The Rise of the Right Wing In Ireland.

Ffs these lads need help

It's hilarious but also very telling. They attack the left wing party who have literally no say in what's happening and blame them on every culture war topic imaginable all to the tune of a communist anthem.

It's like Brass Eye.
It's hilarious but also very telling. They attack the left wing party who have literally no say in what's happening and blame them on every culture war topic imaginable all to the tune of a communist anthem.

It's like Brass Eye.

It's so wrong-headed, it's almost fascinating.
Our GDP is not the most reliable as a lot of that is corporation tax we’re not entirely sure we’ll be able to hold onto.

I note that we have much more government debt and spend a higher % of our budget on health and lower % on defence than those notoriously right wing Noggies. Which is interesting.

Ireland has all corporate HQs, Norway has insanely large oil reserves and multiple wealth funds, one of which is derived from the oil money. It's not really a "normal" country to compare with (irrespective of left and right).
Unfortunately not, the bloke's an absolute weapon.

Far too many smilies do take away from a good joke:

I’m sorry to say this and I know I’m going to get pelters on here for it….but that is so wonderfully Irish, can’t even do vitriolic right wing hatred without whipping out an acoustic guitar and singing a soulful tune about it :lol: :lol:
I’m sorry to say this and I know I’m going to get pelters on here for it….but that is so wonderfully Irish, can’t even do vitriolic right wing hatred without whipping out an acoustic guitar and singing a soulful tune about it :lol: :lol:

It's so mental.
that song is like an A to Z of lunacy :lol: Just keeps going. Honestly if someone told me it was a piss take I'd believe them, maybe that makes it worse.
Our Bard is running for election.

The Dog! :lol:

Reddit has a page on him. He has connections to Nick Griffin. Nuff said.
My dog does too. Also people in wheelchairs. It's a nightmare. He also barks at anyone wearing a hat, so I'm fairly sure he's not a bigot. Although the hat thing could be a false flag operation.
My 9 month old cries when he sees a black person on the tv :nervous: I think the far right generation are coming.
Our Bard is running for election.

The Dog! :lol:

Reddit has a page on him. He has connections to Nick Griffin. Nuff said.
Can't find it now but theres a good video that shows he owns a UK registered car that he hasn't taxed in Ireland. A guy confronts him about it on the street while he's spewing his shite and he has no answer to it.
Can't find it now but theres a good video that shows he owns a UK registered car that he hasn't taxed in Ireland. A guy confronts him about it on the street while he's spewing his shite and he has no answer to it.

Ah they're shams. The patriot shtick is just to gather the low hanging fruit.

Follow the money.

Who Pays the Piper? The Funding Behind the Far-Right Far-Right's American Donors,anti-queer movements in Ireland
In my defense, I only thought he was a racist and anti-vaxxer when I funded him, I had no idea about the abortion stuff.
My dog does too. Also people in wheelchairs. It's a nightmare. He also barks at anyone wearing a hat, so I'm fairly sure he's not a bigot. Although the hat thing could be a false flag operation.
Mine too. She also barks at people with hats, wearing glasses, have facial hair, wearing dark clothes, anything with wheels and youngish men. Basically if you're not a doddery old woman wearing the most bright floral shit you're suspicious and going to hurt her.
How international social media users are stoking Ireland's migration debate
Sky News' Data & Forensics Unit analysed recent posts concerning unrest and mentioning anti-migration hashtags, finding the majority originate outside of Ireland.

It’s always the way. People who think of themselves as free thinkers, who can see through the government propaganda blinding the “sheeple” are actually being led by the nose by bad actors overseas.
It’s always the way. People who think of themselves as free thinkers, who can see through the government propaganda blinding the “sheeple” are actually being led by the nose by bad actors overseas.

Yeah, it's always the idiots, bless them.
It’s always the way. People who think of themselves as free thinkers, who can see through the government propaganda blinding the “sheeple” are actually being led by the nose by bad actors overseas.
The people that couldn't get through pass English for the Junior Cert always seem to miraculously acquire the ability to learn and understand things once they hit about 10 years post-school. They need a good dose of exam results to remind them of their brain power.
I for one am not shocked that international social media users who have convinced themselves that London is some sort of warzone from thousands of miles away are exploiting this with Ireland too.

Do I think Ireland has a legitimate rising right wing? Sure - because it has always carried a social conservatism and religious adherence coupled on top of the fact it was a tax haven for big business which is at odds with how other British left publications I've read treat a country like India which also has a long and violent past of being subjugated by the British. They aren't romanticised in the way Ireland is. Everyone holds India account for moving right under its current government and the attitudes of its modern population. That's always been a strange dichotomy to me.

What the Irish government has done in the last two weeks is give the Tory government here a route to complain about hypocrisy which they have gleefully taken by saying "hey now the problem of migrants is on your turf you want us to do the Rwanda plan you previously deemed horrible". And then it gives rise to the argument if Ireland wants to send them back to the UK, why can't the UK send them back to France and France to Albania. Before you know it we have completely dehumanised human beings by all referring to their existence as a problem and as "them". That's something which will raise the salience of right wing politics everywhere so it's not unique to Ireland in that sense.