The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I left this thread alone months ago, many months ago, just popped in a couple of nights ago and damn it grows quick! I thought the transfer tweets thread was rapid!
I left this thread alone months ago, many months ago, just popped in a couple of nights ago and damn it grows quick! I thought the transfer tweets thread was rapid!
He is the gift that keeps on giving

I don't post much in the thread but I do visit it more than any other

And it's only been 7 months
Did he forget to take his wife and was stuck unable to go out anywhere in case he ended up alone with a woman?


I suspect people will have gotten excited when they saw that tweet. The real reason he's coming back early is to attend a security meeting.

He's like Opta stats. Ending with a punchline word. JOBS! LOSERS! WINNING! ORANGE! RUSSIA! MAGA! RACIST! etc.

Shame twitter was only just starting and small-scale when W was in office. In spite of the wars, lies and response to Katrina, you can't misunderestimate his knack of making people laugh
Thinking this could be related to conflicts of interest or he was involved with the leaking.

Edit - The latter seems less likely, as i just read he's gone back to work at the FBI.

This is weird.

The investigator who has left Mueller's probe used to handle counterintelligence cases. After leaving the Mueller investigation, he is now working at the FBI's human resources division.

I suspect people will have gotten excited when they saw that tweet. The real reason he's coming back early is to attend a security meeting.

India and China are at each other's necks in some border conflict in Tibet so that makes sense.

I knew there was more to this than meets the eye. So obvious, and Trump's extra bullshit yesterday where he said he can't abide grandstanders and he had plenty more CEO's lined up and waiting to join. Liar, liar.
I find it hard to feel sorry for America, they deserve him.

You do realize that whoever runs the U.S. has a tremendous impact on the rest of the world. Let's see how sorry you feel when Trump and Kim get into a swinging dick contest and you have to deal with the nuclear fallout in your back yard.
Suspect the next casualty in this will be the banning of The Donald subreddit. Some speculation the only reason the Reddit admins have been lenient have been told the US intel agencies are monitoring the forum, as they know its a Russian propaganda forum.

For far too long, hate groups on the internet have been allowed to flourish and grow and these companies have turned a blind eye to it.

A big tragedy strikes and the web companies then try to get ahead of the bad PR, avoid a backlash and threats of boycotts, by suddenly alleging the hate sites have not been operating under the terms & conditions.
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The Military are now coming out against what happened in Charlottesville.

"The military are grandstanders. I have other militaries, beautiful militaries (the best) blah blah blah etc fecking etc

That last presser was endgame for me. He's cracking and on the verge of full on dictator mode.
Excuse me,
excuse me...
Excuse me,
excuse me...
Excuse me,
excuse me...

I am a Nazi thug. What are you going to do about it?
I love the way the Trump brigade is trying to twist the events in Charlottesville in some kind of left vs right clash. I would imagine that no matter what your political persuasion is, you would be against far right groups. Therefore I would guess that a lot of the counter demonstrators aren't even left wing (regardless of your definition of what being 'left wing' is).
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