Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Prime Suspect (1991)


(This qualifies as a movie, being over 3 hours long. It's available, secondhand, on Amazon for just 82p*.)

Written by Lynda la Plante, this popular variation on the police procedural serial was winner of BAFTA's Best Drama Serial. Helen Mirren plays DCI Jane Tennison, who takes over the running of what appears to be an open and shut murder case. However, she runs into problems as her investigations lead her into the male-dominated world of policework and the hunt for a serial killer.

This was a celebrated television series, and the very first episode/tv movie underlines exactly why it was a multi-award winner. It's, surprisingly, far better than creator Lynda la Plante's Prime Suspect novels, as Mirren's and the actually the entire cast's performances are excellent, and the sexism angle is played more subtly than in the books. DCI Tennison is barely likeable, yet you still cheer her on (some achievement, that) and even her often boorish colleagues have their good points when it comes to detection work. This episode, though, is made by the performance of John Bowe as George Marlow - it's hard to credit that such a pleasant man might be a killer. Tennison has to work out whether Marlow is as innocent as he claims...


*And it's on Youtube too:
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Prime Suspect (1991)


(This qualifies as a movie, being over 3 hours long. It's available, secondhand, on Amazon for just 82p*.)

This was a celebrated television series, and the very first episode/tv movie underlines exactly why it was a multi-award winner. It's, surprisingly, far better than creator Lynda la Plante's Prime Suspect novels, as Mirren's and the actually the entire cast's performances are excellent, and the sexism angle is played more subtly than in the books. DCI Tennison is barely likeable, yet you still cheer her on (some achievement, that) and even her often boorish colleagues have their good points when it comes to detection work. This episode, though, is made by the performance of John Bowe as George Marlow - it's hard to credit that such a pleasant man might be a killer. Tennison has to work out whether Marlow is as innocent as he claims...


*And it's on Youtube too:

Agree with the 10/10 been watching it on ITV3 this week.
The Warriors. Feel like Kurt Russell should be in this somewhere.
I learnt through that movies wiki that it's shamelessly lifted from a novel/movie called 'The Crow', which itself was infamous for being the movie in which Brandon Lee, the son of Bruce Lee, was accidentally shot and killed because they were too stingy to keep the firearms guy on set overtime.
I learnt through that movies wiki that it's shamelessly lifted from a novel/movie called 'The Crow', which itself was infamous for being the movie in which Brandon Lee, the son of Bruce Lee, was accidentally shot and killed because they were too stingy to keep the firearms guy on set overtime.
I read the same too, like I said its not a bad film.
Pontypool - Mystery/Horror - A bit silly, but an original idea and a good take on the epidemic situation. It had me intrigued in parts. 6/10

The Kill List
- Thriller/Horror - A former assassin takes a final job. Very violent and decent in some scenes, but just couldn't get in to it really as many things were vaguer than they should have been. 5/10

10 Cloverfield Lane - Sci Fi/ Thriller - Almost everything was good about the film but the ending was just a bit of a letdown. John Goodman was really good in this as well. 7/10

The Boy - Horror - A nanny from America arrives for a job in England. But it is not a boy she is taking care of it is a doll. Good horror film. 6/10

It seemed perfect - a new house, a new marriage, a child soon to be born. But when Sarah and Matt invite their friends to celebrate, the situation turns deadly as they enter a burned-out prison on a ghost hunt.
Started off decent enough , haunted burn out jail, but soon fell flat on it face and OMG the ending was just shite.


The Unfolding

A fearful world stands on the brink of nuclear catastrophe. A young researcher in psychical events, together with his girlfriend, travel to the legendary wilds of Dartmoor, England, to investigate a rambling, centuries old building - here they find themselves drawn into a murder mystery from the past, a mortal confrontation with pure evil, and a fight for their very survival.
Not your normal ghost story, the war part is not really touched on that much only the occasional conversation about it.
I quite liked it.

Legend (2015)

A film about the Kray twins, set in 1960s London. Tom Hardy does a great job of playing the dual role of both twins. Really enjoyable film. 8.5/10
Watched two films tonight, first time I've got to do that for a while.

The Ides of March - Wasn't what I was expecting at all, and thought it stood out well from House of Cards/ all the other political thrillers I've seen in the last few months*. Superb cast (Gosling, Clooney, Seymour Hoffman, Rachel Evans Woods, Paul Giamatti) in a relatively small-scale story - it's another one of his films where you spend 60% of the running time solely watching Gosling's face - but it's so well made that you can forgive that. Builds up and up, and the second half of the film is just a series of excellent scenes with pairs of characters facing off. The political side was pure nonsense though. Recommend if you want to see that cast bouncing off each other for two hours. 7/10

* Question - has there ever been a good film made about politics, from a non-cynical perspective? The West Wing fits, but I can literally think of nothing else.

Kill List - Slightly different from the first film... I feel ugly and uncomfortable after watching it, which I suppose is exactly what it was going for. Excellent horror film though, if you're a fan of the genre you have to try this, even though I can see it won't be for everyone. Beyond the basic plot I don't want to say too much, because it will only spoil the change in tone in the last half hour - I'll put in spoilers below the other films it reminded me of. Especially loved how the film managed to keep its tension up to similarly unbearable levels in a dinner party, and a terrifying chase scene in the woods. It's made me very excited for High Rise, Ben Wheatley's latest. 8/10
Felt like a bizarre mix of Dead Man's Shoes, The Wicker Man, The Descent, and Eyes Wide Shut.
Watched two films tonight, first time I've got to do that for a while.

