Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Ali: Fear Eats the Soul - More relevant than enjoyable. About a doomed relationship between an older German woman and a younger Moroccan man. They end up getting shunned by the people around them which leads to internal conflicts.
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You want to know about utter shit? I had to watch Bridesmaids the other night.

Mind you, even then there were one or two moments that made me laugh out loud. But for the most part it was a miserable, soul destroying waste of an evening.
Cowboys and Aliens

What a strange film, was it a Western trying to be a Scfi Fi film or a Scfi-Fi trying to be a Western.
It had all the things you want in a Western , a bunch of dirty scruffy coach robbers a feud and Boss man who everybody is scared of and thinks he is above the law and then you get space ships and aliens , that take people and hold them hostage and they want Gold , why the hell would Aliens that build space ships want Gold?

I like Harrison Ford and Daniel Craig but what made them do this disaster of a film.


They heard Olivia Wilde was in the film.
Just watched Real Steel. Cracking kids film.
It was wasn't it. I really enjoyed it my 13 year old son really enjoyed it but strangely enough it was my wife who was shadow punching at the finale. She loves a good boxing/fighting film.

After seeing the shit fest that was AntiChrist, I told myself I'd never watch a Lars Von Trier film again. Then I saw the trailer for Melancholia, and I figured I'd try them again. I should have listened to my gut instinct. On the plus side, the movie is shot very well, especially the wedding reception scenes. The acting is for the most part, pretty good. The main emotion is depression, and those who have to be depressed, seem the appropriate amount of depressed. The first 20-30 minutes I was optimistic. It had me drawn in. Then it just kept getting more and more boring. It's 2 hours 15 minutes and feels like it. I like artsy, pretentious movies as much as the next guy, but I don't like this artsy, pretentious movie.


After seeing the shit fest that was AntiChrist, I told myself I'd never watch a Lars Von Trier film again. Then I saw the trailer for Melancholia, and I figured I'd try them again. I should have listened to my gut instinct. On the plus side, the movie is shot very well, especially the wedding reception scenes. The acting is for the most part, pretty good. The main emotion is depression, and those who have to be depressed, seem the appropriate amount of depressed. The first 20-30 minutes I was optimistic. It had me drawn in. Then it just kept getting more and more boring. It's 2 hours 15 minutes and feels like it. I like artsy, pretentious movies as much as the next guy, but I don't like this artsy, pretentious movie.


Its a shit movie, and the dialogs are probably among the most unnatural ones ever.
Moneyball, 7/10 Interesting sports film with good acting, unfortuanetly they spend to long establishing the characters and the battle they face and end up with hardly anytime for the second act, the actual success of the streak and all the drama thats involved, goes by so quickly that it's all over and doesn't feel like the pay off it should have been.
Moneyball, 7/10 Interesting sports film with good acting, unfortuanetly they spend to long establishing the characters and the battle they face and end up with hardly anytime for the second act, the actual success of the streak and all the drama thats involved, goes by so quickly that it's all over and doesn't feel like the pay off it should have been.

The general idea of the story is how and why Billy Beane upset the establishment and changed the game, the streak is almost just a bolt onto that story. Not that I disagree with your rating its a pretty fair review.
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011)
I guess there may have been a review of this movie on this thread. But nevertheless, I will give my view.
I am a sucker for old time spy stories and I was sure to watch this one considering the cast for the movie. The movie displays a charm that I perceive goes well with the time. It encompasses subtle references to few of the then existing scenarios. The movie manages to keep you glued to the seats with bits of intrigue and moments of obvious situations delivered really well. The ending was poignant symbolizing betrayal, relations and fulfillment.
I think 7/10 is fair too, the book is terrific if you like deep stats in any sport, forget Baseball, but it was still a hard sell to make a movie from it. Sorkin did a terrific job on that credit to him, didn't overly lose the point, but didn't complicate things too much so that it could be quite profitable.
Shortcut to Happiness.

A struggling writer called Bez (Alec Baldwin) sells his soul to the devil (Jennifer Love Hewitt, turning in a performance that made Liz Hurleys turn in the Bedazzled remake look Oscar worthy) in return for success and fame. Anthony Hopkins is bizarrely in it and does some angry acting and Kim Katrell plays Kim Katrell.

It manages to be worse than it sounds. I highly recommend it.

Currently out at the cinemas, watched it a few nights ago and found it very funny.
Typical American underdog comedy, rather predictable but definitely worth a watch, some hilarious characters in it, Stifler is very funny as the goon, reminded me of 'the Waterboy'.
The Guard


A few laughs, mostly cheap laughs. Brendan Gleeson always watchable, but a very weak film. Don Cheadle is pretty awful in it too.

Irish Film industry is not in a good place IMO
The Skin I Live In


Genius and sick (not in a disgusting sense, morally perhaps) at the same time, one of few dramas I enjoyed from start to finish. On a plus side for those who hate drama, a hot female (or is she?) is constanly showing off her curves and tits.

Very good movie.
The Skin I Live In


Genius and sick (not in a disgusting sense, morally perhaps) at the same time, one of few dramas I enjoyed from start to finish. On a plus side for those who hate drama, a hot female (or is she?) is constanly showing off her curves and tits.

Very good movie.

