Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Predestination was kind of good, Snook was great, the extraneous space travel digression was a weird misstep. Ultimately though it seemed little more than a superior rendition of an increasingly familiar story
(Bioshock: Infinite, Looper, Primer, Time Crimes, Triangle, etc.)
It's directed by a pair of Australian brothers. But like all interesting Australian films got no coverage over here. I'll have to find it elsewhere.

All I'll say is of people had a problem with the paradox in Interstellar then probably steer clear of this.

It's the sort of movie where you have to go with it really.
Predestination was kind of good, Snook was great, the extraneous space travel digression was a weird misstep. Ultimately though it seemed little more than a superior rendition of an increasingly familiar story
(Bioshock: Infinite, Looper, Primer, Time Crimes, Triangle, etc.)

Yeah definitely the latter two. They both came straight to mind whilst watching.

I think it went a step further than even them though. I'd guessed
that [spoiler within spoiler] was gonna feck him/herself but I hadn't realised that the baby created was the one stolen in the first instance meaning Hawke was effectively everybody.

Watched this since it was recommended by a couple of people here. Really enjoyed it. I thought it was going to slowly morph into your typical sports underdog triumph after a good start, although it managed to avoid that and give off a more original, unique sort of vibe. Brad Pitt often annoys me but he's good in this as well. A lot of the baseball jargon kind of passed over my head, but it's still a film that can be enjoyed without really knowing a lot about the sport.

Yeah definitely the latter two. They both came straight to mind whilst watching.

I think it went a step further than even them though. I'd guessed
that [spoiler within spoiler] was gonna feck him/herself but I hadn't realised that the baby created was the one stolen in the first instance meaning Hawke was effectively everybody.

Yeah Bioshock similarly tried to unravel an incestuous, chicken/egg Ouroboros timeline, but I felt it copped out by appealing to a many worlds deus ex machina. I haven't bothered going over Predestination's timeline minutiae (like I had to do with say Primer for instance) but the way Predestination ties up it's story, felt far more satisfying.
The Insider - Really gripping thriller showing the disturbing power of corporations. Superb performances by Crowe and Al Pacino and whilst it is long at 2hrs 40mins, it flew by.
Very good movie with great acting.
I know a few people are sniffy about Kubrick on here, but seeing 2001 on the big screen this weekend was one of the best film experiences I've ever had. Sound and visuals are perfect, and everything after we meet Dave and Hal is mindblowing, you can't relax. Funny to compare the way it treats dialogue and story to how horribly expository Interstellar was, and I (mostly) liked Interstellar. There's never going to be another film like it.

Also, the BFI put up this great picture as part of their re-release. Check it out:
The Awakening
A film about a woman who debunks the theory of ghosts. She is invited to a boarding school by McNulty from the Wire because all the kids in the school claim to be haunted by the ghost of a boy. The film feels like the British version of The Orphanage. The period setting and cold grey tone to the films grading gives it a bit of gravitas to separate the film from others in the genre but the scares are few and far between, which I guess is the main aim of a horror film, which the director seems to have forgotten. Still, decent acting and a pretty good storyline makes it worth a watch 6.5/10
^Accurate score^, I think. Says it all that, while I quite enjoyed The Awakening*, I hadn't thought of it again 'til you posted a review.

*I watched it about four months ago.
Thanks for the review @ThierryHenry I've been trying to find time to see this in Manchester before the run finishes. Glad to see somebody who appreciates the sheer artistry of the film as well. Easily makes my top 3 movies of all time. Can't wait to see it on the big screen.

They say that the best documentaries should stay with you for at least a good few years after you have finished watching them and change your habits or way of looking at a certain issues. This fulfils that criterion and then some. I can’t see myself ever stepping foot in any water based themed park after this; if so it definitely won’t be a Branch of Seaworld (though I doubt the others are any better). A really effecting, well researched and put together look at the issue of Killer Whales in captivity and the issues posed by both their high intelligence and mistreatment at the hands of organisations like Seaworld. Highly recommended to just about anybody with a love of animals or anybody into very well made and deeply though provoking documentaries, a must see in my book.

Blackfish: They say that the best documentaries should stay with you for at least a good few years after you have finished watching them and change your habits or way of looking at a certain issues. This fulfils that criterion and then some. I can’t see myself ever stepping foot in any water based themed park after this; if so it definitely won’t be a Branch of Seaworld (though I doubt the others are any better). A really effecting, well researched and put together look at the issue of Killer Whales in captivity and the issues posed by both their high intelligence and mistreatment at the hands of organisations like Seaworld. Highly recommended to just about anybody with a love of animals or anybody into very well made and deeply though provoking documentaries, a must see in my book.


