Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Edge of tomorrow - despite a rubbish ending it was overall a good film. There is something odd about Emily Blunt, she's very beautiful and quite a good actress but it's almost like she's sleeping with her eyes open at times. Still it made Tom Cruise look almost human.

St.Vincent Not very original but I still enjoyed it. Bill Murray is extremely watchable as always and him "singing" Bob Dylan in the closing credits is great.

We steal secrets: The story of Wikileaks Couldn't really get into this and ended up only half watching it while I did other stuff. It's probably very good though as Gibney's stuff usually is.

Ida The story was good enough but it was the visuals that really make this a must watch. Beautiful cinematography in black and white, one of my favourites this year.

Film about non-fiction writer Truman Capote who becomes involved in a strange murder case, and grows close to one of the killers. Really good actually, based on a true story and Phillip Seymour-Hoffman was excellent.


Film about non-fiction writer Truman Capote who becomes involved in a strange murder case, and grows close to one of the killers. Really good actually, based on a true story and Phillip Seymour-Hoffman was excellent.


Check out Moneyball. Bennett Miller is quality. His new one, Foxcatcher, is going to be fecking amazing.
My head's hurting after watching Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. Make sure you're not struggling to stay awake whilst watching it. I'll have to watch it again.

I'm going to be completely honest. I really disliked this film, I found it very boring and predictable. Very well acted but there is no chance i'll ever go back to it.
Check out Moneyball. Bennett Miller is quality. His new one, Foxcatcher, is going to be fecking amazing.

I've heard before it's a good film, will get round to watching it. Never realised it was the same director.
I think it was the directors cut? Saw something about that on my version.
The original had a cheesy Sam SPade type voiceover and a happy end. The Director's Cut was a better movie cut based on istructions from the director but not a true directors's cut.The Final cut version is similar but actually cut by Scott and digitally remastered a few years ago. I like all versions TBH, even the original has a certain charm.
The Insider - Really gripping thriller showing the disturbing power of corporations. Superb performances by Crowe and Al Pacino and whilst it is long at 2hrs 40mins, it flew by.
Zodiac's a cracking movie. Has anyone got an idea what the yellow tones symbolise?
Don't remember this at all, great film tho.
The Insider - Really gripping thriller showing the disturbing power of corporations. Superb performances by Crowe and Al Pacino and whilst it is long at 2hrs 40mins, it flew by.
Terrific film.
The original had a cheesy Sam SPade type voiceover and a happy end. The Director's Cut was a better movie cut based on istructions from the director but not a true directors's cut.The Final cut version is similar but actually cut by Scott and digitally remastered a few years ago. I like all versions TBH, even the original has a certain charm.

Yeah, the ending of the directions version struck me as more ambiguous than anything else. Sort of upbeat in a sense, but with the knowledge that Harrison's Ford's girlfriend wouldn't have too long to live anyway.
Kill Theory
A group of friends go to a vacation house and are trapped by a psychopath who tells them that only one of them can survive so they are in a race against the clock with a decision to make; either start killing each other or try survive as a group. Decent setup but falls into genre cliche as the film progresses which is a shame as it had some potential. There was a decent twist at the end and although not a perfect film by any means, but not the worst thing I have seen either 5.5/10

The Maze Runner

Was expecting to hate it but surprisingly I was really hooked. The film drops hints about what is going on at just the right times but keeps the mystery going by never fully revealing what is going on so it keeps you on your toes. The production values were decent and the action scenes were pretty sweet. One of the better teen-book adaptations 8.10
I've heard before it's a good film, will get round to watching it. Never realised it was the same director.

Highly recommended, great film. Honestly I'd imagine people see American sports movie, baseball at that and think "urgh", its really nothing like you would expect. Watch it.
Highly recommended, great film. Honestly I'd imagine people see American sports movie, baseball at that and think "urgh", its really nothing like you would expect. Watch it.

Yep, heard it's pretty decent before. I've also heard it's not all just about the sport as such too. Will give it a watch.
Yeah, the ending of the directions version struck me as more ambiguous than anything else. Sort of upbeat in a sense, but with the knowledge that Harrison's Ford's girlfriend wouldn't have too long to live anyway.

