Removing Trump would certainly be a great step, but at present there is a very real chance of him winning a second term. Not only does that guarantee another 4 years (minimum) of this lunacy and empower his base, but it also goes some way to proving that the racists and bigots in America actually represent enough of the population to win an election. It isnt just a vocal minority, it is a significant demographic.
Again, how do you reconcile that? I dont see how the two main groups of the U.S can coexist peacefully at that stage.
To be honest with you, if he gets a second term, I dread to think of where things go from there. An openly fascist leader of the free world is something out of a movie. It's a terrifying thought. I don't think many would've seen Trump effectively declaring war on his own citizens coming even a few weeks ago. Who knows where his escalations take us even over the next few days/weeks? We can't be far off some Far Right nutjobs deciding to open fire on innocents as it is, all with his implicit approval and the assurance of clemency post-event. His removal in favour of a president who is not stoking these monumental fires is essential.
In the meantime, one would hope these protests manage to send out a message strong enough for the police to stop lynching innocents. Not because they care or have suddenly had an epiphany, but because of the potential fallout and blow-back on themselves and their precincts - I might be reaching here, but there aren't many orgnisations who actively seek to bring more heat on themselves after a cataclysmic event. If the incidence and frequency of these human rights violations at least decreases over the upcoming months, once this dust settles, it's a small step in the right direction and at least buys some time for folk who would have otherwise become yet another statistic.
I'm pinning hope on the election and from there hopefully seeing another step in the right direction. As I said earlier, America is in a state of two evils and I'm not, for a moment saying Biden is good man, but the pressure for him to bring a modicum of change is at least a glimmer of hope as opposed to Trump, who will further widen this chasm and do who knows what with it over four more years.
It also requires a sensible Attorney General and justice department that starts enacting reforms on a federal level into how policing ought to be done with robust mechanisms in place for oversight and punishment when authority goes overboard.
There need to be more lawmakers who identify police overreach as the #1 issue and start drafting bills to reign in the protection and privileges that these officers enjoy. In a country that is so anti-union, the police union is one of the most robust syndicates that protects the assholes who are caught using excessive force.
All of this also tags back to the private prison system which incentivizes policies like mandatory minimum sentencing, the three strike policy etc so that they can profit off of other's misery. Law enforcement, just like healthcare is so horribly broken in the country that putting bandaids is not going to cure a flesh wound. Its time to start afresh.
The subject is so complex it would fill another thread with hundreds of pages. The prison system is a business that makes billions for the country and the perpetuity of black incarceration props up law, police and to a lesser extent, politics and this talk of deconstruction is wildly optimistic as it is the very foundation of the nation even to this day. Black people have been used as a commodity in America for centuries, and still are; off their backs America makes a fortune - the push for reform will not be easy, and I very much doubt it will be wholesome, but a first step would to just have the basic human rights afforded to others and not some Jim Crow level of flagrant disregard for life that broad day lynchings can be executed in 2020.
I don't know how you fix something that is threaded into the very fibres of a nation and is intrinsic to its fortunes - the sheer amount of parties who will never want this system broken because of their investment and profiteering off of it, is frightening. You have basic racism and systemic oppression as one set of drivers, but another is most certainly the almighty $$$$, and that is where, I would wager, there are more roadblocks than any of the former. Indentured servitude to slaves to once again (unknowing) indentured servitude - what possible incentive is there amongst the elite to free these people from their bondage? It's a subject with more depth than can be afforded in a thread like this.