The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Surprisingly competent and uncontroversial pick. He might have come to Trump's attention during the ASAP Rocky trial.
There's a a rumour that Trump told a story to the G7 when there last week that was almost identical to the same story he told a year earlier, to the same room of people (BoJo excepted). Apparently the looks between world leaders is now the stuff of legends.

Small government and states rights though? Apparently they only matter if they agree with republicans.
Good lord

Trump’s interaction with the foreign leader included a “promise” that was regarded as so troubling that it prompted an official in the U.S. intelligence community to file a formal whistleblower complaint with the inspector general for the intelligence community
Lock him up, lock him up..

Listen, we all know it won’t make any difference and he’ll get elected for a 2nd term because his average supporter is as thick as pig shit. So we’ll just have to grin and bare it the next 5 years. Oh hell...
The last three years have shown how bullshit the American constitution is. Over the last century, Congress has gradually been giving the executive more and more powers and the chickens have come home to roost.
Oversight is impossible under the current climate.
is anybody dumb enough to believe that I would say something inappropriate with a foreign leader while on such a potentially “heavily populated” call.
I'm dumb.
If this whistleblower info comes out, which it will, Trump the Traitor is going to regret that tweet.
It’s not whether we are dumb enough to believe this news it’s whether Trump is dumb enough to say something “inappropriate”. Just in case he’s in any doubt the answer is a resounding YES.
Schiff's office has been wasting so much time and money pursuing BS his hollywood donors hype up. Disappointing year for him and his team

I think this is going to be an analyst with a little more information than the average joe, who is concerned with the pattern of behaviour all of us have witnessed between Trump and Russia.

I expect they wanted to use their official capacity and whistleblowing apparatus to finally get the issue addressed. That attempt was blocked.
Its starting to look like this is about Trump's efforts to get Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 election by investigating Biden and his sons business dealings.

House committees had recently started to look into Trump and Giuliani's efforts.

Last month, it was revealed that Trump had delayed sending the Ukraine military aid worth $250 million.

On the 10th, Schiff sends a letter to the DNI regarding the complaint. The WH finally releases the money to Ukraine on September 13.

You have got to wonder if Trump threatened the Ukrainian president to order an investigation into Biden in exchange for the $250 million package.
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:lol: He's the Inspector Clouseau of lawyers.

What a bumbling mess. I'm sure the entire Trump collective actually think the rest of us are too fecking stupid and they are infinitely more intelligent than the rest of us. Add in some huge dollops of privilege, narcissism and no fecks given and then add the moronic lack of spine throughout the opposition and you have the Trump government playbook.

How someone can be voted to President and then cherry pick people for every single important position? When they are not busy self serving or implementing their own agenda (often without Presidential knowledge) continue to work in such a symbolic & disrespectful work environment.
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