Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

The Guest

Kind of similar to Drive, but a lot less boring parts, although all in all it's not as good as Drive. Great soundtrack too.

Still, I was entertained. 8/10
American Hustle - I had high expectations for this film but just couldn't get into the story and found it boring. By the end I didn't care about what happened to the characters and just wanted it to finish. It's a decent film with a great cast (I thought Cooper had the best performance) but it's an overrated film - 6.5.
Mr Turner: Whether this is an accurate representation of the life of Turner is open to interpretation, but I suspect in small parts it is a little wide of the mark. What isn’t wide of the mark is the skill and craft put into making this a really enjoyable and intriguing film. It is a little like wandering into a novel by Dickens and at other times like stumbling into a painting by Turner himself. As a fan of Victorian/Edwardian type literature I was impressed by the use of language and also the rendering of the age itself and the characters; which is especially seen through the choice of actor’s faces and the various uses of rolling heaths and gorgeous vistas.

Spall’s portrayal of Turner himself is a bit of a mixed bag, on rare occasions he falls into Dickensian caricature however most of the time he is an intriguing, strange, obtuse and monosyllabic character but one who is often humorous and entertaining company prone to occasional moments of poetry amidst the frequent grunting.

This is a very good dramatic interpretation of the life of Turner, I suspect it contains too much speculation to actually call it a biopic (though most people have) and that doesn’t really seem to be the tone that Mike leigh was going for. Whether an actual fan of Tuner (I believe that Leigh is) would appreciate the dramatic license being used here is somebody else’s guess but as a fan of literature and painting of this age I can really appreciate just how much thought and effort went into creating a film this well rounded and enjoyable to watch. A very good film that I’d recommended, especially to fans of literature or painting of this age.

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Ok, wow. Where to begin? Just got back from seeing this on IMAX. Which was well worth the extra expense. I should be honest here and say that I am a major sci-fi geek, so these sorts of movies are an easy sell on me. I went in wanting to love it, and I came out with the same feeling. But there was something just not quite right about it. On the one hand I think it was a remarkable achievement. I mean it is beautifully shot, the effects are ridiculous. The relationships are really well done, and the acting is excellent. Including a couple of surprise cameos. One of which was Topher Grace, so that maybe that doesn't count. There was one part of the film, where the characters experience the relativity of time, which was outstanding. Genuinely a shocking, tragic, moving mind f**k, which was brilliantly acted.

Like others I found the first third a bit dull, but in the end it seemed somewhat necessary because of the plot. Wallowing a little more in the plight of mankind, showing how different things really were on a larger scale, as opposed to this small isolationist view of an american town, would've made this better I think. Also, did anyone notice the use of flags by the previous expedition? USA! USA! Given how precious resources are, and how earlier in the film they were talking about there being no armies anymore etc., it seemed so redundant and dated a concept.

The last third I loved and hated in equal measure. Great acting, incredible visuals. Actually gave me goosebumps because it was so intense. But it was also complete bollocks, which kind of ruined it. A lot about this movie reminded me of Sunshine (Danny Boyle...more brilliant bollocks).

All in all this was an excellent film. If you aren't into sci-fi you aren't going to like it. It's almost a documentary on space exploration at times, but isn't anywhere near as clever as it purports to be.

8/10 for nerds, 7/10 for normals



While we are on mind f**ks, this one was right up there. Pretty much can't say anything about the plot, but it was cool. I found that I saw every single one of the twists ahead of time, so the revelations weren't shocking, but they were still good. It was only the final one that surprised me. Ethan Hawke is good in this and Sarah Snook is outstanding. Everything about this film was great tbh. Recommended it to several people already.




Was pretty good. Brad Pitt and his accents kill me though. Sounded like the annoying dipshit he played in Inglorious Basterds. Emotional and powerful stuff from Ayer. He loves Michael Pena, clearly, but he was pretty meh in this film.



Guardians of the Galaxy

Easily the best Marvel movie. 10 times better than The Avengers. Thought all the characters and actors were good. Something very refreshing about Pratt's character. I get so tired of these pillocks in silly costumes taking themselves so seriously. So this was a welcome antidote.

8.5/10 for a nerd (me) but my wife couldn't even get through 10 minutes of it.



