Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Ikiru - Kurosawa's most depressing movie, which is quite a big achievement. Unlike other Kurosawa' movies (I have watched) people here weren't batshit crazy. They were super-polite which goes more with my limited experience with Japanese people.

The movie tells a story of a man who is spending his last days after being diagnostified with cancer. It is extremely emotional, with very nice music on it which gives the movie an another dimension. It makes you feel what the main character is feeling and what he is doing. I was really touched by it.

In my opinion, best Kurosawa movie. 9/10
The Guest - Awesome genre film. Bonkers though, and will probably end up with the same hate/love crowds as Drive I think. I'm not sure, good lead performance though.
Transformers Age of Extinction.

I was not expecting this to be any great masterpiece, but was not expecting it t be so bad.
I normally like films like this , I did not mind the other ones, I even liked Shit LaBoeuf.
It could of been so so much better, there was a decent story in there somewhere.
Hopefully 5 will be much better

Guardians of the Galaxy

Expected so much more from this. It is fun a bit, but also quite forgettable and unimpressive. Also, being a fan of that "cosmic Marvel" part of comics, seeing various places/things/characters/beings just being jumbled here comes out lame.

Neprijatelj (the enemy)

A different take on a war film. Essentially, the backdrop is the days after the Bosnian War is over, and a group of Serb soldiers are clearing an area of countryside of landmines that they themselves had planted. After doing a sweep of the area, some of them discover a man who has been barricaded behind a wall in a bombed out factory. After a while, the soldiers start to turn on one another and speculation becomes rampant that the man they found is Satan. The full movie is on youtube if anyone's interested. 7.5/10


Beautiful film. Wonderful chemistry between Dench and Coogan and above and beyond what I expected. Funny and heart breaking in equal measures.
A film about a mother and her two sons who have to look after a grandmother who seems to possess supernatural powers. It stars Carl from Walking Dead and the Penis-Thinking husband from the first season of American Horror Story. The film was shot well and the performances were decent as well as having a decent overall story but the editing felt VERY jarring at points and the film kinda fizzles out towards the end. Not great 4.5/10

Into The Storm

Forgettable natural disaster film. Great VFX but none of the characters were worth rooting for you can't really invest in the film as nothing spectacular really happens 5/10

The Judge
Great performances from Robert Downey jr. and Robert Duvall and I do love a good court room drama but this seemed a little cliched and 'made for an oscar' type film. Still, quite enjoyable 6.5/10
I've had to endure 8 Harry fecking Potter films. I know they're for kids but Rowling must be the biggest blagger on the planet...and yes! I've scanned the books!(I'm off to write some books for children...).
Nightcrawler - Liked pretty much everything about this. The soundtrack was quality and it is quite beautiful visually. Gyllenhaal has been on a good run and this is his best performance to date as a sociopathic loner. Thoroughly recommend it.
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.

Enjoyed the film, despite it being a bit predictable, you could pretty much see what was coming a mile off.
Having said that the story was good , the acting I thought was excellent.
Pretty likely that the 3rd installment will be about the War.
A good solid film , that carries the story forward very nicely.


Returning to her childhood home in Louisiana to recuperate from a horrific car accident, Jessabelle comes face to face with a long-tormented spirit that has been seeking her return -- and has no intention of letting her escape
It is an OK ghost story with a decent enough ending but nothing you have not seen before, the scary bit are not that scary, to be honest not scary one bit.
The acting is OK, what really lets it down is the story, pretty ropey.

The Babadook - I have mixed feelings on this. On the one hand it's without a doubt the best horror film since the Orphanage, or the best that I've seen anyway. On the other hand I left a little disappointed and think it just falls short of a classic horror film. The first half is tremendous and a wonderful example of how you can genuinely terrify the audience without any cheap scares at all but sadly a few horror cliches are thrown in there as it builds up to its final act. For me, the relationship between the son and mother was terrifying enough in itself and "the monster" didn't need to appear at all...but I guess that's what puts bums in seats and that's what makes for a good trailer.

The good parts are very, very good though. The two lead performances are brilliant and it really allows you to get sucked into their relationship and feel the anxiety, the helplessness, the growing isolation and the tension that exists in it. As Samuel's strange behaviour continues to alienate them from friends and family, Amelia finds it increasingly difficult to live her life. She can't go to work because Samuel is a danger to his classmates and cousin, she can't go to sleep because he's terrified of monsters and eventually she becomes overwhelmed and becomes a danger to herself and her child. It's been done before but it's executed perfectly. You're genuinely fearful of and fearful for both the mother and child and fully sympathise with what torments them so.

Definitely recommended if you like a good psychological horror story.

Sums the film up perfect, I did enjoy it , just not the horror I was expecting.
Gets a good soild

Lilting - touching but heavy handed film about a man trying to connect with his dead lovers Mum who only speaks Chinese. Ben Whishaw and Pei Pei Cheng are both superb, especially Whishaw, the supporting cast is a bit weak and the film doesn't leave much to the imagination.

It's not bad, but imo it's abit overrated, and Jake was ... bit comical and seems to be overdoing it on all occasion with his annoying talks. I fail to see what's his motivation, it's not money, it's not fame, and the amount he does to get 15k is too unbelievable, he could have taken the easier way to get money instead of keep on being a nightcrawler.

And there's no amount of suspense to keep me going, i fail to see how this get an 8 on imdb.

PS: Reene Russo? Shagable? She's a very old cougar.... roar....

Gallows Hill
A family crash their car and take shelter at a house and they find a girl locked in the basement. The story was decent but explored like it was made by an amateur. There is so many places they could have gone with the concept but instead, it went nowhere. Not scary at all either. Disappointment considering it started off pretty well 5/10
Gallows Hill
A family crash their car and take shelter at a house and they find a girl locked in the basement. The story was decent but explored like it was made by an amateur. There is so many places they could have gone with the concept but instead, it went nowhere. Not scary at all either. Disappointment considering it started off pretty well 5/10

thats the problem with horror film lately , they are just not scary.
Just like the horror I have watch last night The Babadook, a very good film just not a horror, well not for me.
I cant remember that last time I watched a real scary horror film.
Right, surely I am not the only one who enjoyed Edge of Tomorrow? Was a computer game pictured on the big screen...Crysis merged with Groundhog Day...Existentialism sci fiction style. Yeah, cracking entertainment.
Right, surely I am not the only one who enjoyed Edge of Tomorrow? Was a computer game pictured on the big screen...Crysis merged with Groundhog Day...Existentialism sci fiction style. Yeah, cracking entertainment.

It received some pretty good reviews and I liked it so you're not alone. Based on an apparently very good graphic novel/book.

Very simple concept well executed, not too fond of the ending though.
It received some pretty good reviews and I liked it so you're not alone. Based on an apparently very good graphic novel.

Very simple concept well executed, not too fond of the ending though.

I didn't mind the ending, he was back in the loop, who knows where or if his nightmare'd actually end?