Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Watched Capote for the second time last night. It goes without saying that Hoffman is just breathtaking in the role, but the film itself is equally as good. It never shies away from painting Capote as a narcissistic manipulator but at the same time the inner conflict he's going through is palpable, and so effectively shown through Hoffman. Probably one of my favourite films.
Makes a good double billing with In Cold Blood, the movie.
Anyone see Hardcore Henry? It looks like utter shit, but the studios have been marketing the bejeesus out of it.
Some rich high school girls bully another girl during a sleepover and end up being picked off one by one. This film feels more like a social commentary on cyber bullying as opposed to a horror film and this heavy-handed approach is too preachy and annoying, which makes the film nearly unbearable. Horrible acting and pace coupled with a boring plot make for a bad experience. Some nice visuals and creepy finale can't save this film from utter boredom. If you want a film about the effects of cyber bullying, watch the far superior Unfriended instead of this 2/10

In The Heart Of The Sea

The story of Moby Dick. Pretty boring film with some really nice visual effects alongside some really awful chromakey, where you can see the green around the actors makes the film really jarring and hard to get into. There were some spectacular action scenes with great imagery but the narrative was just boring and a chore to sit through. Thor was pretty good in it though and carried the film on his muscular shoulders 4/10

The Trust

My main man Nic Cage is back and is partnered by Elijah Wood in this heist film about two cops that attempt to rob a drug dealers big stash. It starts off brilliantly and has some really funny moments but it drops the jokes for a more serious final act, which would have worked if the final payoff didn't fall flat. The film is really well acted, especially the bizarre performance from The Cage himself and one of his better recent efforts. If the film focused more on developing the characters and tidied up the end, it would have been a very good film but as it is, there is quite a bit to enjoy here 7.5/10
The Boy.

An American nanny is shocked that her new English family's boy is actually a life-sized doll. After she violates a list of strict rules, disturbing events make her believe that the doll is really alive.
Decent with a twist that for some reason I never saw coming, some of it was very predictable.
The acting was OK.
The ending is ripe for a squeal.


Ava's Possessions

Ava Dobkins is recovering from demonic possession. With no memory of the past month, she is forced to attend a Spirit Possession Anonymous support group. As Ava struggles to reconnect with her friends, get her job back, and figure out where the huge bloodstain in her apartment came from, she's plagued by nightmarish visions

FFS the only nightmarish vision , is the film it is dreadful


The Trust

Waters and Stone are two nobody police officers who work in the evidence room of the Las Vegas Police Department. When Stone discovers an unusually high bail receipt in connection to a drug bust, the two friends set in motion a plan to find the source of the money.
Elijah Wood and Nic Cage.
I am big Cage fan and enjoyed this , Cage and Wood worked well together, the film was decent till the last 30 mins then downhill rapid and the ending was just complete and utter rubbish , but if you like Cage you will like this.

I saw Truth yesterday which was alright, I guess. It focuses on the 60 Minutes team that investigates George W. Bush's service in the national guard back in the 70s, just before his reelection in 2004. Robert Redford plays Dan Rather and Cate Blanchett is Mary Mapes, the producer. There are some interesting things along the way: Mapes's personal story and how it relates to her work is quite well handled overall, the investigative story is good (more interesting than in Spotlight, imo, for example), and there are a few questions raised about the role of journalism and its relation with profits which isn't explored enough I thought. Redford and Blanchett are both excellent.

However, there's a few aspects of the film which seem clumsy, like themes not being explored enough, and secondary characters having no substance (Topher Grace as the hippy/militant is dreadful, at some point he starts yelling about a conspiracy with Viacom which comes out of nowhere, which is a scenario problem of course, but he's very shit at delivering it); also, I think there was meant to be a kind of camarederie/opposition relationship between Topher Grace's character and Dennis Quaid's, but that's only on the basis of the resolution as it's not really explored at all during the film.

The dialogue is sometimes clumsy and a bit too on the nose, and I was afraid Blanchett was going to go full Blue Jasmine on us around 3/4 in, but she kinda snapped out of it.

