Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Dont know how they got Forest Whittaker and Robert De Niro to star in this shite led by 50 Cent. Awful film, doesnt have a coherent storyline, character motivations or direction. Yawned my way through it. There are some (unintentionally) funny bits 3.5/10

A low budget si-fi, Jessica and Dave along with three other young couples are kidnapped in Griffith Park by unseen Abductors and must fight to escape certain death only to discover the world will never be the same.
I was not expecting much, but it was really not that bad, bit of a stupid ending but worth the watch.


After reading the review on iMDb, I was expecting a half decent horror film about something brought up from the bowls of the earth after an earthquake.
It was neither half-decent or about something brought up from the bowl of the earth.
I wasted 90+ mins on this pile of horse shit.

2/10 and thats only for a couple of decent bits of gore.
Dont know how they got Forest Whittaker and Robert De Niro to star in this shite led by 50 Cent. Awful film, doesnt have a coherent storyline, character motivations or direction. Yawned my way through it. There are some (unintentionally) funny bits 3.5/10

De Niro has been doing a good few shit films in recent years. Not sure if he is doing a Michael Caine and just taking the cash as he winds down or what.
Watching Terminator 2 on Film 4. What a film, I can remember almost every single line. Almost everything about it is perfect. It's got to be James Cameron's best film imo.
Snowpiercer was a really good film, it's pretty clever but doesn't feel the need to take the viewer by the hand, and it's visually very impressive. Loads of great scenes, and I felt the film got better as it advanced and as you discovered more and more about the train. It's really worth seeing and will probably be in the end of the year rankings as one of the best films of 2013!

I finally got round to seeing Looper that I'd missed at the pictures and hadn't had the opportunity to watch since then. I really enjoyed it, I thought the concept of time travel was pretty well exploited (the Paul Dano mutilation scene was excellent), and it managed to keep me gripped right til the end. I thought the acting was very good, and the film was well paced.
Snowpiercer was a really good film, it's pretty clever but doesn't feel the need to take the viewer by the hand, and it's visually very impressive. Loads of great scenes, and I felt the film got better as it advanced and as you discovered more and more about the train. It's really worth seeing and will probably be in the end of the year rankings as one of the best films of 2013!

How/Where did you see it? Is it out in cinemas over there?
Yeah it's been out for over a month in France! It's based on a French comic book, which may explain why it came out early over here. Is it not out in the UK yet?
Watching Terminator 2 on Film 4. What a film, I can remember almost every single line. Almost everything about it is perfect. It's got to be James Cameron's best film imo.

Yeah I ended up going to be far too late after watching it again on +1. Still a great film.

'This is the vehicle's top speed.'
I finally got round to seeing Looper that I'd missed at the pictures and hadn't had the opportunity to watch since then. I really enjoyed it, I thought the concept of time travel was pretty well exploited (the Paul Dano mutilation scene was excellent), and it managed to keep me gripped right til the end. I thought the acting was very good, and the film was well paced.

I also really liked it, though most people in this thread disliked it for some bizarre reason.
Yeah looper was good, if I rememeber rightly though the rules of time travel in the film didn't make sense.

Rian Johnson is massively talented though, Brick, Brothers Bloom and his Breaking Bad episodes (Fly, Ozymandias) :drool:
Like Stars on Earth - 9/10

I consider myself insensitive but found it hard to hold back the tears at times. It's a long movie but well worth the time imo.
I also liked Looper, but the ending was dumb. Once you've established that Dano scene as the way your Universe's time travel mechanics work, why don't you just shoot your arm off? Or your trigger finger? Or better yet, just actually kill the kid. Not nearly enough films end with justified child sacrifice for my liking.

A Place Beyond The Pines - Half an interesting film ruined by another half of an incredibly uninteresting film with very weird things (but also absolutely nothing) to say about upbringing and parentage.
Well I don't usually give a grade to films, but 6.5 is just above average. Given it was one of my favourite films last year, I'd say it would've been an 8 or 8.5 I think. Don't really know, but 6.5 seems harsh! There's not much wrong in the film I think, I can easily understand why some would hate it cos it's gritty and not exactly a fun film to watch, but I really liked the performances and the morality of the film (that basically everyone is bad).
Well I don't usually give a grade to films, but 6.5 is just above average. Given it was one of my favourite films last year, I'd say it would've been an 8 or 8.5 I think. Don't really know, but 6.5 seems harsh! There's not much wrong in the film I think, I can easily understand why some would hate it cos it's gritty and not exactly a fun film to watch, but I really liked the performances and the morality of the film (that basically everyone is bad).

I thought it was great too. Nice to see McConaughey in such a role.
A friend of mine was at the Anchorman 2 premiere in Dublin last night and the after party. With quite a bit of drink on board, he reckoned it's one of the funniest films he's ever seen. He normally has a pretty good taste in films so I'm hoping he's right.
A friend of mine was at the Anchorman 2 premiere in Dublin last night and the after party. With quite a bit of drink on board, he reckoned it's one of the funniest films he's ever seen. He normally has a pretty good taste in films so I'm hoping he's right.
It's not out until July or something in France. Bastards!
Will Ferrell films never do well here. So not only is it going to come out really late, it'll also have a very small release with like 15 screens accross the country. His last one, The Campaign, was shown in just a couple of cinemas in Paris I think.

Anyway, it'll be out well before that on Bluray on Amazon UK, so I'll get it then. Just a bit annoying.
Will Ferrell films never do well here. So not only is it going to come out really late, it'll also have a very small release with like 15 screens accross the country. His last one, The Campaign, was shown in just a couple of cinemas in Paris I think.

Anyway, it'll be out well before that on Bluray on Amazon UK, so I'll get it then. Just a bit annoying.

Going by most of the French comedies I've seen I would've thought Will Ferrell was right up their alley.
I have to agree actually. There's a lot of famous French humorists that have a very similar tone to Ferell, and the French people I know who like him really love him. It's just a niche public, I don't really know why. (cos he's shit, Nilsson is going to say)
Will Ferrell ended up getting pissed in my mates house a few years ago when he was in town tracing his Irish roots. Really nice guy from what I hear.
I didn't even know there was a Godzilla film in the 90s. Was it shit?

That trailer was pretty good. Decent cast.