Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

The Avengers

Superior Marvel Comic Book film. Just throughly entertaining, so much so that I was more then willing to forgive it for the little inconsistancies/liberties taken with the story. Thought the script was sharp and the direction from Whedon excellent... and he did a great job in balancing the action between the 6 heroes, Loki and Jackson.


American Reunion

Urgh, I had hoped for so much more. Was a big fan of the first two films, but this seemed like a very lazy effort on behalf of the writers, who seemingly rested on their laurels and relied on your existing preconceptions of these characters as being funny in themselves, rather then actually coming up with funny dialogue/scenarios.

That's not to say it wasn't funny at all, as I chuckled a few times throughout the movie... but I wasn't brought to full-blown laughter at any point.


Good all-round action jaunt. I'm a big fan of Jason Statham and this ticks all the boxes. Car chases, shootouts, fight scenes, smart alec remarks and multiple homicides. The little Chinese girl was really good in it as well.

Probably been done and talked about loads, hence why I won't waste time with a review...but just watched Despicable Me for the first time...brilliant and very funny :)
The Devil inside.

A dreadful film , nothing that has not been done before only better.
The story was weak , some of the acting was appalling.
The ending was just rubbish.
The picture they use of the blind nun has nothing to do with the film , I thought it was very poorly put together film and left more question unanswered , in fact the film did not answer anything about any of the people in the film.

A very poor effort 3/10

Amazingly, the trailer was 10x better than the film.
The Avengers

Superior Marvel Comic Book film. Just throughly entertaining, so much so that I was more then willing to forgive it for the little inconsistancies/liberties taken with the story. Thought the script was sharp and the direction from Whedon excellent... and he did a great job in balancing the action between the 6 heroes, Loki and Jackson.


American Reunion

Urgh, I had hoped for so much more. Was a big fan of the first two films, but this seemed like a very lazy effort on behalf of the writers, who seemingly rested on their laurels and relied on your existing preconceptions of these characters as being funny in themselves, rather then actually coming up with funny dialogue/scenarios.

That's not to say it wasn't funny at all, as I chuckled a few times throughout the movie... but I wasn't brought to full-blown laughter at any point.


Stifler was the best in that film by far...seconded by Jims always :)
Roger Ebert trolling by putting The Tree of Life in his top 10

Aguirre, Wrath of God (Herzog)
Apocalypse Now (Coppola)
Citizen Kane (Welles)
La Dolce Vita (Fellini)
The General (Keaton)
Raging Bull (Scorsese)
2001: A Space Odyssey (Kubrick)
Tokyo Story (Ozu)
The Tree of Life (Malick)
Vertigo (Hitchcock)
The Pirates! - A Band of Misfits

Saw this last weekend, new one from Aardman. Decently funny, pretty much what you'd expect.

Worth a gander.
I'm currently watching Bad Ass with Danny Trejo. It's one of the worst written films I've ever seen. Ive no idea how anyone got this made. It's dreadful. Its like a cliche of a cliche of a bad vigilante film, without the irony. At one point he turns up on a crime scene several days after the crime, exasperated that the police aren't making any progress on his friends murder, and finds two pieces of important evidence in about 20 seconds just lying in the street. Its farcical. It honestly makes me angry that things this bad can get made, with real money, and semi respectable actors. The worst thing being, no ones taking the piss here, it is actually just bad.

I'm only half way through it but I'm going to give it a 3 already just cos I'm so annoyed by it.

feck that, 2.

Wait- what? I'm pretty sure it's completely taking the piss. The whole film was written based on a spoof advert that appeared in another film wasn't it? Deathproof, or some bollocks.
Wait- what? I'm pretty sure it's completely taking the piss. The whole film was written based on a spoof advert that appeared in another film wasn't it? Deathproof, or some bollocks.

Yes, a shit film that spawned a handful of shit films. It was Grindhouse, of which Death Proof was part of.
Wait- what? I'm pretty sure it's completely taking the piss. The whole film was written based on a spoof advert that appeared in another film wasn't it? Deathproof, or some bollocks.

