The Simpsons.

Al Jean has been there from the start though hasn't he?
I only really stopped watching The Simpsons because Family Guy came along and stole its best bits and made them better.

Peter > Homer
Stewie > Bart
Lois > Marge

I suppose Lisa is better than Meg. Shut up, Meg.

The showrunner doesn't have a great deal of input in the creative side. Very harsh to put all the blame on them for it, it's just a case of alot of the 3-8 writers going elsewhere or becoming creatively bankrupt within The Simpsons universe. Swartzwelder being the best example, his final few episodes were kinda bad despite him being one of the best long time writers in the show.
I find with the newer episodes when i watch them that they tend to start off amusing for the first 5mins then go very dire usually bursting into song or something. Not to sure what it is with yank shows and singing do people actually think it's cool?
I only really stopped watching The Simpsons because Family Guy came along and stole its best bits and made them better.

Peter > Homer
Stewie > Bart
Lois > Marge

I suppose Lisa is better than Meg. Shut up, Meg.


Shake harder boy!


I've got to watch that lemon tree episode again, right now.
I only really stopped watching The Simpsons because Family Guy came along and stole its best bits and made them better.

Peter > Homer
Stewie > Bart
Lois > Marge

I suppose Lisa is better than Meg. Shut up, Meg.

The Simpsons is infinitely better than anything Family Guy has ever done or will ever do.
Simpsons was still good until about season 16/17. Maybe not as good as its peak in the first ten seasons but still funny to watch. The episode where Sideshow Bob is a mayor somewhere in Italy was quality and that was in season 16 I think.

Anything after that is unwatchably unfunny. I've tried to watch some of seasons 18-19 onwards and I have to force myself to laugh at anything and give up after about 2 minutes.

Family Guy completely pales in comparison to the Simpsons. The level of sophistication in Simpsons is unparalleled.
Am I the only person that just doesn't quite get family guy? Not even comparing it to the Simpsons, I've just never found anything I've seen on it funny. At all.
This season has Simpson has been the best in years. Good so far.

Family Guy hasn't been funny for a good 3 years. The last season of Family Guy was the worst television season I've seen. American Dad has been much better since it came out.
I only really stopped watching The Simpsons because Family Guy came along and stole its best bits and made them better.

Peter > Homer
Stewie > Bart
Lois > Marge

I suppose Lisa is better than Meg. Shut up, Meg.

Are you shitting me? Lois, Meg and Chris are 3 of the most irrelevant main characters in television. Peter is just too stupid. Stewie, Brian and Quaghmire make that show.




When Bill Oakley & Josh Weinstein left, it sorta went kablooey. Still though, Weinstein writes for Futurama these days and the new season is good. Such a shame FOX cancelled King of the Hill.

Turning point for The Simpsons to be Maude's death but Season 11 still has some funny episodes.

What happened to the thread that was just Simpsons quotes? Was that saved? I literally used to laugh out loud just reading it.
I refuse to actually write lol or lolling. I'm not 12. I make a point of spelling it out in as complicated a way as possible just to be difficult.
"Last Exit to Springfield (the one with the Dental Plan) is on next...Season 6 I think...One of the all time greats
'yeah, that's one fine looking barbecue pit....why doesn't mine look like that!?' Probably one of the funniest scenes in Simpsons history on that veetle channel there
Season 4 starts at 9.20am on that veetle channel.

At least I've worked out what time I'm getting up tomorrow.