The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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You know I can accept a parent not wishing to take their 10 year old out of school. But if that's the case don't apply for a job where you know in advance that moving home is expected. The fecking cheek of him to put his name forward as a candidate when his family isn't ready/willing to make the sacrifices expected of the role. He's already behaving disgracefully and he hasn't even started work yet!

Is it just for the remainder of the school year she wants him to remain where he is or is it for the entire time Trump is President. I can sort of understand if it is just for the remainder of the school year not wanting to change schools mid-year...sort of understand it. But other Presidents have moved their kids just fine and it is not like the kid will be thrown into a public school, he will end up in a private school of their choice so his education will not suffer.
That's no doubt part of it - the other part is a warning shot to any who might seek to dethrone him; it's a warning about people-power and potential civil war.

Yeah, I see your point, but don't underestimate the mans insecurity. Just look at anyone who says anything nice about him... Instantly they are ok. Anyone says anything remotely bad about him and they are instantly NOT GOOD! Or unfair! and he is treated badly. That's why only Faux News is ok because they are the only ones to say anything nice about him, but even then he singles out the reporters who treat him favourably. And then look at his policies. Everything that received favourable publicity at his rallies or in the press he says he will do or keep. There's a Town Hall interview he did with Hannity where he actually asks the audience what they think about something he proposed and when many booed or shouted him down he changed his mind on the spot! And then he mentioned that he might not actually deport as many immigrants as he said, the crowd went mad and really starting booing him and he instantly reverted back to kicking them all out! Every single one of them! and he then got applauded. That was a serious policy discussion with a few members of the public. That's how guided by public opinion he is. The man is seriously ill. He has serious mental health issues and on top of that isn't very smart and is a raging imbecile and someone who craves adulation and power at the same time. All that adds up to make someone extremely dangerous. Especially if they were voted in to be President.
Is this true re the bulletproof glass?!!

I would think so, and probably pretty standard procedure on private Presidential residences these days. Now if it is the entire building that has it, then that is bullshit, only really need the common areas like the lobby and the rooms Trump and his family stay in.
Rich man problems...

Helicopter tours around the city need to obtain proper clearances before entering the FAA designated zone, which covers East Side prime estate, so it's having an effect on businesses in NY.

I just called my pilot and he said they've rerouted all private aircraft.
I'm not going anywhere from here through New years.
1) Punish New York for not voting for him
2) Free upgrade on his properties in New York after the Secret Service strengthens them
3) Depress property prices around his own properties (increased traffic, increased restrictions, etc.) so he and/or his friends can pick them up on the cheap before he leaves office
4) ???
5) Profit

Pretty much. This city also constantly reminds you of Trump's inadequacy by contrast. Was hanging out at Lincoln Square this weekend, under the statue of George Washington, talking about Madison Avenue. :(

Yeah, it's a big story in a lot of the press today and @MarceloFalcon also linked one of the sources above.

Melania doesn't want to take her 10 year old son out of school half way through a year. He's 10! not fecking 15. He's probably still doing painting by numbers at that age. It's just an excuse, and not a valid one because it's not really going to effect or disturb him either way. 10 year olds, even at top private schools won't be stuck to any special curriculum, and even if he was, are you telling me that there aren't equally adequate schools in DC? Or have all the previous Presidential families had trouble finding decent schools for their kids? No it's just an excuse, and the soon to be President has even said himself on numerous occasions that he will be spending as much time as he can in NYC. So yet again completely disrespecting years upon years of history and tradition and causing problems for everyone else too, not to mention untold expenses as well. But it's ok because he will be giving money back to the middle class won't he? Not wasting millions and millions unnecessarily on extra protection for him and his family because of completely selfish actions.

The vast majority of people in government, especially the President would want to be based in Washington as it's the centre of everything, the hub of politics. A businessman would more likely want to be located in NYC, well especially if the centre of HIS business is based there. Now of course his supporters are going to say it's ok and fine and what's the problem? but yet again they will be just wanting to stick a finger up to everyone else and enjoy the fact their guy is upsetting the norm once again. That's fair enough, and it certainly would be if it was for good reason, or for a noble or sensible cause, but it's not. It's for himself, just like everything the big lumbering buffoon does, it's completely selfish and this time he's disrespecting the most sacred and symbolic of all things in the USA. The Presidential office and the White House. Just wait until he wipes his arse with the Constitution live on TV from Drumpf Tower.

It continues to be one of those bizarre aspects that seems irreconcilable, that the voice of middle america is a New York billionaire. Maybe its his "know nothingness" that they relate to. Because its what I seem to come back to in all these incidents, from Ivanka in meeting with Abe, to still having business meetings, to the "blind trust", to Melania staying in NY. I don't think that he's just pissing on all formality, tradition, law or anything else just for the heck of it. I think he just doesn't fecking know. This is a man that doesn't really read anything at length, everything he knows is probably that which he has been in close contact with over his career: real-estate and media.

I know the right attitude is to hope he does well, afterall I also live in this country and on this planet even if I move. But like in other instances in the past, from petty stuff like football to serious stuff like politics, I hope he fails. Because I think I fear the world where incompetence is rewarded more than the world in which incompetent people temporarily feck things up for others.
I would think so, and probably pretty standard procedure on private Presidential residences these days. Now if it is the entire building that has it, then that is bullshit, only really need the common areas like the lobby and the rooms Trump and his family stay in.