The Ides of March - Wasn't what I was expecting at all, and thought it stood out well from House of Cards/ all the other political thrillers I've seen in the last few months*. Superb cast (Gosling, Clooney, Seymour Hoffman, Rachel Evans Woods, Paul Giamatti) in a relatively small-scale story - it's another one of his films where you spend 60% of the running time solely watching Gosling's face - but it's so well made that you can forgive that. Builds up and up, and the second half of the film is just a series of excellent scenes with pairs of characters facing off. The political side was pure nonsense though. Recommend if you want to see that cast bouncing off each other for two hours. 7/10

* Question - has there ever been a good film made about politics, from a non-cynical perspective? The West Wing fits, but I can literally think of nothing else.

Kill List - Slightly different from the first film... I feel ugly and uncomfortable after watching it, which I suppose is exactly what it was going for. Excellent horror film though, if you're a fan of the genre you have to try this, even though I can see it won't be for everyone. Beyond the basic plot I don't want to say too much, because it will only spoil the change in tone in the last half hour - I'll put in spoilers below the other films it reminded me of. Especially loved how the film managed to keep its tension up to similarly unbearable levels in a dinner party, and a terrifying chase scene in the woods. It's made me very excited for High Rise, Ben Wheatley's latest. 8/10
Felt like a bizarre mix of Dead Man's Shoes, The Wicker Man, The Descent, and Eyes Wide Shut.
Milk and Selma. They're both political biopics but neither is cynical.
The Invitation: I quite liked this. A good atmospheric thriller/horror. The director does a good job of creating a creepy atmosphere and the tension builds nicely throughout.
Point Break 2015: There is something to be said for going into a movie with extremely low expectations as this wasn’t quite the horror show I’d been expecting based on the reviews. Yes there is a hell of a lot that doesn’t work here including the acting which ranges from half-hearted to overblown, both the cliché ridden script and characters and a plot that suffers from being muddled at times as well as stuffed with clichés’. However despite all of these faults I somehow didn’t find this unwatchable, this is probably partly down to the lowered expectations but mostly I think it is actually due to some superb stunt work and very good use of CGI. Don’t get me wrong none of this is enough to save this film from bed of mediocrity in which is languishes however it is just about watchable in a completely non-taxing kind of way and whilst I wouldn’t suggest you pay or go out of your way to watch this I also would suggest that if you had nothing better to do and it were on TV it wouldn’t be a hardship to sit through it. Faint praise I know, but I was expecting to hate this and I didn’t, I just found it all completely average in terms of dramatic execution which is a shame because as I mentioned the stunt work, use of CGI and general camera work is very good here, it’s just a shame that there is such an absence of good dramatic execution on display here to match the frequent visual high points.

Decided to rewatch Her which is such a beautiful, melancholic film. It captures the essence of loneliness perfectly and has so many poignant moments. Definitely one of the best films of the last few years.

I loved this movie. My Top 3 of 2014 was: 1. Frank, 2. Her, 3. Boyhood
I am wrath - Travolta does John Wick with a little help from his wig. Was going to give it 3/10 but the hair piece deserves an extra point so 4/10 it is.
A Clockwork Orange: 8/10
The Shining: 8/10
Dr Strangelove: 6/10
Full Metal Jacket: 8/10
Vertigo: 6/10
Rear Window: 8/10
Hardcore Henry

Saw this last night, and have spent the following 24 hours recovering. It's utterly mad - basically a video game that you're not allowed to control. I have no idea if I loved it (for even attempting the first-person thing, the sometimes excellent action, and Sharlto Copley being wonderful) or hated it (for the first-person thing often leading to confusion as to what the bloody hell was going on and the villain being pretty bloody dreadful)

5/10 seems a fair score then. Slap bang in the middle.

Saw it last night. It could have worked if he wasn't fecking falling down all the time and us having to sit through the tumbling scenes.

5/10 is about right
The jungle book

Honestly the best 3d experience I've ever had by far. It's stunning I don't know how they managed to produce the animation for the animals it's absolutely incredible.

I didn't expect it to be this good honestly was thinking pan level of quality but it is by far the best live action remake of the animated version Disney has made.

The performance of Idris as sheecan is absolutely haunting he is very scary there is a particular part which pretty much sets the stage for the fear that everyone feels for him.

Honestly this was better than the animated version which I watched straight after for reference.

Go watch this movie but just make sure your kid is older than 10 because this is not a kiddy movie at all and gets scary and of the time.

I didn't like Jungle Book.

Its also not really scary in my opinion.
I didn't like Jungle Book.

Its also not really scary in my opinion.

What did you not like about it? Only thing I can really point to is if some of the animation is a bit too uncanny valley other than that and the songs I can't see many complaints.

Also bits like
Sheercarn throwing the leader of the wolf pack off the cliff and the king louie chase were definitely on the scary side and would scare most children.
The Invitation
A man is invited to a dinner party reunion by his ex-wife and her new boyfriend but once he gets their, he notices a strange atmosphere. Wow, what a surprise. This was a neat little slow burn thriller film. It had great mystery and I was always trying to guess what was happening or whether the protagonist was just adding 2 and 2 to get 5. The acting was decent and it was shot really well. The only disappointment was the final act. It wasn't horrible and didnt completely ruin the film but after such a strong start, it felt a bit flat. Regardless, this is definitely a film worth watching 8/10
The Invitation
A man is invited to a dinner party reunion by his ex-wife and her new boyfriend but once he gets their, he notices a strange atmosphere. Wow, what a surprise. This was a neat little slow burn thriller film. It had great mystery and I was always trying to guess what was happening or whether the protagonist was just adding 2 and 2 to get 5. The acting was decent and it was shot really well. The only disappointment was the final act. It wasn't horrible and didnt completely ruin the film but after such a strong start, it felt a bit flat. Regardless, this is definitely a film worth watching 8/10

Agree with that summary, nice film.