I don't know, it wasn't an excellent film and some of it wasn't handled that well, but I still wasn't bored and found it quite interesting. If you're into this sort of film, I guess it's worth a watch, and if not, skip it.
Just seen that Daisy Ridley won best breakthrough performance and Adam Driver best villain for Star Wars at the MTV movie awards. Not the greatest yardstick, admittedly, but still...
Just seen that Daisy Ridley won best breakthrough performance and Adam Driver best villain for Star Wars at the MTV movie awards. Not the greatest yardstick, admittedly, but still...
MTV any awards is a load of shit though.
Decided to rewatch Her which is such a beautiful, melancholic film. It captures the essence of loneliness perfectly and has so many poignant moments. Definitely one of the best films of the last few years.
The Dead Room

When a terrified family flees a desolate southern New Zealand farmhouse, two cynical scientists and a young psychic are sent to investigate their claims of a haunting. There they encounter a powerful spirit that will protect the house's secrets at all costs.
Cast of 3 and clearly with a small budget , but it was OK nothing that not been seen before, nice twist at the end which I did not see coming.


Proof of the Devil

A string of murders ended in the capture of an 18 yo boy named Jesse, who the media dubbed "The Butcher". He was found guilty, and executed by lethal injection. Fast forward 3yrs, the boy's mom, Kate, hires a documentary film crew to prove that Jesse was not an insane murderer, but rather was possessed by a demon who made him commit the murders. For the first time on TV, Kate will have the crew record her as she's possessed by a demon. In order to prove Jesse's innocence, Kate will find "Proof of the Devil".

I love possession films and have seen some good seen some bad, but this has to be one of the worst, it has nothing good going for it.
Just an all round bad film.
Is it too much to ask for a horror film to be really scary.

Went to see Midnight Special last night, had big hopes seeing as I love everything Jeff Nicholls has done so far, but must admit it was a letdown. The final act just felt cheap, ruining everything that preceded it.

Michael Shannon, Edgerton & Adam Driver were all great, mind. Driver will be raking in all the awards in the next few years IMO.
Exit 14

A group of spring breakers get off on the ghostly Exit 14 and are haunted by the tales of a ghost story.
Better than I thought it would be , but it was still not good, story was predictable and the twist at the end you could see a mile off.


They Found Hell

When a group of gifted college students run a secret teeleportation experiment, they accidentally open a portal to another dimension, trapping them in hell. One by one they are hunted, tortured and killed by the denizens of hell who are bent on stealing their souls.
Made for TV rubbish.

Spotlight - A bit meh I have to say, and I thought Ruffalo was awful. Don't know if he was overacting or underacting. Interesting story of course but worthy of an Oscar? No way.


Toy Story - A bit meh I have to say, and I thought the character Woody was awful. I don't know if a doll can overact or underact. Interesting story but worthy of a sequel? Maybe.


Toy Story 2 - A bit better then meh I have to say, and I thought the character Woody was a bit better in this one, if only slightly. I also liked the Jurrasic Park and Star Wars hints. Not so much an interesting story though and doubtful if worthy of a sequel.


I need to watch something better in the upcoming days.
I just didn't buy what he was doing the whole film and also the ease with which he moved around the camp.

I think we have to forgive this kind of artistic license. It's often a feature of Nazi/Holocaust literature...though perhaps Jonathan Littell's character Max Aue from the novel The Kindly Ones takes it too far:

Aue hopscotches from the mass execution of Kiev's Jews in the pit at Babi Yar to the destruction of the German army at Stalingrad to several major extermination camps to the underground V-2 missile factory at Mittlebau-Dora. I couldn't help but wonder, "Will he make it to the Führer's bunker?" and, sure enough, he does. Aue is a Zelig of the Holocaust.
Hardcore Henry

Saw this last night, and have spent the following 24 hours recovering. It's utterly mad - basically a video game that you're not allowed to control. I have no idea if I loved it (for even attempting the first-person thing, the sometimes excellent action, and Sharlto Copley being wonderful) or hated it (for the first-person thing often leading to confusion as to what the bloody hell was going on and the villain being pretty bloody dreadful)

5/10 seems a fair score then. Slap bang in the middle.
Toy Story - A bit meh I have to say, and I thought the character Woody was awful. I don't know if a doll can overact or underact. Interesting story but worthy of a sequel? Maybe.


If you were in front of me, I would slap you with a fish. Toy Story is amazing! I saw it every day for like a month when I bought it on VHS many years ago.
I just didn't buy what he was doing the whole film and also the ease with which he moved around the camp.

It's sensationally put together though, agreed.

I think we have to forgive this kind of artistic license. It's often a feature of Nazi/Holocaust literature...though perhaps Jonathan Littell's character Max Aue from the novel The Kindly Ones takes it too far:

Yeah, I could sort of forgive the things that seemed a bit too contrived because it tried to say something with it.
Watching Fargo right now. Buscemi is one of my favourite actors at the moment.
I feel so unfulfilled after watching Fargo.
In what sense?
I dunno. The whole film left me feeling a bit empty. It all felt so low key and ended so easily that I wonder whether the film was missing held of its script. Every plot point just seemed to disappear rather then conclude and all the characters fates were very uninspired and depressing. Made me feel like something was missing.

