The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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We the Peope :) If you are going to go to the trouble of ruining your car at least get the spelling right............
So they are protesting against the lockdown, but why do they need guns to do that? Am I missing something? Probably I am, probably quite a lot.
Because they'll defend themselves from Tyrants (police telling them to move on, probably).

True although I think people are missing out on a vital cog in the modern conservative machine which is, it see itself as both the most powerful and weakest force in the world, all at the same time. So they can view Trump as having the power to make ''America great again'' while also thinking the only thing stopping him is some shitty Ohio local governor.

The same holds for places like Britain, Brazil and India.
Michigan protest.
3 micro-penises. I guarantee it.
If old people in America shoot as many youngsters as possible then America will win the war against Covid. To save many American lives (and the US economy more importantly) how long before GOP make the Purge films a reality? Seems like Idiocracy wasn't the only prophetic film about that country.
The difference between both pictures is that the men in the bottom one accept their erectile dysfunction as God's will. In the top picture they probably put the blame on libs who as we all know spray anti boner powder in to the clouds.
De Niro still looks old, Marty.
Well at least they're wearing gloves I guess... And is that a gas mask around the middle guys neck?

No, it's a filtration mask with 3M filters on it, probably P100. Good for any kind of work that has a high particulate exposure.
Sure, if you can get past the institutional racism, institutional sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, the child mortality rate, the lack of abortion rights and the stupid fecking haircuts, the 50s and 60s weren't so bad.

The music was certainly better.
Sure, if you can get past the institutional racism, institutional sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, the child mortality rate, the lack of abortion rights and the stupid fecking haircuts, the 50s and 60s weren't so bad.

It was more of a subtle commentary on the effects of high fructose corn syrup in the American diet.
"AMERICA IS OPEN! My panel of snivelling cronies and f*cking shameless sycophants totally agrees with me. And also those panellists who aren't my family members."
He’ll just declare everything open and completely ignore the fact that it’s not his call. The governors will ignore him and make the decision themselves and his base will not know any different and just think he’s telling the truth.
He’ll just declare everything open and completely ignore the fact that it’s not his call. The governors will ignore him and make the decision themselves and his base will not know any different and just think he’s telling the truth.
And his supporters will show up with guns.
I think China needs to get fecked and feck the WHO.

The WHO has been significantly more on the ball than the disastrous Trump admin so maybe your fecks are wrongly directed
They’ll put it on undocumented agricultural workers that are keeping the food we eat coming.

They are already going nuts about what Newsom is doing in Cali.

The conservative media in California is already blaming the homeless and of course its the "damn liberals" fault there is so many homeless in California
The conservative media in California is already blaming the homeless and of course its the "damn liberals" fault there is so many homeless in California
Speaking of looking for bogeymen, the Donald regime filed more cases for land seizure along the Mexico border in March than any other month. They are forcing people under lockdown to travel to a federal court or give up their land, in addition to paying expensive legal fees when they probably aren’t earning any money.

Just so that he can say they are getting more of the wall built before the election and keeping out those Covid carryin’ immigrants.

Reuters story on it
He said more on the ball than Trump - which, to be fair, is not difficult.

Can't believe how either idiotic or ignorant some of his supporters are about what is happening around the world.
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