Some bollocks covers it up yes.

It was based off this dude

Wait- what? I'm pretty sure it's completely taking the piss. The whole film was written based on a spoof advert that appeared in another film wasn't it? Deathproof, or some bollocks.

It's based off some old bollocks yes, but there's no knowing or wit about it like there was with Machette. It's just very, very bad, and played straight.
In fairness Tree Of Life will either leave you thinking Malik is either a piss artist, a genius of something in between the two. I think he is something inbetween the two. Both extremes are on show in Tree Of Life.

He's planning on releasing a 6 hour version of it, which I would gladly watch as it felt like a lot of stuff got cut down in the editing, barely any of the filmed shots involving Sean Penn were used in the completed version apparently.
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He's planning on releasing a 6 hour version of it, which I would gladly watch as it felt like a lot of got cut down in the editing, barely any of the filmed shots involving Sean Penn were used in the completed version apparently.

Ahh, Sean Penn, champion of the fight for the Malvinas for a minuscule 6 hours. I'm sold!
Has anyone seen The Grey ? Just watched it and loved it. Liam Neeson leads a bunch of survivors across Alaska after a plane crash and they're chased by man eating wolves throughout. It's really good.

I enjoyed it although it was a bit silly and very predictable. Plus the end was a bit ho hum. Neeson was excellent mind. Well worth a watch. 6.5/10

The most ridiculous movie I've seen in recent times. The title couldn't have been chosen any better, it's a damn shame I lost almost 2 hours of my life watching this steamy pile of horseshit. This movie tries to be smart but fails miserably. Holywoods coming man Michael Fassbender has a rapey look in his eyes throughout the entire film, and acts like he's been molested by an army of drunken sailors. Oh and take coming man very literally, the guy tries to hump everything that has a heartbeat and is wanking throughout this whole sick perverted joke of a film. Expected so much more from a movie with him in it, don't waste your time.


I didn't hate it that much and it had a great deal going for it but so much remained unknown and unsaid even by the time the titles rolled by interspersed by so much rather pointless soft porn that I didn't really care about the main characters. I don't like every plot point to be telegraphed and then explained I would have liked to know at least a little bit about the main characters past. All in all I'd give it a miss unless you are bored. 4/10
He's planning on releasing a 6 hour version of it, which I would gladly watch as it felt like a lot of got cut down in the editing, barely any of the filmed shots involving Sean Penn were used in the completed version apparently.

Won't happen, he's wanted super extended versions before...just never happy. Probably wouldn't see any of his post-Days of Heaven films if it wasn't for a studio forcing him to finally release something, perfectionist.

A shit film about two comedians who aren't funny, don't have a routine and are not funny. Did I mention that the film lacks comedy? Self-important crap and the directorial debut of Ben Miller. Hope he doesn't make any more shite coz I like him.

He's planning on releasing a 6 hour version of it, which I would gladly watch as it felt like a lot of got cut down in the editing, barely any of the filmed shots involving Sean Penn were used in the completed version apparently.

That would be interesting to see although its actually the parts with Penn in them(as well as others) which don't work for me as well as i'd like them to.

The family parts work the best for me in the sense of them being a sort of literal interpretation of some of the metaphorical meanings behind the story of Oedipus.
That would be interesting to see although its actually the parts with Penn in them(as well as others) which don't work for me as well as i'd like them to.

The family parts work the best for me in the sense of them being a sort of literal interpretation of some of the metaphorical meanings behind the story of Oedipus.

Agreed. It's probably the weakest parts of the film so it would be interesting to see if it would come off better in another version.

