The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Yeah, call dogwhistling nothing. What he says makes no sense whatsoever as why would his opponents overturn stuff violently if they're on the winning side? It's also rich to moan about overturning stuff when he probably got rid of most things Obama did in his first few months of his presidency.

And Trump has encouraged violence from his own supporters in plenty of rallies. If you genuinely think he isn't trying to encourage division or violence then I have a bridge to sell you.

To be fair he didn’t call the dog whistling nothing. He called it “nothing but fear-mongering”, which it is. I dont actually think it’s dog whistling to his base to enact violence, it’s just putting the fear of god into them that the other side will act violently if they win. Which is preposterous obviously but I don’t really see him saying “fight back with violence”, he’s just saying don’t give them the chance to act violently against Trump and his agenda.
To be fair he didn’t call the dog whistling nothing. He called it “nothing but fear-mongering”, which it is. I dont actually think it’s dog whistling to his base to enact violence, it’s just putting the fear of god into them that the other side will act violently if they win. Which is preposterous obviously but I don’t really see him saying “fight back with violence”, he’s just saying don’t give them the chance to act violently against Trump and his agenda.
Way I see it is he's saying vote in the polls, then if the GOP lose, Dems win and will be violent so get prepared to act against them first and stop our progress from being destroyed.
Way I see it is he's saying vote in the polls, then if the GOP lose, Dems win and will be violent so get prepared to act against them first and stop our progress from being destroyed.

I guess it depends how you read between the lines. Given his track record, I guess I can’t argue with that interpretation but I think it’s a stretch. He’s saying the Dems will react violently, he doesn’t go as far as advising how they should react to that other than his preceding advice which was to ensure they don’t win.
And here is the exact problem you now have.

I was arguing with one guy about this and asking why the President of the USA is discussing any thing with a known fruitcake conspiracy theorist? His reply was that it's BECAUSE Trump IS President and that pretty much proves EVERYTHING Jones and the like have been saying about the Deep State and Fake News and Illuminati etc, is all true and always has been.

Trump has access to every single piece of top level information including all the counry's deepest and darkest secrets AND he has most of the world's too. The fact he comes out and sides with people like Jones shows that Jones must be on to something and in the know and on the right track.

I fecking give up. I really do.

Maybe he turned to page 47 of the Presidents book and found some juicy info :lol:
He seems to be doing that shit to every leader he has a call with. When he was on the phone with Trudeau he was on about how Canadians burned down the White House at a point when Canada didn't even exist as a country.

Not that it was a big one but Trump called the then PM of Australia Malcolm Turnbull, Trumble, after Trump first took office.
You know when your dog pisses on the couch and you sit in it.

That's every morning after I read his tweets. Except it's not just me. The cnut makes the whole country smell like dog piss.
He's clearly trying to mark his territory considering his America First approach.
Has anyone seen the show Travels in Trumpland? A British reporter interviewing Trump supporters. It gives a little deeper view of the people that actually support Trump - like the gay black libertarian who says he is now a supporter of Trump after voting Libertarian in 2016
We dont have such things on tv anymore. Btw Ignore the title.

Impossible. The Next Generation was the most "SJW" show on television. Whoever came up with that title is a raging moron, and someone who clearly didn't understand what they were watching. You should have looked harder for a clip (which isn't very hard).
Pretty obscene right.

That’s how much an entire FIVE year degree cost me in the UK.
The best thing about this for me is the idea that 47K is a reasonable price for a 4 year degree, that's still an obscene price lol.
Is he genetically designed to pick fights with everyone? In what world does this help him? It's not like he doesn't already have enough scapegoats for his base. Are there really that many fence-sitters out there who ignored his attacks on women, Mexicans, veterans, socialists, Democrats, the FBI, the Justice Department, his old lawyer, his old campaign manager and all the rest, but see this and go "Google, finally!"?
Is he genetically designed to pick fights with everyone? In what world does this help him? It's not like he doesn't already have enough scapegoats for his base. Are there really that many fence-sitters out there who ignored his attacks on women, Mexicans, veterans, socialists, Democrats, the FBI, the Justice Department, his old lawyer, his old campaign manager and all the rest, but see this and go "Google, finally!"?
Populists need to always have an enemy for their narrative.
Shit like this is going to set the US back at least a generation if it keeps up, and it's showing no signs of slowing down. Mainstream media is now Fake News. Any searches on the internet are clearly rigged and biased to show only negative news - which we've already asserted is fake in the first place.

Cut to a few months from now when the N word tape, or the pee tape, or something else that would absolutely destroy his career comes out - and I mean something so severe not even he could, in a regular world, come back from - and there will be a contingent who refuse to accept that it's true because they've been trained to believe that anything that is said by anyone is a lie. Unless their glorious leader has said it, obviously.

Evidence has been superceded by gut instinct. Truth has been replaced with bullshit. Bollocks to it.
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