Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

It's just me, I think - I find it hard to disassociate his 'smug' act from his real self.
It's just me, I think - I find it hard to disassociate his 'smug' act from his real self.

You dont have to like him - I get why others dont, but he doesnt get on my nerves not even his laugh. The smugness is definitely an act, there was an interesting HBO special where he, Louis CK, Chris Rock and Jerry Seinfeld were talking about standup - he said there that the smugness in his routine was meant to be ironic.
Watching The Hunger, a 1983 vampire film starring Catherine Deneuve, David Bowie and Susan Sarandon. It's had such conflicting reviews that I was curious to see it for myself.

What did you think?

I think it just misses out on being a landmark depiction of what vampirism is (in human, cultural terms, that is). I've always loved the poetic grandeur of the Dracula story - he lives through all ages; his loneliness in doing so; the whole aristocratic analogy thing etc etc - and these themes are touched on in The Hunger. It's a bit dated (no fault of its own, of course) and garish but still memorable nonetheless. :)

Blimey. I didn't think it was possible for a red-blooded male to review that film without getting all hot under the collar about the fantastic lesboid action. Fair play to you for avoiding the elephant in the room.
:lol: The weird synth music put me off, mate. :D That and the fact that Youtube didn't allow those bits to be shown.
He's one of those annoying people, like Gervais, who's had one success & yet people ludicrously label him a genius. Shows how talent-free modern culture is, in general.

1. Gervais has had more than just one success, although it is becoming more and more apparent that he only has one real comedic tool, which he uses extremely well.

2. Who the feck has EVER called James Corden a genius?
1. Gervais has had more than just one success, although it is becoming more and more apparent that he only has one real comedic tool, which he uses extremely well.

Yep, fair enough.

2. Who the feck has EVER called James Corden a genius?

I've read it in a couple of reviews/profiles...but I often get the feeling those articles come straight from Corden's PR people, tbh.
The Iron Lady 6/10

Very well acted by Meryl Streep but quite a depressing film , but whether that was because it showed Lady T in such decline, or whether it was because it reminded me so much of my own father, who has Alzheimer's, I'm not sure.
The Iron Lady 6/10

Very well acted by Meryl Streep but quite a depressing film , but whether that was because it showed Lady T in such decline, or whether it was because it reminded me so much of my own father, who has Alzheimer's, I'm not sure.

So it wasnt just me! I've wrote this a few days earlier:

Meryll Streep was absolutely fantastic as the aging Thatcher, in some scenes it was eerie how she reminded of my alzheimer-ridden late grandmother.
My Cousin Vinny - Probably Sky's longest running feature since it's always been on it on a regular weekly basis, but I watch all the time, it's a classic, I love it. Joe Pesci is hysterical and deserved a Oscar as well to be honest. One of those classic comedies that just holds up on rewatch and rewatch and rewatch. 8/10

Watched some other stuff too, American Gangster(6/10) extended version, good and all but when you've seen The Wire/Sopranos, films like this now feel unbelievably under developed, Crowe/Denzel are terrific though, and Scott does a good job but the extended stuff isn't needed at all. Amelie(9/10) which is a wonderful film. Carlito's Way(5/10) for the first time, and well it wasn't really worth waiting all that time for, ok I guess but nothing special. Football Factory(3/10) partially for a laugh for the wrong reasons and because it was there. Fearless(7/10) which is good, but one of Weirs(who i'm a big fan of) weakest, Bridges was robbed of any real recognition though, brilliant as usual. Oh and the Iron Lady(3/10), which I agree, was basically all Streep being Streep, which is of course great, but the film was mostly awful, it had no idea how it really wanted to portray Thacther or what it wanted to do in general, just a mess really.
I listen to this every day <3

Incidentally, I just watched this movie on Blu-Ray yesterday. Thought it has much more layers to it than I could possibly fathom, but viewing it again is not an option, as it bore the heck out of me the first time. Wonderful cinematography, though. Absolutely out-of-this-world, so to speak.

