Yeah, it's a big story in a lot of the press today and
@MarceloFalcon also linked one of the sources above.
Melania doesn't want to take her 10 year old son out of school half way through a year. He's 10! not fecking 15. He's probably still doing painting by numbers at that age. It's just an excuse, and not a valid one because it's not really going to effect or disturb him either way. 10 year olds, even at top private schools won't be stuck to any special curriculum, and even if he was, are you telling me that there aren't equally adequate schools in DC? Or have all the previous Presidential families had trouble finding decent schools for their kids? No it's just an excuse, and the soon to be President has even said himself on numerous occasions that he will be spending as much time as he can in NYC. So yet again completely disrespecting years upon years of history and tradition and causing problems for everyone else too, not to mention untold expenses as well. But it's ok because he will be giving money back to the middle class won't he? Not wasting millions and millions unnecessarily on extra protection for him and his family because of completely selfish actions.
The vast majority of people in government, especially the President would want to be based in Washington as it's the centre of everything, the hub of politics. A businessman would more likely want to be located in NYC, well especially if the centre of HIS business is based there. Now of course his supporters are going to say it's ok and fine and what's the problem? but yet again they will be just wanting to stick a finger up to everyone else and enjoy the fact their guy is upsetting the norm once again. That's fair enough, and it certainly would be if it was for good reason, or for a noble or sensible cause, but it's not. It's for himself, just like everything the big lumbering buffoon does, it's completely selfish and this time he's disrespecting the most sacred and symbolic of all things in the USA. The Presidential office and the White House. Just wait until he wipes his arse with the Constitution live on TV from Drumpf Tower.