Television The Traitors (BBC) | Series 3 now airing. If you watch episodes on the iPlayer that haven't aired on the BBC television, put discussion in spoilers

The way the edit is, I was sure Minah was going to go yesterday. Still feels as though they're prepping us for Charlotte fecking her over next week though.
The way the edit is, I was sure Minah was going to go yesterday. Still feels as though they're prepping us for Charlotte fecking her over next week though.
Yep can absolutely see Charlotte fecking her over.
I can't stand Joe, but the closest I have come to liking him was at that dinner party.

The rest of them were being all sanctimonious and pious, trying to one up each other. Him saying he just says he wants to fly first class and buy a pub was the most relatable and sound he has been.
I can't stand Joe, but the closest I have come to liking him was at that dinner party.

The rest of them were being all sanctimonious and pious, trying to one up each other. Him saying he just says he wants to fly first class and buy a pub was the most relatable and sound he has been.
Not sure how wanting to use the money to support mental health work or IVF is sanctimonious but you do you.

You two would've fit right in sat around that table, making googley eyes at each other and telling the world on tv how you're only interested in the money to start a foundation for helping old ladies cross busy roads.
I hate sanctimonious people who just want to have a baby.
Me too, selfish pricks.

Joe is an absolute pillock when it comes to traitor hunting. Whoever he thinks it is the others should leave well alone.
Voting Lisa off made no sense.
To be honest, I quite like Charlotte, and she's being smarter about knowing a Traitor will need probably have to go late in the game (unless they can get to the final four with two people that aren't certain of each other).

The things I'm not sure about is how unsubtle Charlotte is being about it, as she's running the risk of someone at the round table blurting out that she has somehow been involved in conversations about Minah, and that coming back to bite her. And she's also sowing a lot of seeds early enough it could happen too soon. And if it doesn't, it's going to look suspicious that Charlotte says it away from the table. I'm sure it's edited for "dramatic tension" and the outcome will probably be Charlotte going home early.

As for Joe, the edit must be really bad for him, because he comes across like a massive bell end almost all of the time. Leanne does too, complaining that people might have suggested she's selfish after she hauled her head up the hill with the intention of winning a third shield in the series.

I really hope Alexander hangs around a bit longer, seems a nice bloke. It was quite jarring, intentionally so I guess, to see him having a genuine interested conversation with Jake about his disability, then Jake saying he'll just leave Alexander's head halfway up the hill (though he decided against it in the end because of how it would look).

Glad Leon went, seemed entirely useless.
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Joe does seem horrible (even accounting for how it is edited), but Leanne isn't far behind. Pure selfish, and then tries to fight anyone who suggests it might've been selfish.
Joe does seem horrible (even accounting for how it is edited), but Leanne isn't far behind. Pure selfish, and then tries to fight anyone who suggests it might've been selfish.

I suppose at least she didn't have a go at Alexander for being fatigued after hauling three of those statues up the field, I guess.

But yeah, it's a game where being selfish is somewhat important, but she could at least own it, instead of browbeating people for saying it.
I know but think how outrageous it'd be to put that in the game with 7 left.

How would they film a seer in the show without it looking shit? It's not a role that'd make for good television. Also it won't work in a game where the faithful have to keep themselves alive at all costs.

Even if it's a one time thing where someone wins the chance to ask about the role of one other player, it wont play well for the cameras.
My guess is someone will get a chance to do a seer check, but if they get it wrong they die.
My guess is someone will get a chance to do a seer check, but if they get it wrong they die.
Think out of everyone left, if I'm in I'm probably checking one of leane or minah. Probably leane because is probably find the angry outbursts jarring.
I’m going with a villager win anyway, Minah and Charlotte will come to it eventually, and Minah will go extra hard into Charlotte due to betrayal. Someone will figure out that it was 2 traitors going at it.

Just praying that Joe gets evicted before the end, don’t think I could deal with a helpful idiot lucking their way to victory again.
Just caught up with the 3 episodes this morning.