That sounds like the Director's Cut - the original ended with them fleeing against a backdrop of nice scenery. The DC ends at the lift.
Check out Moneyball. Bennett Miller is quality. His new one, Foxcatcher, is going to be fecking amazing.
Moneyball is a good movie if you know a bit about baseball, I started watching it with the idea of its application to football. Once I ditched that idea it was a decent watch.
The Maze Runner
Was expecting to hate it but surprisingly I was really hooked. The film drops hints about what is going on at just the right times but keeps the mystery going by never fully revealing what is going on so it keeps you on your toes. The production values were decent and the action scenes were pretty sweet. One of the better teen-book adaptations 8.10
I was expecting to hate this but enjoyed it too, although I'd give it a 6/10.
I love Turing, so I should watch this. Didn't even know that this movie exists, so thanks.
You missed PSH dying too. Having been living on a desert island all year?
Lucy- The film is fairly fast - paced and carries on in the Luc Besson tradition of having a strong female lead. I kind of like the way it is interspersed with random clips to highlight points and Morgan Freeman has gravitas as ever, even if his uni lecture seemed pretty basic level.
I thought Scarlet Johanssen was good in an edgier role than normal. But it seemed like the film didn't know what it wanted to be. Standard revenge film with an edge and cool powers or towards the end, something more profound about the state of humanity.
A few potholes too, eg would the gangsters really not know they were selling a super drug and would the really only test on that fecked up bloke? Watchable enough on a 10 hour flight though.
Just looked up 'The Insider' and surprised I'd never heard of/seen this movie before. But then, I did do a lot of drugs around the time it was released. Or maybe I'm just old enough to start forgetting entire films, so I can start watching them a second time as if I'd never seen it before, that would be fun.

Can't sleep so gonna watch it now.
The Maze Runner
Was expecting to hate it but surprisingly I was really hooked. The film drops hints about what is going on at just the right times but keeps the mystery going by never fully revealing what is going on so it keeps you on your toes. The production values were decent and the action scenes were pretty sweet. One of the better teen-book adaptations 8.10

It's one of the worst! Of The Hunger Games-Divergent-Maze Runner coalition of meh, it manages to have the most implausible storyline, zero character development and uninteresting dialogue. Only the CGI saved it.
"I read that yellow is associated with intellect, and a funny thing I noticed is that whenever someone is investigating about the zodiac, they're usually wearing something yellow.
This could mean that Fincher is associating the yellow color with the person who's currently obessesed with the zodiac. The stronger the yellow tone is, the stronger their obssession is."
Just saw Nightcrawler (much better than the French title 'Nightcall'), enjoyed it. Gyllenhaal is excellent throughout and portrays a cold almost inhuman character. Travis Bickle comes to mind, though there are some obvious difference between both characters. Thought the ending was a bit rushed which was a shame, but overall it's very good.
I've downloaded Social Network. It better be good or else Zen's getting a cyber punch on the nose.

Oh and avoid Occulus. What a lame horror film.
Non Sop David McGinn of the Globe and Mail nails it, saying "The problem is that Non-Stop tries to be something it's not. It has one too many scenes that border on ludicrous, and the big reveal barely makes sense". Liam Neeson is suitably manly and Julianne Moore is depenable as always, but that doesn't come close to saving what is a pretty ridiculous film, full of lazy stereotypes and a script that the writer seems to have got bored of writing. Lupita Nyong'o only has about 3 lines but somehow manages to be the worst thing in it.
Maze Runner - Well it's total shit in almost every way imaginable, but somehow I quite enjoyed it. 5/10
It's a good thing my nose is made of adamantium. Hello broken hand for Spooooooooooooonz.
Just saw Nightcrawler (much better than the French title 'Nightcall'), enjoyed it. Gyllenhaal is excellent throughout and portrays a cold almost inhuman character. Travis Bickle comes to mind, though there are some obvious difference between both characters. Thought the ending was a bit rushed which was a shame, but overall it's very good.
I saw it last night, and really enjoyed it. Gyllenhaal is reptilian.
Gone girl - Great performances, very tense movie, unpredictable, great directing. Rosamund Pike should be nominated for this one, what a performance.

9/10- one of the best movies I've seen this year. Thumbs up for David Fincher once again.
Il Sorpasso

1962 road movie about 2 guys impulsively driving up the coast from Rome. Gassman is great in the lead role as a non-stop livewire personality. The driving scenes are comical. 8/10