Complete nonsense. Just pointlessly stupid. Kinda fun though.

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We're No Angels - Humphrey Bogart, Peter Ustinov and Aldo Ray are a trio of escaped convicts who plan to steal from a family and their poorly run shop over Christmas, but instead end up trying to help them out. Directed by Michael Curtiz. Very obviously adapted from a play in the style of humour and the direction, it's a fun farce and the chemistry between Bogart, Ustinov and Ray works well. Fun for movie buffs as not only are those three being directed by Curtiz, but Basil Rathbone, Joan Bennett and Hitchcock staple Leo G. Carroll are involved too. Features an amusingly Hays Codey ending, as
having resolved everything and being all set to escape, the escaped convicts decide that prison actually isn't so bad (prison on Devil's Island!) and just decide to go back
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Exodus: Gods and Kings -
Went in sceptical as I didn't like Inception or the third Dark Knight film but I really enjoyed this. Of course, there were many problems (especially some editing/continuity errors), some plot holes and some bits that I didn't really understand but as a whole package, I really really enjoyed until the final act, which was too round-capped for me. The film should probably also been a bit shorter but still loved it 8/10
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Watched this today after a few of my colleagues found out during the week I'd never seen it, and told me I was missing out. I wasn't. It was dreadful. Not only was the humour so predictable you could see the "jokes" coming a mile away, but Ferris himself is a Grade A asshole. His mischief wasn't endearing in any way - he's just a prick. However, I imagine that had I watched this when I was seventeen myself my rating of the film would probably be very different. Perhaps I'm just viewing it too late in life.
Rating: Bad
22 Jump Street
Loved the first one but this wasnt as good, and they sort of hint at that in the film's narrative, most of the best moments are in the trailer. Still was pretty funny in parts and the end credits scene was excellent 6.5/10
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Watched this today after a few of my colleagues found out during the week I'd never seen it, and told me I was missing out. I wasn't. It was dreadful. Not only was the humour so predictable you could see the "jokes" coming a mile away, but Ferris himself is a Grade A asshole. His mischief wasn't endearing in any way - he's just a prick. However, I imagine that had I watched this when I was seventeen myself my rating of the film would probably be very different. Perhaps I'm just viewing it too late in life.
Rating: Bad

His main redeeming feature was the fact that he seemed to actually care about his mate...apart from stealing his dad's Ferrari. But yeah, he's a bit of an arsehole.
Loved Inside Llewyn Davis. Then again I'm a sucker for an existential crisis. And like all Coen films, this looked bootiful.

Oh.. and the cat?
Is Mike! Well, represents Mike. Or something.

Don't understand the hate for this film at all. It really kept me entertained throughout. Emma Watson didn't even annoy me in this. So for that alone it gets a solid 7/10 from me.

Don't understand the hate for this film at all. It really kept me entertained throughout. Emma Watson didn't even annoy me in this. So for that alone it gets a solid 7/10 from me.
It's a bit weird though. But yeah I agree, kept me entertained too, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

While we are on mind f**ks, this one was right up there. Pretty much can't say anything about the plot, but it was cool. I found that I saw every single one of the twists ahead of time, so the revelations weren't shocking, but they were still good. It was only the final one that surprised me. Ethan Hawke is good in this and Sarah Snook is outstanding. Everything about this film was great tbh. Recommended it to several people already.

Same here, possibly the best film I've seen all year.
I appreciated it more than loved it. It's slow and indulgent, but very well made and acted.

Its a film ponce film. You big film ponces.

Under The Skin is another quite film poncy film. I loved parts of it, specifically the trippy alien abduction bits (so, the most film poncy stuff) but it was a bit aimless, and failed to go anywhere, and then just ended rather pointlessly just when it had decided it was going to have a half hearted stab at a plot. - 6
I appreciated it more than loved it. It's slow and indulgent, but very well made and acted.

Its a film ponce film. You big film ponces.

Under The Skin is another quite film poncy film. I loved parts of it, specifically the trippy alien abduction bits (so, the most film poncy stuff) but it was a bit aimless, and failed to go anywhere, and then just ended rather pointlessly just when it had decided it was going to have a half hearted stab at a plot. - 6

Yeah that's film poncetastic. Loved it. Plots are overrated. I find they often tend to ruin a good movie.
In terms of movies is actually pretty descent. A lot better the 'noughties' anyway.