So we are left on a cliffhanger at the start of the episode as we don’t get to see who claimed the life card game between Fozia & Leon at the very start. Hope we see it later on in the episode. Nothing mainly to point out at breakfast other than it seems like Linda feels like she is a goner soon and interestingly gave the thumbs up to fellow traitor Minah to vote for her banishment if she had to come to that at the round table so that no suspicions are raised on her. Onto the mission and suspicions pretty much straight away were being raised right at Alexander & Fozia with the weirdest logic because they are new to the game and therefore one or both are Traitors. I mean it is possible but sometimes I just can’t trust these faithfuls one bit, especially how poor they have been up to now when it comes to identifying a traitor. The way they were being suspicious about Alexander, I mean the guy had an eventful night not knowing if he will still be in the game and then placed inside a coffin in the middle of a lake for a fair while no doubt. He’s not exactly going to be jumping up in joy and very happy clappy with what has happened in just under the last number of hours. Francesca at the final stage of the mission not able to read her Roman numerals and has the rest of the contestants digging up the wrong gravestone :lol: . Eventually they find it and we see how that final card game goes in which Leon wins therefore eliminating Fozia. The way Fozia was given her murder letter was pretty cool but I was so hoping it was Linda handing it over to her rather than Minah and then reading the contents of it to her. Especially when neither women really seen eye to eye with each other during the game. The dinner debates and suspicions are all over the place on different contestants and even Minah’s name is now being brought up which makes this a little more interesting as her name hasn’t really been brought up at all so far. Onto the round table and safe to say Leanne finds it patronising for her name to be mentioned but does she realise that this is part of the game & everyone is a suspect. It’s not patronising if someone doesn’t believe you as none of them other than the traitors, Claudia and viewers know whether you’re a faithful or traitor. Linda is finally eliminated :lol: . Fair play to her that she’s lasted this long. Post roundtable discussions and what really makes me annoyed is how Francesca does all her talking outside of the roundtable in small discussions but never addresses them there and then at the roundtable - basically where it matters most. So Minah now needs to do the ultimatum - recruit a traitor or murder them. She’s chosen Charlotte which is a good choice on paper but trustworthy, I don’t think I could trust any of them as far as I could throw them in this game. I think she will join as a traitor but no idea how long she’ll last for.

Charlotte joins as a traitor and pretty much the easy decision there that was predicted to be. They’ve murdered Anna out of the game which to me it was a toss up between her & Jake. A strong faithful but banished at the right time as she was beginning to get suspicious of Minah. Nothing much to speak of at the breakfast table. The mission itself was more from a comical viewing as they were reciting nursery rhymes backwards to each other on the telephone :lol:. But definitely tough unless you know your nursery rhymes back to front. Dinner debates and Alex in the eyes of the other contestants has apparently massively slipped up there with his “Linda never threw any other traitors under the bus”. I’d be surprised if he is not a goner now as all the other players are onto his case now with that comment. Round table and unsurprising it is indeed Alex that is banished. Traitors murder time and personally hope they go for Jake who has the shield. Will make for an interesting breakfast, especially when no one knows who got it from the dolls house mission other than Jake & the rest of the players that were at the dolls house with him other than Alexander who don’t seem to trust one bit. Minah has full confidence in Charlotte but that backstabbing blindside that seems like Charlotte is plotting against Minah could be unmissable to watch as Minah does not see it happening one bit.

Lisa murdered by the traitors. Post breakfast chats and Frankie’s name looks like it’s is going to be getting brought up at the round table. Finally we might hear speak in that environment as she certainly loves a quiet gossip away from the round table. Never brings her suspicions or theories at that time and seems to majority of the time sit back and watch the drama unfold like a spectator. Onto the mission and not an easy one to do unless you are very fit. Freddie gets immunity as his statue head is on the shield plinth. A lot of disagreements and people rubbing each other up the wrong way on the back of that mission hopefully makes for a good round table. Round table time and the way the discussions were going, bar Leon’s & Jake’s, nobody really knew who to vote for to be banished. Leon receives the most votes and is banished. Personally thought it was going to be Frankie but as soon as it came to Freddie with the deciding vote, Leon was a goner. Alexander’s reaction at the end of that banishment :lol:. Dinner party time and in comparison to the previous series ones, this one wasn’t anywhere near as intriguing but I guess they need to mix it up as will just get too repetitive doing the same thing. They had some incredible life stories and good intentions on what they’d want to put the money towards if they won. Traitors opting to murder was the obvious choice. Leanne, Joe or Jake the candidates for the murder and for me it’s a toss up between Joe or Jake to no longer be a part of the game but will go for Jake to be murdered if had to choose a prediction. Will see who it is on Wednesday. Again as the episode ended, Minah trusts Charlotte 100% but is set for a rude awakening that’s gonna blindside her big time the way Charlotte is plotting this.
Just caught up with the 3 episodes this morning.

