Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Barry Lyndon's unspeakably boring... fecking hell, I almost want to commit suicide just thinking about it. I'd rather watch a 4-day staring contest between Mascherano and Makalele than watch it again.

That said, it's got possibly the fittest woman I've ever seen in it.
I liked Barry Lyndon
Finished off Azumi. Was good. Won't win a prize for the greatest film ever made. . .but as an action flick goes, it was enjoyable. Suppose just what I need after watching El Topo and The Holy Mountain.
Watched Ratatouille the other day.
What a delightful movie. Brad Bird increasingly become one of my favorite directors. Top notch animation again by Pixar, good story about love, friendship family and chasing your dreams without the message being shoved down our throats.
A very good flick to watched it with your family.
I was just looking over IMDB and found a new film coming out with Daniel Craig and Nicole Kidman called 'The Invasion' seems its a remake of the Body Snatchers, Donald Sutherlands 1978 remake was amazing, even for an old film. I dont expect this to match it but im gonna watch it nevertheless, getting it now ;)

IMDB link ->
Watched Ratatouille the other day.
What a delightful movie. Brad Bird increasingly become one of my favorite directors. Top notch animation again by Pixar, good story about love, friendship family and chasing your dreams without the message being shoved down our throats.
A very good flick to watched it with your family.

I like the look of this. Wil check it out, no doubt.

Anyway, cuntos. What should I watch tonight?

Fudoh: The New Generation
Deadly Outlaws: Rekka
Andrei Rublov
The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie

I saw the first and last 5 minutes of the latest Mr Bean movie recently. If you thought the first one was shit then you are in for an unpkleasant suprise. Even my 8 year old (surely the key demographic) found it unfunny and boring. -5/10
yes, bean was rather crap. Annoying more than anything else.
mehro, watched Zatoichi yet?

Rfifi surely.

No, decided to go out drinking instead. Maybe today.

Which one? The Beat Takeshi remake or some of the originals?

They're all good, but as I said before I have a soft spot for Samurai movies.

Mehro, you should watch Beat Takeshi's Samurai movie 'Taboo''s right up your..ahem..alley. Ahh, Takeshi only acts in the movie, he is not the director...either way I'm sure you'll love it...:smirk:
Takeshi's, Doc. I'll check out Taboo.

Takeshi's is a good one. I liked it very much.

Taboo is a good flick, though it will probably rub you the wrong way. Worth it though, it's not often you can cringe like that.
Dark Blue World

British-Czech co-production about Czechoslovakian fighter pilots who go to England to join the RAF to fight the Nazis. The plot centres on the trials of two best friends and fighter pilots who both fall in love with the same English woman. The narrative unfolds in flashback form, with the present being set in the Czechoslovakian jail in which the main character is being detained by the communist government in 1950.

The highlight of the film would have to be scenes featuring aerial combat between the British and German planes. Not only is it easy on the eye, but it also does a good job of conveying the tactical movements instead of just showing random planes pinging bullets at each other. Also an excellent soundtrack, and the director manages a shifting narrative with good effect while delivering multiple layers of story. Well worth watching.

Dark Blue World

British-Czech co-production about Czechoslovakian fighter pilots who go to England to join the RAF to fight the Nazis. The plot centres on the trials of two best friends and fighter pilots who both fall in love with the same English woman. The narrative unfolds in flashback form, with the present being set in the Czechoslovakian jail in which the main character is being detained by the communist government in 1950.

The highlight of the film would have to be scenes featuring aerial combat between the British and German planes. Not only is it easy on the eye, but it also does a good job of conveying the tactical movements instead of just showing random planes pinging bullets at each other. Also an excellent soundtrack, and the director manages a shifting narrative with good effect while delivering multiple layers of story. Well worth watching.


I will have to check this out.
Deadly Outlaw Rekka. Not a patch on Rainy Doy, but a decent film nonetheless. More style of substance, though.
You'll probably hate it, Salv. Citing weak character development and not enough gay scenes or something.
Best War Movies:

Apocalypse Now
(AN is in a league of its own)
Deer Hunter
The Guns Of Navarone
Where Eagles Dare

Considering how much Spoony seems to wank over Das Boot, I may infact watch it again to know what the fuss is about

Good war based movies I've seen are Schindler and Pianist
Best War Movies:

Apocalypse Now
(AN is in a league of its own)
Deer Hunter
The Guns Of Navarone
Where Eagles Dare

Considering how much Spoony seems to wank over Das Boot, I may infact watch it again to know what the fuss is about

Good war based movies I've seen are Schindler and Pianist

SL wasn't really all that good.

Das Boot's best of the bunch. Followed by The Deer Hunter and Apocalypse.
Come and See would definitely be in my top 5 war movies. And FMJ obviously. Deer Hunter, Apocalypse and Paths of Glory would be the others.