The Rise of the Right Wing In Ireland.

Good, let's just keep reiterating the outside , and especially loyalist links. Surprised it took them this long to wake up to it.
Lads quickly learning that teaming up with Ulster loyalists probably wasn't the best idea.

This smooth brain quickly deleted this from twitter
Lads quickly learning that teaming up with Ulster loyalists probably wasn't the best idea.

This smooth brain quickly deleted this from twitter

It's going to get interesting as there has been lots of loyalist (and other) skin in the game for years now and the National Party (and the IFP) chose not to engage whenever it was raised. The spanners from Coolock brought to the fore a conversation lots of people have been trying to have for a while now.
It was probably a good thing that small group travelled up to Belfast if it means that element gets purged.

It will be very hard to untangle it in my opinion. I'm surprised that NP chap engaged at all.

It has been a very hotchpotch mix since the start. There is definitely Loyalist and British involvement and without a doubt there is some of that old conservative catholic money there too. The NP are a well-funded pro-life entity and Herman Kelly the IFP leader is a self-proclaimed Catholic Nationalist and both were happy enough with the external help and money til just now. It'll be interesting to see where the conversation goes.
I’m… confused… why are they angry with each other?

The 'Coolock says No' brigade are personae non gratae now because they were hanging out with Loyalists and drinking pints with the UDA.

You can hear it in the video.

'That banner is not welcome'

'We're not Loyalists, we remember our history'

And best bit

'The Gards are laughing at us'
I’m… confused… why are they angry with each other?
Because after 3 years of lefties pointing at vile outside influences the dopey pricks put a flag beside another flag and now the issue needs addressing. Also it's actually news to some of the idiots who have no idea what they are part of.
That can’t really be done at this point. The feelings and temperature around the immigration issue are too high now for it to just go away.
I think with that right messaging it can be largely quietened. We don't have any history of it so the sooner the better we tackle it.

What are your thoughts on the issue as a whole? You seem less sure that's not a construct.
A nurse in Belfast has said she will leave Northern Ireland when her contract is finished because of recent disorder.

The staff nurse from India, who has asked to remain anonymous, told BBC News NI she was scared and families are really frightened.

It comes after a number of businesses in south Belfast were targeted during violent protests.

“I’m frightened to come to the hospital for work," the nurse said. BBC News NI understands that in the Belfast Trust there are about 10 nurses from overseas who have said they are leaving Northern Ireland.
I think with that right messaging it can be largely quietened. We don't have any history of it so the sooner the better we tackle it.

What are your thoughts on the issue as a whole? You seem less sure that's not a construct.
I hope to post a long form reply at the weekend. I’ve been meaning to do that on the thread for a while now but just haven’t had the time.
Mother of Jesus what a bellend.

Also, could he not at least have put the hat on straight?
It's cool and all but if there is a rise of right wing in Ireland how come they've never had Ronaldo O'Sullivan?
Check out this absolute whopper.

I'm not 100% sure, but I think he's had enough.
Yeesh, this certainly won't help.

Immigration to Ireland has reached a 17-year high, according to figures released by the Central Statistics Office, with 149,200 people arriving in the country in the 12 months to April.

The figures show that of these, 30,000 were returning Irish citizens, 27,000 were other EU citizens and 5,400 were UK citizens.

The remaining 86,800 immigrants were citizens of other countries.

It also doesn't help that emigration keeps going up, too
More than 69,000 people emigrated from Ireland in the 12 months to April, compared with 64,000 in the same period of 2023.
We're basically losing more and more young Irish people every year because the country is such a shitshow for housing and they have no future here whilst letting in record numbers of immigrants. It's completely unsustainable until our housing situation gets resolved, which this government are completely inept at doing.
Yeesh, this certainly won't help.

It also doesn't help that emigration keeps going up, too

We're basically losing more and more young Irish people every year because the country is such a shitshow for housing and they have no future here whilst letting in record numbers of immigrants. It's completely unsustainable until our housing situation gets resolved, which this government are completely inept at doing.
Wheres a good place to emigrate to these days? I heard Australia is having a similar housing crisis aswell as Canada

Would love to get out of Ireland but I have a feeling it isn't much better in most places
Wheres a good place to emigrate to these days? I heard Australia is having a similar housing crisis aswell as Canada

Would love to get out of Ireland but I have a feeling it isn't much better in most places
There is pretty much no western country on earth with a housing crisis as bad as Ireland apart from maybe some parts of the US.
Yeesh, this certainly won't help.

It also doesn't help that emigration keeps going up, too

We're basically losing more and more young Irish people every year because the country is such a shitshow for housing and they have no future here whilst letting in record numbers of immigrants. It's completely unsustainable until our housing situation gets resolved, which this government are completely inept at doing.

I think you’re being a bit melodramatic there. Figures you quote say 30k of the immigrants are Irish people returning (+ another 32k coming from Eu/UK). You have to assume that a decent chunk of the 69k leaving each year are not Irish citizens (maybe even the majority?) so the net reduction in Irish people is probably pretty small. And it’s even possible that there isn’t any net reduction at all.
I think you’re being a bit melodramatic there. Figures you quote say 30k of the immigrants are Irish people returning (+ another 32k coming from Eu/UK). You have to assume that a decent chunk of the 69k leaving each year are not Irish citizens (maybe even the majority?) so the net reduction in Irish people is probably pretty small. And it’s even possible that there isn’t any net reduction at all.
Sure, if you note the numbers moving to just the UK and Australia (albeit the 2 biggest markets we have for young people) it's still a lot, though. a near 50% increase for Australia which is mad. So no I doubt the majority are not Irish citizens.

The figures also show that 10,600 people left Ireland to live in Australia, up from 4,700 last year.

Around 15,200 people left Ireland to live in the UK - up from 14,600 in 2023 - and 20,500 people came to Ireland from the UK, up from 18,400 in 2023.
I wouldn't say I'm being melodramatic, I do think it's incredibly tough for young people here right now, so many are forced to live at home because renting is an impossibility. Why wouldn't they emigrate?
I think you’re being a bit melodramatic there. Figures you quote say 30k of the immigrants are Irish people returning (+ another 32k coming from Eu/UK). You have to assume that a decent chunk of the 69k leaving each year are not Irish citizens (maybe even the majority?) so the net reduction in Irish people is probably pretty small. And it’s even possible that there isn’t any net reduction at all.

The number of Ukrainians in state accommodation is down 17,500 apparently