Heard this was an excellent eye opener. Definitely intend on watching it.
Fading Gigolo - John Turtorro directs John Turtorro in a role written by John Turtorro, for John Turtorro, where John Turtorro plays a brooding, handsome, laconic, irresistibly cool and impecably dressed ladies man who's prone to quoting profound italian idioms for no apparent reason to the admiring swoons of Sharon Stone, Vanessa Paradis in a wig, and that MILF from Modern Family who is constantly on heat. The plot sees John Turtorro (for it is he) slide half heartedly into part time work as a mature gigolo, catering exclusively to beautiful, lythe, glamorous women (you know, the usual type who pay for sex) only one of whom is ever seen in more than 15cm of clothing. It goes without saying that John Turturro (or the character John Turturro wrote for John Turturro) is fantastic at sex. They all fall in love with him, and two of them even want a menage a tois. He's that good. He is John Turturro. These fantastically glamorous women have little real purpose other than to swoon over, flirt and simulate sex with John Turtorro at regular intervals, but in lieu of any chance at a Bechdel Test pass, they do at least look very good. For this, and indeed their casting, we can presumably thank the director, John Turturro.

When an actor who isn't Orson Wells writes and directs a film that isn't Rocky for himself to star in, there's a high chance it'll be terrible and hateful. This valiantly manages to merely be incredibly boring and a bit insulting, but still falls three avocados short of an amusingly bad pretentious picnic. Also it's a comedy, but it definitely isn't. John Turturro does randomly quote profound italian idioms for no apparent reason (see above) but that isn't intended as an amusing self aware character quirk, which you may reasonably expect from a comedy. No. This is played completely straight. For he is profound. And brooding. And intense. And great at sex. And all those other traits that leading men in quirky indy comedies are known for. Often he says something like "There is no love without pain" whilst trying to woo a celibate orthadox widow over cabbage in a dingy flat. You may think this has ripe potential for comedy? Perhaps. John Turturro doesn't.

There's also an odd sub-plot about Jews that manages to be both too offensive and not offensive enough all in one go, and concludes in a way that makes no sense, and is a bit sinister. Also Woody Allen plays a pimp, which is the funniest idea in the whole thing, but is completely unexplored. His biggest contribution is the first scene, which crucially requires him to lavish a long paragraph of praise on John Turturro for (amongst other things) his off kilter handsomeness, musclar fitness, all round animal magnatism and frequent success with women, while John Turturro broods and looks intense. Again, this film was written by John Turturro.

Only really worth a look if you're an insomniac or John Turturro's psychiatrist. 4

Boyhood - Interesting. Worth making. Well acted. Admirably uncliched. Pretty boring. Too long. Will never want to watch any of it again. 7/8/8.5/6? I've no idea.

Hercules (The one with The Rock in it) - The Rock plays Hercules in a film called Hercules, that isn't about the Hercules myth at all. Admirably, and against the tide, it tries valiantly to be a slightly better and more serious movie than a film about Hercules starring The Rock ever requires to be. It fails. Obviously. But not without a fight.

It starts well, aiming for what I imagine the writers thought was a "Nolan-esque" take on Hercules, which almost sort of works, a bit, but the diologue's far too cheesy, and everyone looks like they're blocking for an expensive gay porn film. With generous benefit of doubt given, there's a couple of quite neat ideas in there about the Herculean legend. However half way through it was clearly re-written by executives during a brainstorming coke lunch, and thus descendeds inevitably into the dumb testosterone filled oily wrestling mess it was always destined to be. Full marks for trying though boys - 6
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Yeah it really is, so many things I wouldn't have know about keeping Animals like this is captivity, but what stays with you is the intelligence and complexity of the Killer Whales. An exceptional documentary.

Yeah, I wonder how much it holds for dolphins/seals as well? Makes me feel guilty if it's similar since I've seen plenty of those displays at water parks and such places. Never seen a killer whale one so my conscience is clear on that part. Will definitely watch it though.
I know a few people are sniffy about Kubrick on here, but seeing 2001 on the big screen this weekend was one of the best film experiences I've ever had. Sound and visuals are perfect, and everything after we meet Dave and Hal is mindblowing, you can't relax. Funny to compare the way it treats dialogue and story to how horribly expository Interstellar was, and I (mostly) liked Interstellar. There's never going to be another film like it.

Also, the BFI put up this great picture as part of their re-release. Check it out:

I'm looking forward to watching it in a few weeks. Never seen it at the cinema. What a treat.
Yeah, I wonder how much it holds for dolphins/seals as well? Makes me feel guilty if it's similar since I've seen plenty of those displays at water parks and such places. Never seen a killer whale one so my conscience is clear on that part. Will definitely watch it though.

