Film The Redcafe Movie review thread


Really great story and entertaining from start to finish but feck me was it corny. Would've been a better film in another director's hands but Ron Howard insists on spelling everything out and laying it on thick.
currently watching Alexander on sky movies

puzzled as to why Young Alexander the Great, Val Kilmer his dad (Phillip) and a few others are all speaking with Irish accents

Purely to fit in with Colin Farrell's accent or did Macedonians from 1700 years ago speak with a dublin accent

pish so far
currently watching Alexander on sky movies

puzzled as to why Young Alexander the Great, Val Kilmer his dad (Phillip) and a few others are all speaking with Irish accents

Purely to fit in with Colin Farrell's accent or did Macedonians from 1700 years ago speak with a dublin accent

pish so far

Try watching Valkyrie. No effort was made. feckin lazy actors.
Loved it. The girls generally didn't like it, but the guys enjoyed it. Heard you should watch it in 3D.
Mr. Nobody - Bit of a mind-feck, sci-fi film about how the choices we make change lives. I think Jared Leto's a twat but I really enjoyed it. 8/10
My old man says it's the best film he's seen in years and he hates Clooney and hates sci-fi so I'm just a little bit excited about this one.
I can't wait any longer. I've been waiting for this film for ages, it looks so unique, and the level of anticipation I have for seeing it at the pictures is bloody high!
Liked it the first time I saw and loved it the second time. Great performances, great cinematography and all round good story. Yes there are a few continuity errors and the story it to forceful but sit back and just go with the ride and you will enjoy it. Probably should have spent more time when the kids become men but 2hrs 20mins is still pretty lengthy. Highly recommend. 8.5/10
Liked it the first time I saw and loved it the second time. Great performances, great cinematography and all round good story. Yes there are a few continuity errors and the story it to forceful but sit back and just go with the ride and you will enjoy it. Probably should have spent more time when the kids become men but 2hrs 20mins is still pretty lengthy. Highly recommend. 8.5/10

I remember really enjoying it when it first came out. It's sat on my sky box for months but I've not got round to watching it again yet.

Its greatness has been enhanced by time exaggerating its 90s-ness. "Anything happens to my daughter, I got a .45 and a shovel. I doubt anyone would miss you" is one of my favourite all time lines. I'm going to be using that on any fella who picks up my future daughter,
Pacific Rim

Not a full review as I could only sit through half of it, just didn't enjoy it really.
Special effects were okay but the plot and acting I thought were awful.
A generous 2/10
Surprisingly IMDB reviews gives it 7.4
Pacific Rim

Not a full review as I could only sit through half of it, just didn't enjoy it really.
Special effects were okay but the plot and acting I thought were awful.
A generous 2/10
Surprisingly IMDB reviews gives it 7.4

I don't think you could say it's surprising... it's expectations isn't it? If you expect no plot and poor acting (I'm not saying the film is allowed to be devoid of these things mind), but just want to see some giant battles and things you've never see at the cinema before, then you'll be satisfied, and 7 is a satisfied score. It's not like it's in the 8's... and it's even below Man of Steel....
Pacific Rim

Not a full review as I could only sit through half of it, just didn't enjoy it really.
Special effects were okay but the plot and acting I thought were awful.
A generous 2/10
Surprisingly IMDB reviews gives it 7.4

Films of this ilk are always better at the cinema. Giant monsters need giant screens! I've not seen it by the way, but effects driven films are always better at the cinema.
I don't think you could say it's surprising... it's expectations isn't it? If you expect no plot and poor acting (I'm not saying the film is allowed to be devoid of these things mind), but just want to see some giant battles and things you've never see at the cinema before, then you'll be satisfied, and 7 is a satisfied score. It's not like it's in the 8's... and it's even below Man of Steel....

Guess so, I must admit I kinda expected lower ratings, but maybe being naive just using my own opinion on that.

Films of this ilk are always better at the cinema. Giant monsters need giant screens! I've not seen it by the way, but effects driven films are always better at the cinema.

That's true to be fair, it just didn't hold my interest as I expected and I do like these Sci-Fi action type of films normally.
Pacific Rim

Not a full review as I could only sit through half of it, just didn't enjoy it really.
Special effects were okay but the plot and acting I thought were awful.
A generous 2/10
Surprisingly IMDB reviews gives it 7.4

This is on my list for watching at weekend, cant wait, I love this sort of film.
Not expecting a masterpiece, just a good fight against the monsters film, with plenty of cheesy lines.
Two-Lane Blacktop - James Taylor and the drummer from The Beach Boys races across America whilst looking moody. I probably liked it more than I should have but I've got a weakness for these 70's films about aimlessness. It also gave further proof to my argument that Harry Dean Stanton has been in every American road movie for the last 50 years.
This is on my list for watching at weekend, cant wait, I love this sort of film.
Not expecting a masterpiece, just a good fight against the monsters film, with plenty of cheesy lines.

