Archie Leach
I'm not a massive scholar of horror but I believe it introduced a lot of elements that are now considered tropes. The Cabin in the Woods satirised it heavily.How so? (I haven't much knowledge of the gore/ horror genre...)
I'm not a massive scholar of horror but I believe it introduced a lot of elements that are now considered tropes. The Cabin in the Woods satirised it heavily.How so? (I haven't much knowledge of the gore/ horror genre...)
Film about non-fiction writer Truman Capote who becomes involved in a strange murder case, and grows close to one of the killers. Really good actually, based on a true story and Phillip Seymour-Hoffman was excellent.
My head's hurting after watching Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. Make sure you're not struggling to stay awake whilst watching it. I'll have to watch it again.
Check out Moneyball. Bennett Miller is quality. His new one, Foxcatcher, is going to be fecking amazing.
The original had a cheesy Sam SPade type voiceover and a happy end. The Director's Cut was a better movie cut based on istructions from the director but not a true directors's cut.The Final cut version is similar but actually cut by Scott and digitally remastered a few years ago. I like all versions TBH, even the original has a certain charm.I think it was the directors cut? Saw something about that on my version.
Don't remember this at all, great film tho.Zodiac's a cracking movie. Has anyone got an idea what the yellow tones symbolise?
Terrific film.The Insider - Really gripping thriller showing the disturbing power of corporations. Superb performances by Crowe and Al Pacino and whilst it is long at 2hrs 40mins, it flew by.
The original had a cheesy Sam SPade type voiceover and a happy end. The Director's Cut was a better movie cut based on istructions from the director but not a true directors's cut.The Final cut version is similar but actually cut by Scott and digitally remastered a few years ago. I like all versions TBH, even the original has a certain charm.
I've heard before it's a good film, will get round to watching it. Never realised it was the same director.
Highly recommended, great film. Honestly I'd imagine people see American sports movie, baseball at that and think "urgh", its really nothing like you would expect. Watch it.
Yeah, the ending of the directions version struck me as more ambiguous than anything else. Sort of upbeat in a sense, but with the knowledge that Harrison's Ford's girlfriend wouldn't have too long to live anyway.
That sounds like the Director's Cut - the original ended with them fleeing against a backdrop of nice scenery. The DC ends at the lift.
Moneyball is a good movie if you know a bit about baseball, I started watching it with the idea of its application to football. Once I ditched that idea it was a decent watch.Check out Moneyball. Bennett Miller is quality. His new one, Foxcatcher, is going to be fecking amazing.
I was expecting to hate this but enjoyed it too, although I'd give it a 6/10.The Maze Runner
Was expecting to hate it but surprisingly I was really hooked. The film drops hints about what is going on at just the right times but keeps the mystery going by never fully revealing what is going on so it keeps you on your toes. The production values were decent and the action scenes were pretty sweet. One of the better teen-book adaptations 8.10
You missed PSH dying too. Having been living on a desert island all year?I love Turing, so I should watch this. Didn't even know that this movie exists, so thanks.
The Maze Runner
Was expecting to hate it but surprisingly I was really hooked. The film drops hints about what is going on at just the right times but keeps the mystery going by never fully revealing what is going on so it keeps you on your toes. The production values were decent and the action scenes were pretty sweet. One of the better teen-book adaptations 8.10
Don't remember this at all, great film tho.
Terrific film.
I saw it last night, and really enjoyed it. Gyllenhaal is reptilian.Just saw Nightcrawler (much better than the French title 'Nightcall'), enjoyed it. Gyllenhaal is excellent throughout and portrays a cold almost inhuman character. Travis Bickle comes to mind, though there are some obvious difference between both characters. Thought the ending was a bit rushed which was a shame, but overall it's very good.
Great word to describe his performance to be honest.I saw it last night, and really enjoyed it. Gyllenhaal is reptilian.
It's directed by a pair of Australian brothers. But like all interesting Australian films got no coverage over here. I'll have to find it elsewhere.Predestination
Holy time travel paradox headf*ck Batman! I can't say anything more without spoiling it. It's mental. I liked it.