Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

On this day 25 years ago, this great man passed away.



The long-lost Chuckle Brother.
The long-lost Chuckle Brother.



Visually stunning , you're right Spoony.

I think I must be a philistine though because as beautiful as all the images are, I can't say it's a brilliant film as it doesn't seem like a film to me at all

What is it that defines a film then, is it not moving images? It's a non-narrative film and you're just meant to take in the beautiful photography and scenery.

Visually stunning , you're right Spoony.

I think I must be a philistine though because as beautiful as all the images are, I can't say it's a brilliant film as it doesn't seem like a film to me at all

Of course it's a film, unless the definition of film has changed...I suspect you didn't like it because it didn't have a conventional plot(as Nills stated). But what did you think of the imagery, Erica? I thought the scenes of the Ganges, Mecca, Shah Cheragh were nothing sort of stunning. I've yet to see a film on BR that matches it's visual quality. Did you watch it on blu ray? the reason why it should be seen on the BR format is because it was shot in 70mm(HD)... and it utilises more of BR's potential than other BR conversions. It's probably the only reason to buy a BR...the other films don't really feel like much of a leap from DVD. Planet Earth's another must and all, Erica.
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

Didn't enjoy it as much as the first, and I was actually annoyed at the scene with Holmes and Moriarty on the balcony. Could have been done so much better than that.

Holmes does one of his "plan out what to do next" scenes, and then Moriarty does a follow-up, which starts with the words "my turn." Wait, Moriarty can hear thoughts now? Did Holmes say all that bit earlier out loud? If they'd done it in a way that had Holmes plan a move, then Moriarty think of the counter, so they're both building towards the same conclusion together, it would have made more sense. Probably haven't explained that very well.

That's not to say it wasn't good though, I liked the chemistry between Downey Jr. and Law, and some of the action scenes were really enjoyable (on the train, and in the forest especially).
Mission Impossible 4

I went to see this tonight against my better judgement as my mate wanted to see it. I haven't seen any of the other three films and I'm not really much into action films. The short review is that it's exactly what you expect: fast-moving popcorn fare with the occasional funny one-liner and the usual array of gadgets.

I haven't been avoiding these films for any other reason than the fact that I don't generally watch these sorts of action movies. Tom Cruise is, as always, perfectly okay at what he does without ever doing much more than cracking a smile at odd times. The rest of them were pretty poor, Simon Pegg included (though he was responsible for some of the funnier moments).

It wasn't offensively bad but it didn't inspire me to watch the other movies in the series.

5/10. It's not a good movie but by the standards of that sort of movie it was okay.
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

Didn't enjoy it as much as the first, and I was actually annoyed at the scene with Holmes and Moriarty on the balcony. Could have been done so much better than that.

Holmes does one of his "plan out what to do next" scenes, and then Moriarty does a follow-up, which starts with the words "my turn." Wait, Moriarty can hear thoughts now? Did Holmes say all that bit earlier out loud? If they'd done it in a way that had Holmes plan a move, then Moriarty think of the counter, so they're both building towards the same conclusion together, it would have made more sense. Probably haven't explained that very well.

That's not to say it wasn't good though, I liked the chemistry between Downey Jr. and Law, and some of the action scenes were really enjoyable (on the train, and in the forest especially).

Please see my review and tell me if you were annoyed at the same thing? It's bugged me!
Mission Impossible 4

I went to see this tonight against my better judgement as my mate wanted to see it. I haven't seen any of the other three films and I'm not really much into action films. The short review is that it's exactly what you expect: fast-moving popcorn fare with the occasional funny one-liner and the usual array of gadgets.

I haven't been avoiding these films for any other reason than the fact that I don't generally watch these sorts of action movies. Tom Cruise is, as always, perfectly okay at what he does without ever doing much more than cracking a smile at odd times. The rest of them were pretty poor, Simon Pegg included (though he was responsible for some of the funnier moments).

It wasn't offensively bad but it didn't inspire me to watch the other movies in the series.

5/10. It's not a good movie but by the standards of that sort of movie it was okay.

I'm going to see this at the IMAX, only to see the Batman prologue and because I've never been to an IMAX screen. I wasn't expecting it to be any good.
Please see my review and tell me if you were annoyed at the same thing? It's bugged me!

Had to hunt your post down using expert techniques.

I can't say I was particularly annoyed at that scene, although that's probably mostly because I was already annoyed at the scene before being entirely in slow motion.
Had to hunt your post down using expert techniques.

I can't say I was particularly annoyed at that scene, although that's probably mostly because I was already annoyed at the scene before being entirely in slow motion.

Yes, that did start to grate after a while!
My latest movies

Captain America - 6/10 Kept me entertained for 2 hours

Thor - 4/10 Pretty shit

I have no hope at all for the avengers movie
It was a bit too independent like and unengaging for me, was pretty alright though and I think I sort of got the gist of it.

Was a story of regret, redemption and salvation. The last scene shouldn't be taken too literally, it was just a way showing us Rhoda found what she was looking for ( the other earth had an alternate reality and she didn't not cause the death of a family...and he probably ended up seeing his family again). I have to say her actions were very selfish, she could've screwed his life up again, but I didn't think it'd go down that path....the ticket was a great way of tying everything up in a nice little package.
Was a story of regret, redemption and salvation. The last scene shouldn't be taken too literally, it was just a way showing us Rhoda found what she was looking for ( the other earth had an alternate reality and she didn't not cause the death of a family...and he probably ended up seeing his family again). I have to say her actions were very selfish, she could've screwed his life up again, but I didn't think it'd go down that path....the ticket was a great way of tying everything up in a nice little package.

