Annabel had no heat on her whatsoever and came to everyone with the Sam theory, backed up by Luke and the rest of them jump on her using the logic that she is acting like Ash did. Ash had shitloads of heat on her and came in defending herself. Annabel came in with no heat and had a credible theory, which was bang on. But they suddenly decide to vote her out because she's smart and plays the game well.
Then by some miracle another faithful manages to pick up that thread and go Sam but again they're literally swayed by a 'No u' from Sam. It's pathetic
Keith is meant to be an ex/cop detective? He's atrocious. Shuts down any woman who speaks up against Sam and immediately finds them sus. Hannah is tragically bad at the game overall. Gloria could be swayed by someone literally admitting to be a traitor. Camille worked as a special agent but needed to have two faithfuls die claiming Sam for her to even clock. Sarah might as well be an empty chair (very punchable face of confusion from her every banishment). Liam is gullible as feck. Blake is doing ok but he was also quite cocky.
I think best scenario is Blake eventually manages to oust Sam and from there I don't really give a shit who wins. Knowing this group though Sam could literally faithfuls to believe they themselves are actually traitors.