I don't know if that was the point of the film though, as it seemed to suggest that accepting the mundaneness of life will make you more happy then blindly chasing a pipe dream as shown by the fact that plain Jane police woman was happy at the end whilst the higher aiming criminals suffered gruesome deaths/went to prison.
I dunno. The whole film left me feeling a bit empty. It all felt so low key and ended so easily that I wonder whether the film was missing held of its script. Every plot point just seemed to disappear rather then conclude and all the characters fates were very uninspired and depressing. Made me feel like something was missing.

I don't know if that was the point of the film though, as it seemed to suggest that accepting the mundaneness of life will make you more happy then blindly chasing a pipe dream as shown by the fact that plain Jane police woman was happy at the end whilst the higher aiming criminals suffered gruesome deaths/went to prison.

Interesting, can see what you mean in that sense. Think it's quite similar to No Country - in that despite a fairly tense plot at times, the ending is relatively low-key and almost clinically mundane by comparison. I think the whole idea of a characters fate being quite uninspired/depressing is quite common for the Coens, though. From their movies I've seen, there's rarely a big moment of realisation or redemption as such, and life often always goes on as it did before, in spite of whatever's transpired during the movie.
The 5th Wave.

Four waves of increasingly deadly alien attacks have left most of Earth decimated. Cassie is on the run, desperately trying to save her younger brother.
I was disappointed, it was not what I expected, was expecting aliens. This never happened, same plot as Twilight, Divergence etc only replace vampires etc. with Aliens?
It started OK , explaining about the 4 waves and then for me it went to pot, it turn into a film about a teen surviving a war, looking for her brother, it could've been any war.
You never see any aliens, in fact you would be hard pushed to even call this a Sci-Fi film.

If you like teenage romance Twilight bullshit , you will like this , I dont.
I think there is a decent film in there, just not this one.



Michael and Rachel are devastated when their six-year-old son dies in a tragic accident. When a stranger offers to bring the boy back to life, they take the offer. However, the child who returns is not the child they once knew.
It was very Omen like and also very predictable , it s have been done before better. Pet Sematary
springs to mind.
It had its moments but not many and even they were not scary.

3/10 for effort

A deaf girl is brutalized by a murderous gang who are then hunted by her when the bloodthirsty spirit of an Apache warrior inhabits her lifeless body.
Low-budget supernatural action horror film, that delivered plenty of bloody revenge.
This was half decent, worth a watch.


A deaf girl is brutalized by a murderous gang who are then hunted by her when the bloodthirsty spirit of an Apache warrior inhabits her lifeless body.
Low-budget supernatural action horror film, that delivered plenty of bloody revenge.
This was half decent, worth a watch.

Please don't tell me you watched this while at work :p !

Am I the only one who wikipedias the more daft ones out of pauldys viewing collection?
Nope :lol:. I wiki all of them just to know if he's messing with our heads a little.
I think we have to forgive this kind of artistic license. It's often a feature of Nazi/Holocaust literature...though perhaps Jonathan Littell's character Max Aue from the novel The Kindly Ones takes it too far:
the director has been very clear this is the anti-holocaust film holocaust film though. In a film that looked to cut the bullshit, this seemed like a little bit Spielberg seeping in.

That said I forgave Another holocaust film, Phoenix, its contrivance so maybe I'm been harsh.
Interesting, can see what you mean in that sense. Think it's quite similar to No Country - in that despite a fairly tense plot at times, the ending is relatively low-key and almost clinically mundane by comparison. I think the whole idea of a characters fate being quite uninspired/depressing is quite common for the Coens, though. From their movies I've seen, there's rarely a big moment of realisation or redemption as such, and life often always goes on as it did before, in spite of whatever's transpired during the movie.
I thought No Country was better. There was more suspense and the stakes fealt a lot higher.
A deaf girl is brutalized by a murderous gang who are then hunted by her when the bloodthirsty spirit of an Apache warrior inhabits her lifeless body.

Sample dialogue:

"What the f*ck am I doing in this bird's body?These tights are killing me. What um heap big pile of shit."
I did watch it at work ,while on nights.
It was a low budget horror , it was what it was , I have seen much much worse.
What can I say I like crappy horror.
I'm sure you've answered this one 100 times but:

Is it Paul Dyson, Pauldy Son or Pauly's on 1?

Regardless, I don't think I'll ever not read it as Pauldy.