So we are left on a cliffhanger at the start of the episode as we don’t get to see who claimed the life card game between Fozia & Leon at the very start. Hope we see it later on in the episode. Nothing mainly to point out at breakfast other than it seems like Linda feels like she is a goner soon and interestingly gave the thumbs up to fellow traitor Minah to vote for her banishment if she had to come to that at the round table so that no suspicions are raised on her. Onto the mission and suspicions pretty much straight away were being raised right at Alexander & Fozia with the weirdest logic because they are new to the game and therefore one or both are Traitors. I mean it is possible but sometimes I just can’t trust these faithfuls one bit, especially how poor they have been up to now when it comes to identifying a traitor. The way they were being suspicious about Alexander, I mean the guy had an eventful night not knowing if he will still be in the game and then placed inside a coffin in the middle of a lake for a fair while no doubt. He’s not exactly going to be jumping up in joy and very happy clappy with what has happened in just under the last number of hours. Francesca at the final stage of the mission not able to read her Roman numerals and has the rest of the contestants digging up the wrong gravestone :lol: . Eventually they find it and we see how that final card game goes in which Leon wins therefore eliminating Fozia. The way Fozia was given her murder letter was pretty cool but I was so hoping it was Linda handing it over to her rather than Minah and then reading the contents of it to her. Especially when neither women really seen eye to eye with each other during the game. The dinner debates and suspicions are all over the place on different contestants and even Minah’s name is now being brought up which makes this a little more interesting as her name hasn’t really been brought up at all so far. Onto the round table and safe to say Leanne finds it patronising for her name to be mentioned but does she realise that this is part of the game & everyone is a suspect. It’s not patronising if someone doesn’t believe you as none of them other than the traitors, Claudia and viewers know whether you’re a faithful or traitor. Linda is finally eliminated :lol: . Fair play to her that she’s lasted this long. Post roundtable discussions and what really makes me annoyed is how Francesca does all her talking outside of the roundtable in small discussions but never addresses them there and then at the roundtable - basically where it matters most. So Minah now needs to do the ultimatum - recruit a traitor or murder them. She’s chosen Charlotte which is a good choice on paper but trustworthy, I don’t think I could trust any of them as far as I could throw them in this game. I think she will join as a traitor but no idea how long she’ll last for.

Charlotte joins as a traitor and pretty much the easy decision there that was predicted to be. They’ve murdered Anna out of the game which to me it was a toss up between her & Jake. A strong faithful but banished at the right time as she was beginning to get suspicious of Minah. Nothing much to speak of at the breakfast table. The mission itself was more from a comical viewing as they were reciting nursery rhymes backwards to each other on the telephone :lol:. But definitely tough unless you know your nursery rhymes back to front. Dinner debates and Alex in the eyes of the other contestants has apparently massively slipped up there with his “Linda never threw any other traitors under the bus”. I’d be surprised if he is not a goner now as all the other players are onto his case now with that comment. Round table and unsurprising it is indeed Alex that is banished. Traitors murder time and personally hope they go for Jake who has the shield. Will make for an interesting breakfast, especially when no one knows who got it from the dolls house mission other than Jake & the rest of the players that were at the dolls house with him other than Alexander who don’t seem to trust one bit. Minah has full confidence in Charlotte but that backstabbing blindside that seems like Charlotte is plotting against Minah could be unmissable to watch as Minah does not see it happening one bit.

Lisa murdered by the traitors. Post breakfast chats and Frankie’s name looks like it’s is going to be getting brought up at the round table. Finally we might hear speak in that environment as she certainly loves a quiet gossip away from the round table. Never brings her suspicions or theories at that time and seems to majority of the time sit back and watch the drama unfold like a spectator. Onto the mission and not an easy one to do unless you are very fit. Freddie gets immunity as his statue head is on the shield plinth. A lot of disagreements and people rubbing each other up the wrong way on the back of that mission hopefully makes for a good round table. Round table time and the way the discussions were going, bar Leon’s & Jake’s, nobody really knew who to vote for to be banished. Leon receives the most votes and is banished. Personally thought it was going to be Frankie but as soon as it came to Freddie with the deciding vote, Leon was a goner. Alexander’s reaction at the end of that banishment :lol:. Dinner party time and in comparison to the previous series ones, this one wasn’t anywhere near as intriguing but I guess they need to mix it up as will just get too repetitive doing the same thing. They had some incredible life stories and good intentions on what they’d want to put the money towards if they won. Traitors opting to murder was the obvious choice. Leanne, Joe or Jake the candidates for the murder and for me it’s a toss up between Joe or Jake to no longer be a part of the game but will go for Jake to be murdered if had to choose a prediction. Will see who it is on Wednesday. Again as the episode ended, Minah trusts Charlotte 100% but is set for a rude awakening that’s gonna blindside her big time the way Charlotte is plotting this.
Just a tip. Feel free to ignore, but paragraphs would make that a lot easier to read!
What's this seer thing being mentioned on here? What does it do?
Almost as if the edit is setting up for Minah to go tonight, which probably means she’ll stay.
Jake has gone from number 1 faithful to the most clueless of the bunch. Why would you just fixate on the male theory without even considering anyone else with so few players left?
Jake has gone from number 1 faithful to the most clueless of the bunch. Why would you just fixate on the male theory without even considering anyone else with so few players left?

Based on literally nothing as well. Thinks he’s the best traitor hunter because he clocked the most obvious one in the history of the show.
"Charlotte i fully trust" after she literally just cast the deciding vote to banish the other traitor. :lol:
Caf Werewolf players in absolute shambles.

I'd honestly be absolutely fuming if I was a faithful in this season. They've been utterly shafted twice just so there can be added 'drama'. There was no reason for their to be a recruitment and a murder, it just makes the entire show a mockery really.
Charlotte thinking ten steps ahead never mind three.

Is Jake the dumbest person on earth?