The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Trump is no different than other politicians enriching themselves he just does it in plain sight. I’m sure The Clinton’s, Bush’s and The Cheney’s have done in the past.

Even our own moral leaders were using expenses to buy properties and duck ponds using our money.

They are all at it.
Trump is no different than other politicians enriching themselves he just does it in plain sight. I’m sure The Clinton’s, Bush’s and The Cheney’s have done in the past.

Even our own moral leaders were using expenses to buy properties and duck ponds using our money.

They are all at it.

They roasted Clinton on the spitter for getting a blow job, imagine what the low public expenditure Republicans would have done if they had found out he violated the emoluments clause so brazenly and so often as this lot.

THere's not often been cases of public officials in the US at the congress and senate level, let alone the President who are so openly unethical as this one.
Trump is no different than other politicians enriching themselves he just does it in plain sight. I’m sure The Clinton’s, Bush’s and The Cheney’s have done in the past.

Even our own moral leaders were using expenses to buy properties and duck ponds using our money.

They are all at it.

I'm sorry but that just doesn't wash anymore.

You may very well be right but to do it so brazenly and to such an extent has never been seen. The level of corruption and rampant enrichment without any checks and balances has truly broken the system.
Something doesn't seem right with this Russian spy. NBC are reporting they tracked down where the asset lives and that he is still using his real name.

I highly doubt a sane person would not change their identity and take precautions, as everyone knows Putin kills those who he considers traitors.

You seriously can't make this shit up

NBC News is withholding the man’s name and other key details at the request of U.S. officials, who say reporting the information could endanger his life.

and yet they chose to publish this, now all anyone needs to do is check the utility records for the city and they can probably find exactly who he is.
the people are marching in the streets, demanding trump resign. i can hear them a few blocks away, even the police have joined in, snl cast members are wearing pussy hats, thats it I cant just sit here anymore, I just told my boss the revolution will not be televised, im printing out the emoluments clause on 11 x 17 paper in bold font and passing it out to sal from do the right thing, hes reading it with a quizzical look and then conceding that I do have a point, it's all in the balance, it hasnt happened yet it hasnt even begun, this time, maybe this time with all this much to gain, pennsylvania avenue, maryland, the world, the golden dome of washington, to crown itself with desperate and unbelievable victory, the desperate gamble, the cast made three years ago, or to anyone who ever posted a tweet under a resistance hashtag, the moment in 2016 when someone thought this is it, the absolute edge of no return, they're coming around the corner now, I'm joining in, we're all singing "we wish you a mueller christmas", oh my god it's happening now, the crowd is gathering around a shop window with black and white TVs next to the soda fountain, walter cronkite himself is saying that the president is about t
the people are marching in the streets, demanding trump resign. i can hear them a few blocks away, even the police have joined in, snl cast members are wearing pussy hats, thats it I cant just sit here anymore, I just told my boss the revolution will not be televised, im printing out the emoluments clause on 11 x 17 paper in bold font and passing it out to sal from do the right thing, hes reading it with a quizzical look and then conceding that I do have a point, it's all in the balance, it hasnt happened yet it hasnt even begun, this time, maybe this time with all this much to gain, pennsylvania avenue, maryland, the world, the golden dome of washington, to crown itself with desperate and unbelievable victory, the desperate gamble, the cast made three years ago, or to anyone who ever posted a tweet under a resistance hashtag, the moment in 2016 when someone thought this is it, the absolute edge of no return, they're coming around the corner now, I'm joining in, we're all singing "we wish you a mueller christmas", oh my god it's happening now, the crowd is gathering around a shop window with black and white TVs next to the soda fountain, walter cronkite himself is saying that the president is about t

E) boue
Agree they shouldn't have, but living under the same name seems careless.

This story on CNN was being reported more as Trump's stupid mouth causing the CIA to be concerned for the source and looking to extract, but the NY Times and WaPo reporting today is focusing more on the whole reporting in the media about Russian meddling in 2016 causing the CIA to be concerned that the Russians might double down on their counter-intelligence efforts in Moscow.

Either way, sources need to be extracted eventually or the risk of getting caught just goes higher. This guy was apparently working for the CIA for a decade, so an extraction would seem to be due.

Or in the 4D chess version, this entire story is highlighting the extraction of one source to throw the Russians off the trail of another source still in place :wenger:. In the checkers version, the CIA is just taking a victory lap in the papers by seemingly being willing to speak to any reporter that puts a mic in their face.
Bolton is a cnut. One of the few good things Trump has done, even if he doesn’t realise it.
Pretty clear from the beginning that Trump didn’t listen to a word Bolton said.
Betcha this is about the flak/credit for TalibanCon 2019.
Actually everyone (incl. Bolton) was against that except Trump.

Just can't comprehend the idiocy of the whole idea of meeting with Taliban leaders at Camp David.

Why on earth would anyone think its a good idea to have the US president take part in a photo op with Taliban leaders a few days before the 9/11 anniversary.
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