I think the noughties will age better myself. The 80s is chock a block with cult fare. Sandwiched between the narratively groundbreaking 70s and the CGI competent and post modern 90s.

80s films feel more decade specific than most eras. To me at least. I could be projecting.
Yeah that's film poncetastic. Loved it. Plots are overrated. I find they often tend to ruin a good movie.

I defiantly liked it. The ponce factor didn't turn me off, I just felt a bit disappointed it seemed to end 2/3rds of the way through its natural arc. She was great, and the scene where ...

the third(?) victim sees his predecessor sort of "pop" was really interesting visually (and yoi sort of made up your own reasoning for it too)
And... Perhaps the best looking Coen film to date.
I think No Country looked better, Inside Llewyn Davis was a bit too blue.

I think the noughties will age better myself. The 80s is chock a block with cult fare. Sandwiched between the narratively groundbreaking 70s and the CGI competent and post modern 90s.

80s films feel more decade specific than most eras. To me at least. I could be projecting.

I think the 00's were better than the 90s and 80s. Solid decade indeed.
I defiantly liked it. The ponce factor didn't turn me off, I just felt a bit disappointed it seemed to end 2/3rds of the way through its natural arc. She was great, and the scene where ...

the third(?) victim sees his predecessor sort of "pop" was really interesting visually (and yoi sort of made up your own reasoning for it too)

I know the bit you mean. That and the scene on the beach got stuck in my head for a few days.

Ahh but her tits! Surely you ought to have factored them into your final score, Mockers?!

And that's still in my head now. I think an artistic triumph all round.
I think the noughties will age better myself. The 80s is chock a block with cult fare. Sandwiched between the narratively groundbreaking 70s and the CGI competent and post modern 90s.

80s films feel more decade specific than most eras. To me at least. I could be projecting.

Looking back I've being too harsh on the noughties,although during that noughties I did have to sit through 9 fecking hours of hobbits and mud men so I think I can be sort of forgiven for being slightly harsh.

While some 80's films look decade specific(Aliens is great fun but looks very 80's) there's a ton of movies that have age great(Die Hard, When Harry Met Sally, The Terminator, Nightmare on Elm Street, Evil Dead and the big one being Blade Runner which is still the future)

I do sort of feel the 80's is a bit unlucky as you said it's sandwiched between 70's(Looking the list of movies from the 70's is pretty mind blowing) and the excitement of the 90's.
There are loads of great 80s films (Die hard is one of my all time favorites! And no ones mentioned Indiana Jones!) but when you're thinking of "greats of an entire decade" and you're thinking of Critters, it doesn't say a lot.

The 70s had the Godfather, the 90s had Tarantino and the Coens. The 80s were fun, but there was a lot of culty campness, coke and terrible clothes.

Though obviously, decades are just socially constructed deliniations, and mean nothing anyway [/filmponce]
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A few good films, yeah.

Come and See
Blade Runner
My Life as a Dog
Once Upon a Time in America
The King of Comedy
The Shining
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
Grave of the Fireflies
Do the Right Thing
Blue Velvet
White Dog
Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
Stand by Me
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Die Hard
Blood Simple.
Raising Arizona
Withnail & I
Paris, Texas
Jean de Florette
The Last Temptation of Christ

The culty campy ones are just the worst tho.
His main redeeming feature was the fact that he seemed to actually care about his mate...apart from stealing his dad's Ferrari. But yeah, he's a bit of an arsehole.

I get the feeling he's an arsehole in real life.....I guess you'd have to be to marry Parker. That being said....still a good 80's flick.
Loved it. The setting, the cinematography, the mood and tone of the film and of course, Jake's acting. It was one of the best films I have seen this year. Highly recommended although that damn trailer mis-led me a little 8.5/10
Loved it. The setting, the cinematography, the mood and tone of the film and of course, Jake's acting. It was one of the best films I have seen this year. Highly recommended although that damn trailer mis-led me a little 8.5/10
To the bolded part: that's a good thing though, no? I actually quite enjoy it when a trailer turns out to have been a bit misleading, well in the case where the film itself is very good. If the trailer had let me believe it was going to be amazing and it's a letdown, then not so good.