The Simpsons.

Homer at the Bat-greatest episode ever.

Homer not going to Church at a close second

Is that "Homer The Heretic"? That is easily one of the best episodes, only from the fourth season. It is 18 years old now... How time flies, and all that.

One of my other favourites is "Boy-Scoutz 'n the Hood". So many classic moment in that episode.

Nowadays, and I agree with others - from season 10/11 onwards has been nowhere near as good. Some episodes are almost unwatchable. Every single episode I've seen recently just seems to be an excuse for a celebrity to be on it and a ridiculously convoluted story.
Did it though? I ask in all honesty, I just dont see how people from Africa, the Middle East, India, China, Russia, Pacific Islanders, etc would really identify with the show.

'Simpsons' Show Global Appeal

Non-English versions of The Simpsons - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't really like posting Wiki as a source but that one seems o.k. It is just one of those phenomenon , Family values, likeable characters, classic comedy. Take your pick, it just seems to work. It just breaks down barriers that we presume should exist between different countries. It is very peculiar in that respect.
I think it's very harsh to say it's been shit for longer than it's been good. The newer episodes are definitely not as good as the older episodes, but they're far from shit in my opinion. They still have plenty of laughs. It's been exaggerated how bad the new episodes have gotten. They're not that bad.

And the seasons 3-10 were probably some of the best comedy that's ever been shown on TV... ever. No other cartoon has even approached that level. I think the Simpsons still deserves to be named as a great show for that.
I was having this conversation the other day with my Dad when i saw an old episode i hadnts een for years and realised 90% of the jokes in it i just couldnt have got at the time, so we were wondering what it was that made me and all my mates and people the same age love it so much despite the fact that a lot of its humour wasnt aimed at us at all.
I think it's very harsh to say it's been shit for longer than it's been good. The newer episodes are definitely not as good as the older episodes, but they're far from shit in my opinion. They still have plenty of laughs. It's been exaggerated how bad the new episodes have gotten. They're not that bad.

And the seasons 3-10 were probably some of the best comedy that's ever been shown on TV... ever. No other cartoon has even approached that level. I think the Simpsons still deserves to be named as a great show for that.

They just haven't remained consistant that's all, but the episodes do still have bits that are funny but not ha ha funny(ralph wiggum).

I'd say Southpark has reached that level but it doesn't hit the same audience as The Simpsons because of its profanity,violence, nudity etc.
The newer episodes are garbage. Not just bad in comparison with the best of the Simpsons but bad in comparison with anything on tv. They're just relentlessly shit.
I never liked Southpark much. Half the time I can't understand what the little turds are saying, mumbling curses all the time. Simpson's far better. Cleaner and wittier. More my type of comedy rather than in your face trying to be cool. Simpsons is cool!
You know what else is shit on newer Simpsons, the animation! You can tell its all done in computers these days, doesn't have anythig like the charm of the older episodes. You know within about 5 seconds if the episode is going to be a shitty newer one just by how it looks.
The new beginning doesn't help either, i think i finally accepted it was dying when they did this.

My eyes hurt. As a fan of the series, but one who hasn't seen the latter seasons, that is just wrong.
The new beginning doesn't help either, i think i finally accepted it was dying when they did this.

It was going to be cancelled... but now its not.

It seems like it very very nearly got cancelled. Though it now seems it will be renewed for another two seasons it very nearly hit the can.

The Simpsons: worth more dead than alive

"Simpsons" actor offers to take 70 percent pay cut

Deal to save The Simpsons seems near

'The Simpsons' renewed by Fox for two more seasons

Can't believe I missed this near-history. I used to love the simpsons, so much so that it was a semi-dream to have them all on DVD. I never bought any of them thank god, and they got steadily worse, though fans often say that there are the odd episode that are nearly as good as the seasons 1-10
Season 3 to about 13 is some of the greatest t.v ever. I don't watch it anymore, it became painfully apparent that you were watching a cartoon.

Still though, anything from the golden years can still have me in stitches (and also it's amazing the amount of shit you notice even after watching an episode ten times).
The Cat Burglar episode = amazing.

Homer: So, Mr. Malloy, it seems that the cat has been caught by the very person who was trying to catch him.

Skinner: How ironic.
That's the thing it wasnt popular with people of all ages, sure it is popular with people in their 30s and 40s now, becasue the show came out when they were young. A lot of older people I knew when the show was at its peak didnt really think much of it. And what do you mean by impact? Did kids where you live paint themselves yellow or something?

When you talk about impact with The Simpsons you're talking about it's influence on other shows. It ushered an age of cartoon comedies. Without The Simpsons there would be no South Park, Futurama, Family Guy, American Dad etc. It's a shame what it's become but it was genius at it's best and the old one's will stand the test of time.
I was thinking about the episode when (i think) Lenny, Karl and Homer are talking about something secretive and they keep saying "shutuuuuuup" to eachother in a ridiculously funny way. Can anyone find a video of it?

Was it the stonecutters episode?

EDIT: Already found it. :lol: It is the stonecutters one.
I was thinking about the episode when (i think) Lenny, Karl and Homer are talking about something secretive and they keep saying "shutuuuuuup" to eachother in a ridiculously funny way. Can anyone find a video of it?

Was it the stonecutters episode?

EDIT: Already found it. :lol: It is the stonecutters one.

The Stonecutters episode is a classic, it's where that 'stalk Lenny and Carl' comes from too.
I only today realised that Lionel Hutz and Troy McClure haven't been in the show since seasons 9 and 10 respectively after the voice actor was murdered in 1998. One of the reasons it's no longer as good imo, Hutz was awesome.

Hutz: And so, ladies and gentleman of the jury I rest my case.
Judge: Hmmm. Mr. Hutz, do you know that you're not wearing any pants?
Hutz: DAAAA!! I move for a bad court thingy.
Judge: You mean a mistrial?
Hutz: Right!! That's why you're the judge and I'm the law-talking guy.
Judge: You mean the lawyer?
Hutz: Right.
Lionel Hutz and Troy McClure were both quality characters.

I also like the spotty kid who pops up now and again with the cracked/puberty voice.

Been a fan of the Simpsons for bloody ages, if we are talking classic episodes, how about Mr Plow?

Oh, and one of my other favourites, Trash of the Titans. I could virtually recite that episode all the way through.

Oh, and I cant remember the episode name, but Max Power.

So many great episodes.
There was talk of a Troy McClure live action film apparently, and Hartman really wanted to do it.

He was Lyle Lanley from the Monorail ep too & Zap Branigan was supposed to be him, and then based on him as a tribute.

Phil Hartman = Leg End.

"Mr. Simpson, don't you worry. I watched Matlock in a bar last night. The sound wasn't on, but I think I got the gist of it."

Phil Hartman Highlights p2 - YouTube
"Ive sold Monorails to Broadway, Ogdenville and North Haverbrook.... and by god it put them on the map!"
The Homer the babysitter one was a classic. 'Sweet candy'