Watched that yesterday. It is very sick. I liked that. :nervous:I would give it 9/10 (10/10 if the end would match the whole movie).
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011)
I guess there may have been a review of this movie on this thread. But nevertheless, I will give my view.
I am a sucker for old time spy stories and I was sure to watch this one considering the cast for the movie. The movie displays a charm that I perceive goes well with the time. It encompasses subtle references to few of the then existing scenarios. The movie manages to keep you glued to the seats with bits of intrigue and moments of obvious situations delivered really well. The ending was poignant symbolizing betrayal, relations and fulfillment.

Something about it didn't work for me. Yes the acting was sublime as was the cinematography and the script, it was a real tour de force, it had everything I love in a film, yet I got bored.
The Skin I Live In


Genius and sick (not in a disgusting sense, morally perhaps) at the same time, one of few dramas I enjoyed from start to finish. On a plus side for those who hate drama, a hot female (or is she?) is constanly showing off her curves and tits.

Very good movie.
Great film.

The Skin I Live In

Almodovar's grand guignol, splatterpunk version of 'My Fair Lady', with a leading lady every bit as as beautiful as Audrey Hepburn.
Something about it didn't work for me. Yes the acting was sublime as was the cinematography and the script, it was a real tour de force, it had everything I love in a film, yet I got bored.

It was a bit hard to follow for those of us who havent read the book. It was possible, but I had to concentrate hard to follow everything, not enough expositions, which made it a tiring 2 hours.
Bottle Shock (2008)

just saw this last night. "based on a true story" about California wines and specifically Chateau Montelena and their entry into a blind wine tasting event near Paris in 1976. Alan Rickman was his usual good self. Freddy Rodriguez was great as the son of a Mexican migrant farmer. has some nice scenery of the wine regions in California.

Rachael Taylor as the love interest was easy on the eyes too :drool:

one complaint would be some of the nonsensical stuff (the boxing ring, etc) but that's Hollywood for you.

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

Probably the best action film of the year (though it's not had much competition in fairness)thanks to a couple of fantastic set peices that are very well done. The storyline is okay, if not pretty basic, the performances/script are all fine... and everything between said set-pieces is passable, but ultimately you watch this kind of film for the action scenes, and they are expertly done I would say. Also really enjoy all the gadget related stuff, which was much better then anything from any recent Bond movie.

My major criticism of the film is an absence of a strong villain. The bad guy in this film barely gets any screentime / development, and as such you don't really feel threatened by him... and all great action films need a good baddie I would say! Still, that wasn't enough to detract from my overall enjoyment of the film

Inglorious Bastards

Was on the Telly last night so I gave it a try after a long time. I really enjoyed this film, and there are plenty of gruesome watch through the fingers moments to keep you sicko's happy. The two leading ladies are superfine in a 1940's kinda way and I thought both played their roles rather well. Brad Pitt (and Hitler) added the humour to what at times touched serious topics.

All in all, more good than bad.

Taken 8.5/10

Good film. It seemed like some bits were missing in the film though. As in they couldn't think of a good reason how he arrived at a particular destination, so they didn't bother.

Unthinkable 8/10

Good film, well worth a watch. People call it under-rated and that it's a hidden gem. Those people are over-rating it. It's a good film.
I had a problem with the basic premise of Taken.

"Europe? feck no, you can't go to Europe, it's like a fecking jungle down there, you'll die for sure."

Sure enough, kid goes to Europe, gets kidnapped. It's like, what do Americans think Europe is like, Congo? Please. They may not know how to run a currency but it's no more dangerous than America. Get a grip.
Right at your door.

About the aftermath of a terrorist strike in LA.
Dirty bombs were exploded and released a massive toxic cloud.
The film is set inside one house after everybody is told to seal there houses up, this guy's girlfriend is caught up in the bombs and does not get back before he seals the house up. When she does get back he wont let her in.
An excellent film and I thought very will acted and had a nice twist at the end.

Well worth a watch

I had a problem with the basic premise of Taken.

"Europe? feck no, you can't go to Europe, it's like a fecking jungle down there, you'll die for sure."

Sure enough, kid goes to Europe, gets kidnapped. It's like, what do Americans think Europe is like, Congo? Please. They may not know how to run a currency but it's no more dangerous than America. Get a grip.

I had a problem with the basic premise of this post

"Congo? feck no, you can't go to Congo, it's like a fecking jungle down there, you'll die for sure."

Sure enough, Simon goes to Congo, gets kidnapped. It's like, what does Simon think Congo is like, Bradford? Please. They may not know how to hold a proper election and have widespread poverty but it's no more dangerous than Simon's living room. Get a grip
Yep... i'm bored
I had a problem with the basic premise of Taken.

"Europe? feck no, you can't go to Europe, it's like a fecking jungle down there, you'll die for sure."

Sure enough, kid goes to Europe, gets kidnapped. It's like, what do Americans think Europe is like, Congo? Please. They may not know how to run a currency but it's no more dangerous than America. Get a grip.

Thats why is a fecking movie and not a true story. Movies are meant to be not believable.
Some of the best movies are entirely believable, realism/believability adds a lot of depth to drama. Taken's just a silly action/thriller movie though. Liam Neeson is pretty much the only thing that makes it worth watching.