Ok, wow. Where to begin? Just got back from seeing this on IMAX. Which was well worth the extra expense. I should be honest here and say that I am a major sci-fi geek, so these sorts of movies are an easy sell on me. I went in wanting to love it, and I came out with the same feeling. But there was something just not quite right about it. On the one hand I think it was a remarkable achievement. I mean it is beautifully shot, the effects are ridiculous. The relationships are really well done, and the acting is excellent. Including a couple of surprise cameos. One of which was Topher Grace, so that maybe that doesn't count. There was one part of the film, where the characters experience the relativity of time, which was outstanding. Genuinely a shocking, tragic, moving mind f**k, which was brilliantly acted.
Like others I found the first third a bit dull, but in the end it seemed somewhat necessary because of the plot. Wallowing a little more in the plight of mankind, showing how different things really were on a larger scale, as opposed to this small isolationist view of an american town, would've made this better I think. Also, did anyone notice the use of flags by the previous expedition? USA! USA! Given how precious resources are, and how earlier in the film they were talking about there being no armies anymore etc., it seemed so redundant and dated a concept.
The last third I loved and hated in equal measure. Great acting, incredible visuals. Actually gave me goosebumps because it was so intense. But it was also complete bollocks, which kind of ruined it. A lot about this movie reminded me of Sunshine (Danny Boyle...more brilliant bollocks).
All in all this was an excellent film. If you aren't into sci-fi you aren't going to like it. It's almost a documentary on space exploration at times, but isn't anywhere near as clever as it purports to be.
8/10 for nerds, 7/10 for normals
While we are on mind f**ks, this one was right up there. Pretty much can't say anything about the plot, but it was cool. I found that I saw every single one of the twists ahead of time, so the revelations weren't shocking, but they were still good. It was only the final one that surprised me. Ethan Hawke is good in this and Sarah Snook is outstanding. Everything about this film was great tbh. Recommended it to several people already.
Was pretty good. Brad Pitt and his accents kill me though. Sounded like the annoying dipshit he played in Inglorious Basterds. Emotional and powerful stuff from Ayer. He loves Michael Pena, clearly, but he was pretty meh in this film.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Easily the best Marvel movie. 10 times better than The Avengers. Thought all the characters and actors were good. Something very refreshing about Pratt's character. I get so tired of these pillocks in silly costumes taking themselves so seriously. So this was a welcome antidote.
8.5/10 for a nerd (me) but my wife couldn't even get through 10 minutes of it.
Complete nonsense. Just pointlessly stupid. Kinda fun though.