Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

That's about the time Irimias returns and you start getting reverse shots and call backs to earlier scenes, more is revealed and from then on I find it hard to stop watching. Upon finishing it I'll go back and watch entire chapters just because I find it so compelling. The length is something of an albatross, not least because you have to find a spare day, but it can also give entirely the wrong impression. The film is not like one of these turgid epics that you have to grind your way through, or one of these bloated, director-indulgent pieces of crap that have become industry standard. It's got a rhythm and a laser focus that makes it feel suprisingly efficient. Small scale, big themes.

Just don't be the guy that starts watching something and then loses all credibility because you never finish it like Depardieu in Paris.
I always tend to finish films I've started, one rare case when I didn't might have been The Turin Horse actually, heh.

So, I just went ahead and finished it last night, 5 hours ain't that much.

I've got so many thoughts but I'm kinda struggling to articulate them, throughout the film there were moments when I thought "is this all there is to it" only for me to be engulfed by the atmosphere or for the narrator to pop in with some beautiful clarity. Then the church bells at the end, my god, I can still hear them ringing. I think I'll be more able to say what I thought about the film when the ringing has faded away.

I'm feeling kinda disheartened now though seeing as this film was kind of a Holy Grail for me, the film I knew I really, really must watch. All I can feel now is, whats left?
Is John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness any good- it's on tonight. I saw it anout 20 years and have faint memories of it being a bit dull and underwhelming.
@pauldyson1uk @Dirty Schwein

Also, Grimsby is on Sky Prem now. Is it shite?
I have not see it , have been meaning to watch it, going to finish 12 Monkeys tonight and get on it.
PoD is on Zone Horror at 9pm. Seem to remeber when we were around 13/14, my mate's dad not wanting us to watch it -he normally didn't give a shit what we watched. We obviously did, then wondered what all the fuss was about.

Not seen 12 Monkeys in years. Was alright from memory.
Very happy to be promoted. I love this place and I've been following this thread for years :)

Gegen die wand (2004) - Short summary from imdb: Cahit is a German Turk in his 40's. He has given up with his life after his beloved wife's death, and he's living a miserable life right in the core of cocaine and excessive drinking. One night, he semi-intentionally crashes into a wall. At the hospital he's taken to, he meets a girl, Sibel, another German Turk who's tried to commit suicide. She's sick and tired of her family's ultra-traditional issues, and asks Cahit to carry out a white marriage with her out of the blue, so that she can become a married woman and get rid of her family's revolting pressure.

First movie I've watched in a long time since I've been pretty busy. It all felt genuine and it's the kind of movie everyone will enjoy. Loved the non-conventional ending and the turkish setting and music.
The stabbing was a bit too far for me. I'd have liked it if they had played that change in a more subtle way

If I'd known you were a film ponce I'd have blocked your promotion. Where do you stand on the Sharknado series?
Is John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness any good- it's on tonight. I saw it anout 20 years and have faint memories of it being a bit dull and underwhelming.
@pauldyson1uk @Dirty Schwein

Also, Grimsby is on Sky Prem now. Is it shite?

I think Prince has some good scenes but ultimately there is something missing. It was a good idea and the imagery is great as usual.
I think Prince has some good scenes but ultimately there is something missing. It was a good idea and the imagery is great as usual.
Yep, that's my somewhat hazy memory of it.
Alice Cooper makes a cameo. I'm going to watch him in concert this coming Tuesday.
Is he a creepy hobo? That rings a bell- weirdos start coming to the building (sounds like it's drifting into Assault on Precint 13).
He must be about 70 by now. You're on a right old school concert charge.
Is he a creepy hobo? That rings a bell- weirdos start coming to the building (sounds like it's drifting into Assault on Precint 13).
He must be about 70 by now. You're on a right old school concert charge.

See the legends while they are still around.
PoD is on Zone Horror at 9pm. Seem to remeber when we were around 13/14, my mate's dad not wanting us to watch it -he normally didn't give a shit what we watched. We obviously did, then wondered what all the fuss was about.

Not seen 12 Monkeys in years. Was alright from memory.
not the film , the TV series, very good, I will check out PoD.
Is John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness any good- it's on tonight. I saw it anout 20 years and have faint memories of it being a bit dull and underwhelming.
@pauldyson1uk @Dirty Schwein

Also, Grimsby is on Sky Prem now. Is it shite?
Prince Of Darkness is quite boring. Not aged well. Brothers Grimsby is a pile of shit.
I saw Sausage Party and it was pretty good overall. It's basically the Toy Story formula slightly tweaked, but it works. The one thing dragging it down was the comedy writing that consists almost entirely of the supposed shock of foul-mouthed food and one long, extended knob gag. Sure do that crude stuff but a little variety is not going to kill you. The food torture and orgy scenes are great though.

Also watched Eiichi Kudo's 13 Assassins which like Miike's remake works best in the pre-battle first half. I much prefer the focus on strategy, character intimacy and the final showdown in the original but the battle scenes in the remake edge out the original's in terms of spectacle. They work together pretty well as a pairing.
Saw that film. Wasn't impressed
Looks like it might be mildly amusing if you've just ambled back from the pub pissed at half eleven, but beyond that, I get you. Bit of a one joke film no doubt too- @simonhch summed it up nicely earlier when he said sometimes you just want shite watchable escapism rather than multi-layered Joycean complexity, but given our shared fondness of horror, we both know that!
Margaret - A spectacular mess. Wildly ambitious, flawed, you can tell it's been butchered by the studio...but it's still quite a memorable film. Anna Paquin is insufferable but totally believable as a neurotic self-absorbed teenager that doesn't know how to emotionally react after a trauma in post 9/11 New York and thus lashes out at everyone. I even liked Matt Damon in attractive and good-natured math teacher is the role he was born to play.

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Robocop on Sky Action. Must be two months since I last saw it. Maybe I shower in the morning now.
Margaret - A spectacular mess. Wildly ambitious, flawed, you can tell it's been butchered by the studio...but it's still quite a memorable film. Anna Paquin is insufferable but totally believable as a neurotic self-absorbed teenager that doesn't know how to emotionally react after a trauma in post 9/11 New York and thus lashes out at everyone. I even liked Matt Damon in attractive and good-natured math teacher is the role he was born to play.

That's possibly the worst trailer I've ever seen.
Showgirls - You know what, with a little more effort and anyone other than Elizabeth Wiseau in the leading role, it could have been a really good film.
Behind the love of eight hour Syrian hand-held cam refugee indie films you still love a Verhoeven romp.
I do like my subversive cult films, it reminded me a bit of but didn't quite reach the great heights of another misunderstood film in Spring Breakers.

Not really sure what was going on with Kyle MacLachlan's hair in this one, it sort of had a life of it's own.


About the last days of Hitler.
I was not sure about watching this only because it was sub-titled, it was a hard film to watch, even more so towards the end and the killing of the children, but WOW what a film.
Bruno Ganz has Hitler was outstanding.
I would say this is a must watch film.

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - was showing at the old revival theatre near me, a beautiful 4k print. It's a lot longer than I remember and at times a little dull and it spends too much time with Tuco who is the least interesting of the three. Also, Clint Eastwood isn't blonde, no matter how many times you want to say it.
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - was showing at the old revival theatre near me, a beautiful 4k print. It's a lot longer than I remember and at times a little dull and it spends too much time with Tuco who is the least interesting of the three. Also, Clint Eastwood isn't blonde, no matter how many times you want to say it.
It's not really all that great.

For a Few Dollars More is the best Clint/Leone western for my money.