The only film that it can even begin to be compared to is Tarkovsky's The Mirror, in which the main character is recollecting his past in the present day and who is barely even revealed, and it came off brilliantly. I also think the fact that Penn is such a big name mostly served as an distraction in the end.
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Loved it. Fund footage stuff is getting a bit tiresome but some of my favourite films have involved it recently. (Troll Hunter) I just thoroughly enjoyed this. From them playing with their powers and learning to control felt very natural to me through to what it has to be said was quite an epic fight sequence at the the end which many larger budget superhero films could do with taking note of. Did anyone else expect it start suddenly gong all Akira and Tetsuo at the end or was that just me.
Loved it. Fund footage stuff is getting a bit tiresome but some of my favourite films have involved it recently. (Troll Hunter) I just thoroughly enjoyed this. From them playing with their powers and learning to control felt very natural to me through to what it has to be said was quite an epic fight sequence at the the end which many larger budget superhero films could do with taking note of. Did anyone else expect it start suddenly gong all Akira and Tetsuo at the end or was that just me.

:eek: I noticed the same thing about Akira and this.
I think the use of the security camera and news helicopter footage which made them smaller on the screen but having a full effect on their environment actually made the last fight feel more epic, rather than seeing close up slo mo cgi of the protagonists which jars me out of the film everytime. Been reading up on it, Akira was one of the influences for the film so it makes sense also the actor who played Andrew is up for the Tetsuo role. (Wish they'd just make it a like for like action film and have it in Japanese.)
Man On A Ledge Silly with plot holes a mile wide but if you want a bit of brainless entertainment it isn't too bad. Just be prepared to avoid examining the logic if the plot. Blokes will like it for the most gratuitous and pointless outfit change in cinema history where the skinny girl with the huge chest changes from a figure hugging outfit to a leather/fake leather body suit and taking a great deal of time to do so. somewhere between 3/10 and 5/10 or more if you are in the mood for a brainless bit of entertainment

Whenever you find the time, watch it. Watched the first 3 parts and it's absolutely brilliant. Would recommend it ahead of Dekalog since obviously it's a bit artsy, this is just a fantastic character study and wonderfully well made so great for anyone who's happy watching foreign language stuff. Love the score.

I had a problem with the basic premise of Taken.

"Europe? feck no, you can't go to Europe, it's like a fecking jungle down there, you'll die for sure."

Sure enough, kid goes to Europe, gets kidnapped. It's like, what do Americans think Europe is like, Congo? Please. They may not know how to run a currency but it's no more dangerous than America. Get a grip.

I watched this again the other night. Got over my previous misgivings and just watched it for what it was, enjoyed it a lot more this time. Good film.
Night on the Galactic Express - Two cats living in a surreal Italian landscape go on a train ride through the universe. I love it when I find films like, just so full of originality. Strange, slow moving, dream-like and good. I wish they'd still do animations like this.

Death at a Funeral (2007) - Decent, if not a bit forgettable farce.
Just watched

The Last Samurai - Great music and Ken Wattanabe is a great actor. Very beautifully captured and I liked the dialogue a lot. Overall a very good movie in my opinion. 7 / 10.
Just watched

The Last Samurai - Great music and Ken Wattanabe is a great actor. Very beautifully captured and I liked the dialogue a lot. Overall a very good movie in my opinion. 7 / 10.

Always loved that movie.

Watched a whole host of Blu-Rays of late...


My favourite film of 2011. I think I recall it not being all that popular on here(?), but I bloody love it.

This was also probably the best quality Blu-Ray from the four I watched. The visuals were more vibrant, and the audio really stood out.

Source Code

My second favourite film of 2011. Think the film manages a number of plot threads very well, and constantly keeps you interested in both the plight of the main character and the fate of the train and those it effects.

It does have it's cheesy/corny/cliche moments, but I can forgive those as it general remains fast paced throughout and constantly has me on the edge of my seat. Overall I'd say it's a throughly entertaining way to spend 90 minutes.

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

I remember being underwhelmed by this when I saw it at the cinema and came away thinking it was just okay, but a 2nd viewing has changed that view. I laughed quite a bit, never remember it being quite as funny the first time around, the performances are all fun and it never takes itself too seriously... which considering the plot-line, is the only way to approach such a film.

Super 8

Regret not seeing this in the cinema now... it's a very entertaining pop-corn flick with some impressive special fx (Even if they are slightly OTT at times). The film manages to make you care about the majority of the main characters, and does a good job of ramping up the intruige and tension as the movie progresses.

Also, it casts children that can actually act. What a novelty.