The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Read that earlier about James Dyer. He carries on explaining what happened. Here are a couple more of his posts about the incident.

Sounds abit N.Koreanish hailing Dear Leader, though i cant say ive ever seen a picture of the President (Trump or otherwise) so this seems fishy and if true, someone would have already posted a pic of it.
Sounds abit N.Koreanish hailing Dear Leader, though i cant say ive ever seen a picture of the President (Trump or otherwise) so this seems fishy and if true, someone would have already posted a pic of it.

In an airport? Every US airport has a picture of the sitting POTUS.
Putin must be enjoying Trump’s trade war with China. Was only in July that China decided to buy food produce (soybean and wheat) from Russia instead of the US, after the US tariffs war. Wonder how Putin will benefit from this recent tirade from the loser in the White House. We already know that the US will follow it’s leader and lose out here eventually.
Sounds abit N.Koreanish hailing Dear Leader, though i cant say ive ever seen a picture of the President (Trump or otherwise) so this seems fishy and if true, someone would have already posted a pic of it.

All Federal offices always have a picture of the current President on the wall. It's nothing unusual. TSA is a Federal agency.

The Discourse(TM)
Looks desperate even for his standards.
So for the next few days, his only news source will be CNN.
This isn't getting any better.
In an airport? Every US airport has a picture of the sitting POTUS.

All Federal offices always have a picture of the current President on the wall. It's nothing unusual. TSA is a Federal agency.

Are you both talking about in the back offices at the airport? Ive seen the American flag aplenty but never a sitting President and believe me, ive stared at the walls and ceilings for a good long while standing in a queue.
Are you both talking about in the back offices at the airport? Ive seen the American flag aplenty but never a sitting President and believe me, ive stared at the walls and ceilings for a good long while standing in a queue.

Nope, in public areas. Usually in the immigration security area if I remember correctly.
Americans obsessed with memorizing Bible verses creep the hell out of me. Especially the "fans" of the Old Testament.

"Are you an Old Testament guy or a New Testament guy"? it's the kind of BS pseudo-religious puerile question that you'll only be asked in certain parts of the USA or by certain americans with a certain agenda.
Americans obsessed with memorizing Bible verses creep the hell out of me. Especially the "fans" of the Old Testament.

"Are you an Old Testament guy or a New Testament guy"? it's the kind of BS pseudo-religious puerile question that you'll only be asked in certain parts of the USA or by certain americans with a certain agenda.
Tbh I've never met anyone who I've heard ask that question or cite a verse. I think it's a very very small group among the self proclaimed religious who are that devout.

I do like Sam Jackson quoting it in Pulp Fiction.
Tbh I've never met anyone who I've heard ask that question or cite a verse. I think it's a very very small group among the self proclaimed religious who are that devout.

I do like Sam Jackson quoting it in Pulp Fiction.

In my humble opinion, the problem is that that group is often rich and very vocal and has access to mass media.
He doesn't give a damn about Christianity.
Americans obsessed with memorizing Bible verses creep the hell out of me. Especially the "fans" of the Old Testament.

"Are you an Old Testament guy or a New Testament guy"? it's the kind of BS pseudo-religious puerile question that you'll only be asked in certain parts of the USA or by certain americans with a certain agenda.

To be fair on this one I actually think they were purposely trying to catch him out.

I just wish one of them had deadpanned him and gone 'you've never read it have you?' or something similar and pestered him until he lost his shit.

He's never read the Bible, he doesn't go to church and yet he thinks he's the chosen one and his idiot base thinks he's the second coming.

Donald Trump has rowed with his fellow G7 leaders over his demand that Russia be readmitted to the group, rejecting arguments that it should remain an association of liberal democracies, according to diplomats at the summit in Biarritz.
It’s just so obvious Putin has control of him. The rest of the G7 won’t agree to Putin being allowed back in but they did have a surprise guest for Trump....Iran’s foreign minister.
Once again we physically see and hear someone say something and it's fake news.
How ridiculous does this need to get?!

We saw his lips move, sure. And heard the words, sure we did sure.

But could we see his actual arsehole? Well? Did we? Can we really be sure there wasnt someone's arm up there? Operating him like a human ventriloquist doll? Can we be sure?
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