The Simpsons.

I only today realised that Lionel Hutz and Troy McClure haven't been in the show since seasons 9 and 10 respectively after the voice actor was murdered in 1998. One of the reasons it's not longer as good imo, Hutz was awesome..

I watched Jingle all the way recently. Only now just realised the guy that keeps hitting on Arnies wife was Hutz.
Lionel Hutz was probably my favourite character back in the day.

"Next case, the National Council of Churches vs Lionel Hutz"

"Oh yeah, that thing"
I had actually never noticed that they disappeared, however now when I think about it, I can only remember the characters from earlier episodes.
Phil Hartman on NewsRadio is good stuff. His death really was a shame, and a tragic one, damn great guy.
My favourite episode is the Cat Burglar one, every single line is funny.
Jumped the Shark for me when they came up with the Arman Tamzarian bullshit for Skinner, totally destroying a good character.

Hard to believe when you look at the shit they've been churning out for over a decade that we used to regularly get episodes like 'Deep Space Homer', 'Flaming Moe', 'Monorail' 'Radio Bart', 'Blood Feud' & 'Last Exit to Springfield' on a weekly basis.
I stopped watching the new episodes after that episode where they altered the series entire history, having Homer and Marge meeting each other in the 90's, all for a lazy Nirvana parody.
Bound to happen with every tv series that goes on for as long as the simpsons has to be fair.
It keeps getting renewed. So it must still be very popular.

Its my all time favourite show, but I never watch it anymore
Up to 1998 it was the greatest show ever made. Utter genius.
It keeps getting renewed because of the ridiculous money they make from merchandise, I don't actually think the ratings are that high anymore.
It gets renewed because of it's worldwide could less viewers than 4m regularly in america and they'd still keep it on due to that, as it still gets solid numbers in almost every other main country too, not many shows transcend cultures as good as the Simpsons.

And the episode where it officially dropped it's greatness was when they "revealed" Principal Skinner to be a fake or something. What an insult to its audience that was.

However I haven't watched many episodes since like 14....but I did see Eternal Moonshine, which was a welcome surprise. very good episode. I'd still like to own all sets on DVD though, just for the sake of it(I have up to 12 or 13 now, but haven't watched the last two really, but for £12, whatever.)
I only really stopped watching The Simpsons because Family Guy came along and stole its best bits and made them better.

Peter > Homer
Stewie > Bart
Lois > Marge

I suppose Lisa is better than Meg. Shut up, Meg.
I only really stopped watching The Simpsons because Family Guy came along and stole its best bits and made them better.

Peter > Homer
Stewie > Bart
Lois > Marge

I suppose Lisa is better than Meg. Shut up, Meg.

:lol: good one.
I only really stopped watching The Simpsons because Family Guy came along and stole its best bits and made them better.

Peter > Homer
Stewie > Bart
Lois > Marge

I suppose Lisa is better than Meg. Shut up, Meg.

I only really stopped watching The Simpsons because Family Guy came along and stole its best bits and made them better.

Peter > Homer
Stewie > Bart
Lois > Marge

I suppose Lisa is better than Meg. Shut up, Meg.

That's like saying Lee Nelson's > Ali G. He's complete shite.

Simpsons is pure brilliance, Family guy is more potty mouth slurry.
I only really stopped watching The Simpsons because Family Guy came along and stole its best bits and made them better.

Peter > Homer
Stewie > Bart
Lois > Marge

I suppose Lisa is better than Meg. Shut up, Meg.

I only really stopped watching The Simpsons because Family Guy came along and stole its best bits and made them better.

Peter > Homer
Stewie > Bart
Lois > Marge

I suppose Lisa is better than Meg. Shut up, Meg.

It's one thing to say that Family Guy is better now than the Simpsons is, but to claim it's improved on the Simpson's at it's best, is lunacy bordering on imbecility.
List of showrunners throughout the series' run:

Season 1–2: Matt Groening, James L. Brooks, & Sam Simon
Season 3–4: Al Jean & Mike Reiss
Season 5–6: David Mirkin
Season 7–8: Bill Oakley & Josh Weinstein
Season 9–12: Mike Scully
Season 13–present: Al Jean

This tells you a bit, peaked with the eight season and just hasn't been funny since season 13.