10/10 if I'm pretending I know what the heck Terrence Malick wanted to get across. 6/10 if I'm being honest and generous.
Just came back from seeing War Horse at the cinema, and feck me, I am a bit of a sap for crying during films at the best of times (even the ones that arent meant to be sad) but this was on another level to anything ive seen recently - fortunately I was watching it with my gf who is even worse than me, so between all her sniffing I managed to go relatively unnoticed.

As for the film, its pretty good, a little predictable at times (not that that sort of film is really there for the massive plot twists, mind) and as someone who studied the first world war for a year at school, the historical/technological inacurracies were a little annoying at times (but thats likely just me being a cock), otherwise generally good and very watchable.
Incidentally, I just watched this movie on Blu-Ray yesterday. Thought it has much more layers to it than I could possibly fathom, but viewing it again is not an option, as it bore the heck out of me the first time. Wonderful cinematography, though. Absolutely out-of-this-world, so to speak.

10/10 if I'm pretending I know what the heck Terrence Malick wanted to get across. 6/10 if I'm being honest and generous.

The first hour was pretty good, with the childhood moments and all that, was a bit of a free fall after that though.
The Descendents I enjoyed the movie. Payne did a good job, but his last movie Sideways (2004) is more interesting storywise. Don't really understand why the movie got nominated for "Best Picture" though. The story of The Descendents isn't anything special. Also don't understand why Clooney got nominated for "Best Actor". He always 'plays himself' in the movies. I was more impressed with the acting of the girl who plays the eldest daughter. 8/10

The Muppets Annoying songs, not enough screentime for Amy Adams and lacklustre storywriting. The story is very linear. I like Amy Adams' Princess Giselle reference in the Muppets movie though, that was fun. Overall, the movie doesn't deserve a IMDB score of 8/10, more like 7/10.

The Artist Good movie, but I dislike the ending. 8/10

Warrior Basically Rocky (or Real Steel, only with human fighters). Another good movie. Better than the Fighter. the ending was awful though: the relationship between the two characters doesn't make any sense at all. Tom Hardy has disturbingly big lips. 8.5/10

Cold Fish Awesome Japanese movie. Genres: black comedy, triller, drama etc. Recommended. 9/10

Shame Really don't understand all the praise. Contains too much (unnecessary) nudity. Disliked the ending. Another movie ending that asks for an own interpretation. I think that's lazy directing and a cheap way to let the movie end. Fassbender was ok in this one, but not good enough for an Oscar nomination, so I'm happy he got snubbed. 7.9 on IMDB? You're havin a laugh. 6/10
Just saw Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I must say Rooney Mara played one hell of a character, and she deserved that Oscar nod. Stellar performances, of course, but I imagined it to be more fast paced when I read the book, maybe it's the details that caught my attention more in reading it. It just wasn't all too exciting in watching it all.
Maras reward is the nomination tbh. Three of the other four have stellar careers, and Streep is Streep but already has two but the campaign to get her deserved third is bigger and bigger each year.
Maras reward is the nomination tbh. Three of the other four have stellar careers, and Streep is Streep but already has two but the campaign to get her deserved third is bigger and bigger each year.

And believe me, while the film is very flawed, her performance as the old Thatcher was incredibly realistic. It made the film personal as both Erica and I have seen our father and grandmother (respectively) in her.
Star Trek

Just watched the new one and I loved it.
I like the way you saw how the new friendships were made and how the crew came together, Scotty was a very funny.
Star Trek is not everybody cup of tea , I have always liked it , can wait for the second film due out July this year.

Really really enjoyed the Rum Diaries with Johnny Depp based on the works of Hunter S Thompson. He is brilliant in it and I had a few lau out loud moments in it...hate the "to be continued ending"

The Descendants

Enjoyable little movie which could probably do without all the awards hoopla that's surrounding it. Taking on it's own merits it's a well acted family drama with good performances all round. Stoner kid was hilarious.
It's the best film out of those tailored for mainstream awards though -_-