Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Like Crazy

I was made to go to this, honest. Though I do admit I was expecting more than the traditional lovey-duvey romantic film for Valentines day, and eh, I guess it's different, but it's still shit. It tries to be "realistic" and embody realistic dialogue but never really pulls it off. It's shot in a sort of Office type way, cept the actors don't know there are cameras watching them, if that makes any sense. Anyway, for me it fails, it's just a pure out and out love story with crap acting and no comedy, the 2 main characters are just really dull.

In fact, it's just depressing, and it has a shite ending, meaning your bird probably won't be in any mood to put out after it. That defeats the whole purpose of going to one of these films.

4/10, I guess.
A Separation - 8.5/10

:( Thing this the first movie since Come and See that really got to me. Some of the scenes were way too heavy for me.

Some scenes with the little girl really had me pondering about the state of life in a lot of countries around the world and for that matter my own. Scenes with her and her mother were really heartbreaking at times.

The story with the poor couple also resonated with me since I have seen a few poor pool act like that guy did due to almost the same circumstances he was in with respect to his job etc.

I'd go with 9, incredibly real, emotionally involving, will stay with me a long time. I don't think I've seen better in the last 12 months
Its a very good movie that shouldn't really be in doubt.

Oh and here's one of those so called "film buffs".

It's not a special film, nor was it regarded as such at that time. We had this argument before in this thread, I wont go into this, but repeat what I've said about it before.

Shawshank Redemption is the most overrated film of all time.

Nothing wrong with Shawshank Redemption. Doesn't deserve to be called the best film ever but its a good movie.

It's a decently executed film obviously made with the Oscars in mind.
It certainly isn't one of the greatest of all time not for me anyway, but it isn't bland or boring either. The fact that it scores so highly in polls conducted by most film critics should tell you that maybe you are missing something.

Its shouldn't be too hard for you to say that a movie doesn't work for you on an individual level. There are many so called classics that I acknowledge to be good movies but they simply don't work for me.

And yes we have had this argument before.
Iron Lady - 4.5/10

A great film about aging and dementia was in there somewhere. The "present day" scenes were mostly great (apart from a few cheap tricks) - but all the scenes that involved politics were superficial, boring and meaningless. I dont want to get into what and who Thatcher was - I dont believe this film offers any insight.

Meryll Streep was absolutely fantastic as the aging Thatcher, in some scenes it was eerie how she reminded of my alzheimer-ridden late grandmother. But she wasnt anywhere as interesting as the politician

Shame, really.
The Grey

Better than the "Taken with Wolves" that I was expecting. It was well directed, Neeson didn't phone it in and the wolves didn't look ridiculous, so I was entertained enough.
It did have a habit of telegraphing who was going to die next, the camera kind of lingers on them for too long. Plus, I know in a situation like the one in the film you're pretty much fecked, but it would be nice if at least one person would have made it.

Watched Mike Bassett....prolly the best football film ever made. Pretty much crushes the FA and English Journalism without even trying, Luxembourg winning 2-0 to get England through rofl. Yeah I dunno why I love this still randomly cracks me up everytime.
Watched Mike Bassett....prolly the best football film ever made. Pretty much crushes the FA and English Journalism without even trying, Luxembourg winning 2-0 to get England through rofl. Yeah I dunno why I love this still randomly cracks me up everytime.

For some reason, I love the bit where Mike is 'dancing' on the bar. :lol:
"Here we have the skill reputator, this machine replicates the body movements of the greatest players ever....Pele.....Maradona.....Mark Lawrenson"

Watched Mike Bassett....prolly the best football film ever made. Pretty much crushes the FA and English Journalism without even trying, Luxembourg winning 2-0 to get England through rofl. Yeah I dunno why I love this still randomly cracks me up everytime.

You know that Daewoo car you sold me, well its an absolute fecking disgrace!

I think it just misses out on being a landmark depiction of what vampirism is (in human, cultural terms, that is). I've always loved the poetic grandeur of the Dracula story - he lives through all ages; his loneliness in doing so; the whole aristocratic analogy thing etc etc - and these themes are touched on in The Hunger. It's a bit dated (no fault of its own, of course) and garish but still memorable nonetheless. :)
I think it just misses out on being a landmark depiction of what vampirism is (in human, cultural terms, that is). I've always loved the poetic grandeur of the Dracula story - he lives through all ages; his loneliness in doing so; the whole aristocratic analogy thing etc etc - and these themes are touched on in The Hunger. It's a bit dated (no fault of its own, of course) and garish but still memorable nonetheless. :)

Good review
It has the requisite dark glamour, though the film is of its time - much of it looks like an 80's pop promo. :D It's like Anne Rice's The Vampire Lestat in movie form. :)
I think it just misses out on being a landmark depiction of what vampirism is (in human, cultural terms, that is). I've always loved the poetic grandeur of the Dracula story - he lives through all ages; his loneliness in doing so; the whole aristocratic analogy thing etc etc - and these themes are touched on in The Hunger. It's a bit dated (no fault of its own, of course) and garish but still memorable nonetheless. :)

It is miles ahead of any vampire flick that has been done recently.
Three Musketeers 0/10 just for having James Corden in it.

I can't actually review this properly as I had to turn it off as soon as Porky came into it. I didn't like d'Artagnan either. First few minutes were quite good though
He's one of those annoying people, like Gervais, who's had one success & yet people ludicrously label him a genius. Shows how talent-free modern culture is, in general.
Just finished watching Drive, heard it was brilliant but...

Utter shit...seriously, what the feck? Annoying lead character who spent half the film looking borderline retarded, that stupid 80s song every time nothing in the film was happening, which was quite a lot and the whole thing seemed just seemed confused. I kept waiting for a twist or some sort of interesting thing to happen but nothing did.

Hated it so much.