I doubt the whole building. I'm probably watched by snipers now too when I walk on 5th ave or 56th street... lovely.
I've not been keeping up with this thread that much so don't know if this has been posted already but:
Yeah, I see your point, but don't underestimate the mans insecurity. Just look at anyone who says anything nice about him... Instantly they are ok. Anyone says anything remotely bad about him and they are instantly NOT GOOD! Or unfair! and he is treated badly. That's why only Faux News is ok because they are the only ones to say anything nice about him, but even then he singles out the reporters who treat him favourably. And then look at his policies. Everything that received favourable publicity at his rallies or in the press he says he will do or keep. There's a Town Hall interview he did with Hannity where he actually asks the audience what they think about something he proposed and when many booed or shouted him down he changed his mind on the spot! And then he mentioned that he might not actually deport as many immigrants as he said, the crowd went mad and really starting booing him and he instantly reverted back to kicking them all out! Every single one of them! and he then got applauded. That was a serious policy discussion with a few members of the public. That's how guided by public opinion he is. The man is seriously ill. He has serious mental health issues and on top of that isn't very smart and is a raging imbecile and someone who craves adulation and power at the same time. All that adds up to make someone extremely dangerous. Especially if they were voted in to be President.
I don't really have to put my say in this thread anymore because you do it for me, to the exact adjective. Six months ago I thought of the pros and cons of a Trump presidency, I am no where near complete on the con list, it just keeps growing. The pros I could put on a post it with room left over to doodle a monkey peeling a banana.
13 years ago the US led a coalition which deposed a narcissist leader in Iraq, who lived in a Palace made of gold and employed his own family as staff members

Now the US have elected a narcissist who lives in a tower of gold and most likely will have his children employed on his staff
13 years ago the US led a coalition which deposed a narcissist leader in Iraq, who lived in a Palace made of gold and employed his own family as staff members

Now the US have elected a narcissist who lives in a tower of gold and most likely will have his children employed on his staff
So now its time for Iraq to lead a coalit... no, wait... Iraq's leader was not democratically elected, so this equivalence fails on a technicality. Phew.

What is interesting is that there are pictures of the event and a "celebrity" named Tila Tequila is in attendance. Well to cut to the chase, she isn't exactly white is she? But that is okay because she supports white power? Color me confused.
What is interesting is that there are pictures of the event and a "celebrity" named Tila Tequila is in attendance. Well to cut to the chase, she isn't exactly white is she? But that is okay because she supports white power? Color me confused.

Maybe she compensates by really hating the Jews.
What is interesting is that there are pictures of the event and a "celebrity" named Tila Tequila is in attendance. Well to cut to the chase, she isn't exactly white is she? But that is okay because she supports white power? Color me confused.
Good lord, just read her wiki.

The 18 month journey from "she stated that her views on Hitler were not derived from antisemitism on her part, nor any feelings toward Jewish people" to "on May 6, 2016, Nguyen tweeted that Jewish-American political commentator Ben Shapiro should "be gassed and sent back to Israel" and later posted that "There are only two things in this world, for which I would gladly sacrifice my own life; the destruction of all Jews and preservation of the white race"" must've been intense.

Seriously though, this shit is scary. Not Tila Tequila, whom I'm sure we could prevent taking over, but white supremacism spilling fully out into the open, and leaders of that movement getting large publication interviews complete with photoshoots. I thought we had that stuff locked up in a secure box.
Tulsi Gabbard might get a place in the Trump cabinet. She has a bright political future for sure. She endorsed Sanders in the primaries after being "warned" by other politicians to not do that. She said she is not afraid of the Clintons.
Tulsi Gabbard might get a place in the Trump cabinet. She has a bright political future for sure. She endorsed Sanders in the primaries after being "warned" by other politicians to not do that. She said she is not afraid of the Clintons.

Which is precisely why Bannon likes her. She would completely disrupt the progressive wing if she worked for Trump.
Yet more corruption allegations, 13 days after election.

I rang Trump to congratulate him, and he said "What about that fiver you owe me?"
Tulsi Gabbard might get a place in the Trump cabinet. She has a bright political future for sure. She endorsed Sanders in the primaries after being "warned" by other politicians to not do that. She said she is not afraid of the Clintons.

Good for her. This is how pragmatic politics should work.
Their job is to sell content, which is what they'll do. People don't hate Trump will lap it up, people who support Trump will further be in the trenches. These stories are easy to find, cheap to report on etc.
What are you suggesting they do?
Hmm. Muslim database at the top, voter rolls at the bottom.

When will the press understand that nobody gives a feck about moral outrage controversies, especially with Trump?

Not right now. They voted for an 'establishment outsider', but then it's equally possible they may not like him that much. If he continues his antics without delivering on his promises, they'll turn against him right quick. I hope the papers keep him under watch...if not, he's likely to run riot.
I don't know what they should do, but my opinion is that this line of attack didn't work.
I think corruption is different to stories about him being a general dickwad. Should have some cut-through if stories about it are maintained, and it becomes associated with him.

At least that's what I'm hoping, otherwise I think he might've been right about being able to shoot someone and get away with it.
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