perfect.
I disagree, sooner or later he has come out and take stance on everything and say what he wants do to. Personally I think slogans like "Defund the police" is a terrible slogan when crime and homocide rates are really high in a big cities like Chicago for instance. A better slogan is "reform the police" in terms of training the police to desescalate situations and use less lethal force where it can be avoided.
It's hard to get coverage when the President is doing things like this, but he did just have a meeting with Sanders et al to finalise positoin on climate change, and released plans this week. He's releasing short videos pretty frequently too.

But everyone is right, as of right now saying nothing is his most powerful weapon. Trump's just burning himself with all these actions.
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