To be honest I like these kind of films too, I suppose Battlefield is along the same lines in a way and I actually quite enjoyed that.
Maybe my view on Pacific Rim was harsh, I just couldn't get into it.
To be honest I like these kind of films too, I suppose Battlefield is along the same lines in a way and I actually quite enjoyed that.
Maybe my view on Pacific Rim was harsh, I just couldn't get into it.
Did you mean Battleship by any chance? Because I agree, that film was much better than Pacific Rim and got shot down by the buffs in this thread. It was cheesy aswell but at least the acting was way better than in PR, it didn't feel like a complete parody.
Did you mean Battleship by any chance? Because I agree, that film was much better than Pacific Rim and got shot down by the buffs in this thread. It was cheesy aswell but at least the acting was way better than in PR, it didn't feel like a complete parody.

Sorry, yes Battleship, my mistake. I liked it much better than Pacific Rim also.
Europa report

A film about six astronauts that go on a mission to Jupiter's moon called Europa and the sacrifices they're prepared to make to finish their mission, all filmed like it was a documentary. Well acted, good plot and effects, a very good science fiction film. 7/10
Mr. Nobody - Bit of a mind-feck, sci-fi film about how the choices we make change lives. I think Jared Leto's a twat but I really enjoyed it. 8/10

Did a review on this about 8-9 months back in the movie thread. Till date my favourite movie. The music score and cinematography are immense!
Runner Runner: Not even Gemma Arterton manages to save this from mediocrity as this is a film badly in need of a more polished script and some slick lines as opposed to a script full of cliches. It's actually a shame as the scenery is beautiful and I can't really say there are many bad acting performances on show even from Timberlake; who is becoming something of a decent movie star. Just a shame really that its so lacking in originality or credibility.

Even in the trailer, Affleck's acting seemed awful...even though he was the bomb in Phantoms, yo.
Even in the trailer, Affleck's acting seemed awful...even though he was the bomb in Phantoms, yo.

I'd say he's hammy in it but I find that's more down to the script and how cliched the characters are rather than any real deficiency in his acting ability. They even have him feeding chickens to crocodiles whilst wearing a wife-beater like some modern day Bond villain.
Did a review on this about 8-9 months back in the movie thread. Till date my favourite movie. The music score and cinematography are immense!

It was just enjoyable to watch, and not really that complicated when you think about it. Leto is excellent as old Nemo.
Did you mean Battleship by any chance? Because I agree, that film was much better than Pacific Rim and got shot down by the buffs in this thread. It was cheesy aswell but at least the acting was way better than in PR, it didn't feel like a complete parody.
I'm surprised to be fair. I like both Battleship and Pacific Rim, but for very different reasons, and I think they're very different films. My opinion on them is almost polar opposite to what you say, in the sense that for me Battleship was a parody, or at least it was a bit of a 'feck you' to the blockbuster genre. Everything about it felt too over the top to be genuine, the lines were incredibly shit but always consciously so (like when he quotes Sun Tzu, but makes a complete mess of it, or when the war veteran makes his big speech and the nerd shoots him down as if he can't believe it). In a sense, I think its approach is similar to Starship Troopers, but where Starship Troopers is infinitely more clever with a whole political aspect to it, Battleship is more modest and can be seen as criticism of the blockbuster/studio system. It ticks all the boxes a blockbuster should, but so meticulously, so consciously that I thought it was obvious it was being sly about it. I've had this conversation quite a bit with some friends, some agree, some don't, I thought it was obvious but evidently it isn't.

If it's not a caricature of the blockbuster genre, and if Berg did indeed direct it with the idea that it was a well done blockbuster, then my opinion would be completely different and I'd say it's pretty shit (and I quite like the blockbuster genre).

Del Toro's film, for me, is much more honest. Sure, it has shit acting and lines, but it's a sincere hommage to the Kaiju genre, a genre Del Toro obviously loves and holds great respect for. It's not a parody and it's not meant to be a parody, it's just that he gives importance to certain elements, and not so much to others (the dialogue, mostly, which is just a basic blueprint to go along with the major themes and actions of the film). I thought the film was made and put together with an almost childlike enthusiasm and it transpired throughout, and I've rarely been so impressed by images at the pictures (that's where I think you'll be a bit disappointed pauldy, even with the best home cinema in your living room, let alone a computer, it will never live up to the brilliance of a movie screen showing). It also has some of Del Toro's favourite elements (he loves monsters so obviously he had a field day with Pacific Rim, by going always a step further with the Kaijus) and you could at times see his distinctive 'poetic' signature, it was a much less mechanic affair than a Michael Bay picture. All in all it was good fun, and the action is the best I've seen on a giant screen for years.

So basically, to summarize, I enjoyed both films (a lot) but feel they're different animals and should each be judged on their own merits.