The Simpsons.

Simpsons was still good until about season 16/17. Maybe not as good as its peak in the first ten seasons but still funny to watch. The episode where Sideshow Bob is a mayor somewhere in Italy was quality and that was in season 16 I think.

Anything after that is unwatchably unfunny. I've tried to watch some of seasons 18-19 onwards and I have to force myself to laugh at anything and give up after about 2 minutes.

Family Guy completely pales in comparison to the Simpsons. The level of sophistication in Simpsons is unparalleled.

Really poor episde imo. Sideshow Bob makes it ok because he's a great character, but the episode in itself isnt really funny.

I agree with most in this thread, Simpsons seasons 3 to around 12 were the best of animated shows ever. Dont remember quite exactly where I think it dropped in quality.

Regarding Family Guy, seasons 2-5 where excellent. After that its deteriorated and now its pretty shit - Peter has just become a retarded character, it seems that the whole point is for him to do something thats even more ridiculous than last time, and its painfully obvious and stopped being funny a long time ago. And Stewie is just an excuse for gay jokes nowadays.

Both shows suffer from increased use of episodes often centralling entirely around some uninteresting celebrities, and overly specific plots. Earlier, an episode of Simpsons could be for instance "Homer gets a job as a fireman" - a very general plot with many possibilities for various things to happen.
A new episode is "Lisa helps an old magician retrieve his famous trick thats been stolen by Criss Angel". Its so specific, doesnt allow much freedom for the spontaneous, surprising elements that surprise the audience and makes us laugh. WIsh they would just put the show out of its misery.
Really poor episde imo. Sideshow Bob makes it ok because he's a great character, but the episode in itself isnt really funny.

I agree with most in this thread, Simpsons seasons 3 to around 12 were the best of animated shows ever. Dont remember quite exactly where I think it dropped in quality.

Regarding Family Guy, seasons 2-5 where excellent. After that its deteriorated and now its pretty shit - Peter has just become a retarded character, it seems that the whole point is for him to do something thats even more ridiculous than last time, and its painfully obvious and stopped being funny a long time ago. And Stewie is just an excuse for gay jokes nowadays.

Both shows suffer from increased use of episodes often centralling entirely around some uninteresting celebrities, and overly specific plots. Earlier, an episode of Simpsons could be for instance "Homer gets a job as a fireman" - a very general plot with many possibilities for various things to happen.
A new episode is "Lisa helps an old magician retrieve his famous trick thats been stolen by Criss Angel". Its so specific, doesnt allow much freedom for the spontaneous, surprising elements that surprise the audience and makes us laugh. WIsh they would just put the show out of its misery.

feck off with that statement. The current season is nothing like season 16 for example. It's like a revival. Been good so far.

Name me all the 20 minute shows that are better. There's still not much on TV that is better. Even 2 years ago when it was at it's lowest. Sometimes it got a nice story to it but is missing some laugh out loud moments. That's ok sometimes. Compared to Family Guy now, Simpsons is way ahead.
feck off with that statement. The current season is nothing like season 16 for example. It's like a revival. Been good so far.

Name me all the 20 minute shows that are better. There's still not much on TV that is better. Even 2 years ago when it was at it's lowest. Sometimes it got a nice story to it but is missing some laugh out loud moments. That's ok sometimes. Compared to Family Guy now, Simpsons is way ahead.

Yea feck you too.

Being better than Family Guy at the moment isnt something to brag about. Both shows are crap at the moment.

South Park for instance is easily better.
I thought Futurama was the natural successor to the Simpsons, it was absolutely brilliant as the Simpsons was fading. Shame it got cancelled really.
This season has Simpson has been the best in years. Good so far.

Family Guy hasn't been funny for a good 3 years. The last season of Family Guy was the worst television season I've seen. American Dad has been much better since it came out.

I agree, pleasantly surprised by this season. Even though it'll never reach the heights of it's first decade again, I've always found it watchable. There's the nostalgia factor, Mr. Burns is still one of the funniest characters on TV and every now and then Homer's genius resurfaces.

Family Guy was never funny.
I thought Futurama was the natural successor to the Simpsons, it was absolutely brilliant as the Simpsons was fading. Shame it got cancelled really.

Futurama was fantastic, and it's been brought back since being cancelled.

Season 6 aired last year, and they've confirmed '7A' to be aired this year and 7B' in 2013.
I thought Futurama was the natural successor to the Simpsons, it was absolutely brilliant as the Simpsons was fading. Shame it got cancelled really.
I'm more pissed that they cancelled King of the Hill. In favour of 'The Cleveland Show'...:rolleyes:
Baseball one on Sky now.

I know the lyrics to this off by heart :lol:

I kind of fell out of love with the Simpsons when the new episodes came about, they just really don't have the magic of the early series. Is there any specific episodes from recent years that anyone could recommend as I would like to give it another chance