The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Even more so during Mardi Gras :lol: my ex mrs moved nearish to N.Carolina recently (3 hours) but i wasnt a fan of moving away from here.
I was there for NYE 2007-08 to watch the Sugar Bowl. Fun times, I sort of started a brawl between two sets of fans on Bourbon Street and I was only 16 :lol:

For the sake of keeping this related to the thread, Trump's an asshat.
I was there for NYE 2007-08 to watch the Sugar Bowl. Fun times, I sort of started a brawl between two sets of fans on Bourbon Street and I was only 16 :lol:

For the sake of keeping this related to the thread, Trump's an asshat.


Get a room. It's been established you are near enough. :rolleyes:

I have now spent more time in Vietnam than Da Nang Dick Blumenthal, the third rate Senator from Connecticut (how is Connecticut doing?). His war stories of his heroism in Vietnam were a total fraud - he was never even there. We talked about it today with Vietnamese leaders!


Even for him this is beyond crass and insulting, as well as conveniently ignorant of his own history with Vietnam, or lack thereof.


Even for him this is beyond crass and insulting, as well as conveniently ignorant of his own history with Vietnam, or lack thereof.

It's fecking brilliant. His best Tweet ever imho. It shows every side of him perfectly and will insult enough to actually cause a backlash. On any other day he would have to delete this one but today isn't an ordinary day and.......

Fml! He was just a tea boy, I hardly knew him :lol:
It's fecking brilliant. His best Tweet ever imho. It shows every side of him perfectly and will insult enough to actually cause a backlash. On any other day he would have to delete this one but today isn't an ordinary day and.......

Fml! He was just a tea boy, I hardly knew him :lol:

I agree with this - but not that it will cause a backlash!

I can picture him casually bringing up the subject of the Vietnam war with the Vietnamese! Would be stunned if he didn't either a) refer to one of them as Charlie, b) say that his secret service codename is Agent Orange or c) state that had he been 'able' to go he would have ended the war in weeks....


Even for him this is beyond crass and insulting, as well as conveniently ignorant of his own history with Vietnam, or lack thereof.

This should be a line too far for serial draft dodger cadet bonespurs in the eyes of veterans and military in general.
I agree with this - but not that it will cause a backlash!

I can picture him casually bringing up the subject of the Vietnam war with the Vietnamese! Would be stunned if he didn't either a) refer to one of them as Charlie, b) say that his secret service codename is Agent Orange or c) state that had he been 'able' to go he would have ended the war in weeks....
No one knows more about war than him!

He obliterated ISIS so no doubt he would have obliterated Vietnam and then marched on Russia
Who was it in this thread trying to argue he is a racist. Only a racist would believe Trump isn't one.

Who was it in this thread trying to argue he is a racist. Only a racist would believe Trump isn't one.

I believe that was me telling Raoul he was a racist... and Raoul disagreeing with me. Something about me playing the black card....
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Even for him this is beyond crass and insulting, as well as conveniently ignorant of his own history with Vietnam, or lack thereof.

As hypocritical as a Daily Mail story about a pedo beside their side pictures with a bunch of under 18s photographed in their bikinis.
Really seems he's playing to the gallery there.
Why can't anybody nail this turd? Even though it's a glaring fact that Trump acts this way it still seems like Cohen is making it up.
That's an amazing trick!
What a shit eye witness he is.
Really seems he's playing to the gallery there.
Why can't anybody nail this turd? Even though it's a glaring fact that Trump acts this way it still seems like Cohen is making it up.
That's an amazing trick!
What a shit eye witness he is.

He’s just been sentenced to three years in prison for lying under oath to Congress to defend Donald Trump.

He’s now back under oath testifying to congress, this time against Donald Trump and you think he is lying?

I mean he’s clearly absolutely miserable at the fact he’s going to jail for 3 years and his life is ruined but sure, he’s going to risk another 3 years in prison just so he can say lies which are the opposite to the lies he told last time.