It definitely raises indirect questions is relation to both and you won't regret taking the time to see it.
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Fault in our stars

Very emotional and heart breaking, yet still in a way a feel-good movie. 8.5/10

Disappointed to hear Jon Green is a massive Liverpool fan :annoyed:
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Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Quite liked it, not sure how much though. It took a while to grow on me, but it has got a certain charm. Ferris is kind of a complete dick in the way he manipulates his parents and conveniently manages to sing The Beatles on a fecking moving float without being exposed at all, but he wants to help out his mate so there's at least something decent about him. I couldn't figure out if I liked his whole free spirit attitude, or thought he was an arrogant arsehole, but it's a fairly fun movie and I can see why it's quite popular. And the teacher was weirdly creepy, sort of obsessed with Ferris. He looked a bit like what David Moyes would look like if he were an American teacher.

The Mist

Decent movie overall. Didn't expect much of it after watching the trailer to be honest, but it surprised me positively. Well written characters too, some of them really angered me. If you don't know what to watch when you're in the mood for a movie, give this one a go.

The Mist

Decent movie overall. Didn't expect much of it after watching the trailer to be honest, but it surprised me positively. Well written characters too, some of them really angered me. If you don't know what to watch when you're in the mood for a movie, give this one a go.

watched this a few years ago and it was a decent film, until the end which I thought was dreadful.
I know a few people are sniffy about Kubrick on here, but seeing 2001 on the big screen this weekend was one of the best film experiences I've ever had. Sound and visuals are perfect, and everything after we meet Dave and Hal is mindblowing, you can't relax. Funny to compare the way it treats dialogue and story to how horribly expository Interstellar was, and I (mostly) liked Interstellar. There's never going to be another film like it.

Also, the BFI put up this great picture as part of their re-release. Check it out:
I have watched it, but I dont really like it, I may just be in a minority, but I prefer 2010. :nervous:
Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Quite liked it, not sure how much though. It took a while to grow on me, but it has got a certain charm. Ferris is kind of a complete dick in the way he manipulates his parents and conveniently manages to sing The Beatles on a fecking moving float without being exposed at all, but he wants to help out his mate so there's at least something decent about him. I couldn't figure out if I liked his whole free spirit attitude, or thought he was an arrogant arsehole, but it's a fairly fun movie and I can see why it's quite popular. And the teacher was weirdly creepy, sort of obsessed with Ferris. He looked a bit like what David Moyes would look like if he were an American teacher.

Horrible film.
Marketa Lazarova - A very peculiar film, like a hallucinatory medieval fever dream. Fantastic cinematography, hypnotic score. The opening disclaimer "this tale was cobbled together almost at random and hardly merits praise." set the tone.
watched this a few years ago and it was a decent film, until the end which I thought was dreadful.
Must be a taste thing as I really liked the ending :)

The Frighteners
I love and watch all things horror so I dont know how this went under my radar. Loved it. The comedy and quirky style of the film was excellent as was the CGI for that time. Plus anything with Michael J Fox gets a few extra plus points 7.5/10
Just watched The Skeleton Twins. Wish I was clever enough to write a review on it but I'm not. It was awesome though, very touching, and I'd definitely recommend it. 8.5/10
Fault in our stars

Very emotional and heart breaking, yet still in a way a feel-good movie. 8.5/10

Disappointed to hear Jon Green is a massive Liverpool fan :annoyed:
Damn, I was looking for an emotional yet feel good movie, but after looking this movie up I don't think I'd be able to handle it.
Damn, I was looking for an emotional yet feel good movie, but after looking this movie up I don't think I'd be able to handle it.

You will cry, but it won't be just tears of sadness :) Watch it, it's a great movie.
It was just ridiculous. And far too neat. And out of step with the tone in the rest of the film. I mean really, what are the chances that he knows where to go at the exact right moment and that she'd be doing that.
Yeah, to be honest I thought it was a bit ridiculous the way he miraculously turned up.

It probably would have been better if she died or freed herself.
Horrible Bosses 2

If you enjoyed the first, you will enjoy the second film. Some really laugh out loud moments, Anniston is stunning (not her acting) and a good chemistry between the 3 main characters makes it one of my favourite comedies of the year. The storyline is a bit out there, but that's acceptable for a comedy. Good watch with mates.

Dead Man's Shoes

The story was great, I loved it. The acting was good, Paddy was brilliant as usual. But the filming and directing itself wasn't all that, there were some scenes I didn't like.
