The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Trump - ‘We would make a great deal with the United Kingdom because they have product that we like. I mean they have a lot of great product. They make phenomenal things, you know, and you have different names - you can say “England”, you can say “UK”, you can say “United Kingdom” so many different - you know you have, you have so many different names - Great Britain. I always say: “Which one do you prefer? Great Britain? You understand what I’m saying?’
Sweet lord, help us all.
His advice to the UK about the EU is to sue them. I wonder on what.
Trump's answer to everything, at least prior to being elected, appeared to be to sue people. Unfortunately for the UK, his advice is pretty shit, because the EU isn't some lowly tenant from a property that they're bullying around.
TrumpSpeak translation:

"A lot of people don’t know that" = 'Neither did I until you told me just now'.
Trump's answer to everything, at least prior to being elected, appeared to be to sue people. Unfortunately for the UK, his advice is pretty shit, because the EU isn't some lowly tenant from a property that they're bullying around.

I guess the ECJ?

The funny thing is the EU would respond by just going to the fiercest and hardest of Brexit. Which include hard borders, no open sky agreement and endless custom controls
It's a coup, both here and in the States. All this is happening by design.
Finland Anti Trump protest

I like her witty wind up.
Guy supporting racist twat is a twat.

Besides the obvious...

What was that guy at the end of the video thinking when he put on that outfit? :lol:
It's our version of a trumpite. Can't you see the similarities? :D
Trump's comments there don't seem too bad read in full.
I wish it were possible to cut ties with the US until this buffoon is gone.
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