I’d love to hear your logic on this.
It would be awesome if he just said at some point 'if you are so convinced that I was previously lying, then you must concede that I am now telling the truth as my statements today are the opposite of what you strongly believe to have been lies. If you ask your child did he eat the ice cream and he says no, and you know he's lying, you then cannot continue to call your child a liar when he changes his answer to yes and frankly it's embarrassing to have to explain that to you.'
He’s just been sentenced to three years in prison for lying under oath to Congress to defend Donald Trump.

He’s now back under oath testifying to congress, this time against Donald Trump and you think he is lying?

I mean he’s clearly absolutely miserable at the fact he’s going to jail for 3 years and his life is ruined but sure, he’s going to risk another 3 years in prison just so he can say lies which are the opposite to the lies he told last time.

I’d love to hear your logic on this.
I think he's playing up to public opinion. He seems to have very little substance in what he says.
I could have gave that testimony and that's what annoys me. I have no proof that he was in bed with the Russians but I strongly think he was..Well where is your proof for everything else?
Can we please just nail Trump already? We need a lot more than this.
Maybe I'm just frustrated since I though Cohen was the man to sink Trump but it doesn't seem to be the case
I think he's playing up to public opinion. He seems to have very little substance in what he says.
I could have gave that testimony and that's what annoys me. I have no proof that he was in bed with the Russians but I strongly think he was..Well where is your proof for everything else?
Can we please just nail Trump already? We need a lot more than this.
Maybe I'm just frustrated since I though Cohen was the man to sink Trump but it doesn't seem to be the case

You do realise he had physical, corroborating evidence presented as part of his testimony for many of his claims today?
NBC featuring the meeting in Hanoi and they show a photo of what looks like Ha Long bay. Certainly not Hanoi, unless those lakes have gotten really big.
I believe that was me telling Raoul he was a racist... and Raoul disagreeing with me. Something about me playing the black card....
@Raoul doesn't think Donald is a racist because Donlad’s purely a transactionalist.

I don’t think that precludes Trump from such charges, but he’s been consistent in this argument.
Depends who you talk to, the South and the rust belt still hate the idea of paying into a healthcare system that would help the unemployed and disabled, "living off my dime' ... "why should i pay for someone who isnt working?" Its abit hard having the conversation when the NHS is constantly abused and long wait lines, they then cite how quick it is to get seen and fine by paying whatever amount copay or the insurance is, seems absurd but that's what they've grown up with and mentality.

Thing is that actually nobody would live of their dime but they probably would be on the receiving end. I think most of that people are not even aware how much the public costs per capita already are. The taxes the low skilled worker usually pays is not enough to carry his share. So it is for sure not him that pays for others...

Every nation is more or less socialist... the question is just how much of the individual costs and risks you socialise. I guess most are fine to not pay individual for basic school education, street use etc.

Guess the greatest dealmaker ever was unable make a deal.

Guess the greatest dealmaker ever was unable make a deal.


I don't know if he was trying to kid himself into thinking he could actually accomplish something productive out of this. I think it was all a publicity stunt.

But the best part is that I imagine that Vietnam is the last place he'd want to be after the Cohen testimony.
Anyone that thinks he's having these meeting cause he's working on a deal is a clown. This is one of the most vain men on the planet.
The man is a reality star ffs, this is all for publicity.
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Anyone that thinks he's having these meeting cause he's working on a deal is a clown. This is one of the most vain mean on the planet.
The man is a reality star ffs, this is all for oublicity.

It is a show for his fans only. It is disheartening that he still has many fans. The main problem is not Trump himself, but his fans. Even if Trump disappears they will find another moron to support.
Anyone that thinks he's having these meeting cause he's working on a deal is a clown. This is one of the most vain men on the planet.
The man is a reality star ffs, this is all for publicity.
He's got his eyes on the Nobel prize. Must have pissed him off to come out with nothing announced - especially after the stuff from Cohen. Would have wanted something positive to keep the media off that.
He's got his eyes on the Nobel prize. Must have pissed him off to come out with nothing announced - especially after the stuff from Cohen. Would have wanted something positive to keep the media off that.

It's fecking hilarious though. (Even though it was utterly obvious and predictable)
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