Yeah, that was pretty much my conclusion as well.

I've just seen the Solaris remake, epic review coming up.
Watched Alien & Aliens back to back over Christmas, by virtue of not seeing either for ages, Prometheus peaking my interest and Brwned saying how he didn't like the former particularly.

Got to say I can't agree with him at all. Alien is a fantastic film, only hamstrung by a couple of dodgy FX shots (Ian Holm's head & the rubber suit man blown out of the capsule at the end)...Other than that it's a masterfully made suspense/horror/sci fi with great actors and well realised and ingenuous ideas. Lambert's whining grates a little bit at times, but on the whole it's tightly assembled and deserves it's status as a classic.

I'd give it an 8.5 now, and a 9 for 1979.

In contrast Aliens is a bit of a mess at times. It's a completely different genre all together obviously, and actually contains some scenes & shots that surpass the original, but there's a few too many of them (purposefully dramatic scenes, not ones that surpass the original) and the little inconsistencies/cliches/hammy lines/awful child acting restrict it slightly from reaching the pedestal Alien is on.

That said there are a lot of things going for it. Ripley's a better, more rounded character for a start, and Weaver gives a great performance, but the problem is no body else is or does (though I thought Paul Reiser was good in a pretty cartoon role) The marines are all farcically cardboard and dull (with some terrible lines) and if Lambert's whining in the first was grating, Bil Paxton wears off his welcome by about scene 3. Also, for someone who made a big play of the noble savage argument in Avatar, Cameron doesn't half love his military hardware porn.

The first hour or so is great though. Very well built suspense whilst paying homage & lip service to it's predecessor in it's story & refusal to play it's hand with the creature, that it earns it's bonkers Vietnam movie twist upon twist ending.

My main problem with it though was that the need for incessant action in the last 3rd diluted a lot of the menace of the Alien. In the first a small cut on a face hugger caused a tiny drop of acid to burn through half the ship, while in this they're shooting hundreds of rounds at hundreds of adult Aliens in close quarters constantly, and only getting a bit of acid splash back consequence when it's convenient to the plot. The whole acid blood thing was added to make the possibility of killing it conventionally difficult and thus more scary...In this they just ignore that ingenious dramatic device in favour of good old Action movie "shoot the shit out of it" bollocks.

It's a very superior action film though. And the amount of stuff he lifted straight out of it to put into Avatar (which I hated) is probably prejudicing me a tad...It's probably an 8 or a very high 7.

So basically, my opinions on either haven't changed at all. I've just increased my ability to waffle about them.

I've just remembered another thing about Aliens which was stupid. She opens the airlock to get rid of the Alien, as in the first one, and then she climbs up the ladder to safety. She climbs up the fecking ladder to safety!! then close it again. In the vacuum of space. A middle aged woman with ropey arms. She CLIMBS UP THE feckING LADDER! At least in the first one she's strapped in and in a spacesuit. She doesn't just hold on with one arm and then CLIMB UP THE feckING LADDER WHILST THE WHOLE OF SPACE IS PULLING HER!!....IN A feckING T-SHIRT!

That's it, it's definitely in the 7s for that.
If you survived the initial decompression without being pulled out into space and didn't burst a lung from holding your breath then you could easily climb up the ladder. Of course you would pass out and die from a lack of oxygen pretty damn quickly.
Red State

I found this quite disturbing to be honest. 3 collage kids go in search of a 3some with this MILF one of then finds on the net , but when they get there , it is not what they think.
Turns out this MILF was part of an anti gay cult and takes them hostage.
ATF get involved , lots of bullets and dead bodies.
Would of been only a 4 but John Goodman plays an excellent part has ATF agent , brings it up to 6/10


Dont bother it is shite , turned itoff after 35 mins and deleted it from laptop.

Captain America

It was OK , story was good enough, plenty of action.
Never read any of the comics, TBH this film did not make me want to go out and read them.
The ending was just pants , could of been done a whole lot better, but it kept me entertained for 2 hours

If you survived the initial decompression without being pulled out into space and didn't burst a lung from holding your breath then you could easily climb up the ladder. Of course you would pass out and die from a lack of oxygen pretty damn quickly.

Well aside from the fact she's not holding her breath, she's infact shouting the whole way through it, I don't believe you. A 40 year old woman is not pulling herself out of an airlock in deep space.
Once the decompression has happened then there is no reason that she couldn't climb the ladder because there would be no outward force acting on her. If she can still breath then either a) it's bollocks because there would be no air to breath or b) there is still air feeding into the room which, assuming it was enough for her to breath, would be escaping into space and exerting some outward force but would be no more than someone would experience climbing a ladder when it was a bit windy.

You might get the bends as well I suppose depending on the partial pressure at which you had been breathing/absorbing gas prior to the decompression. If they were breathing an slightly exotic mix the bends might not be an issue.

Well aside from the fact she's not holding her breath, she's infact shouting the whole way through it, I don't believe you. A 40 year old woman is not pulling herself out of an airlock in deep space.

Wasn't she technically about 100 or something due to her cryogenic sleep from the first film? That makes it even more impressive.
"They mostly come at night, mostly."
Well, where is it then?

Solaris (2002) - A very ill-advised idea from the start. The 1972 version wasn't exactly very viewer friendly and for a big name director to do his take and cast a big name like Clooney was always going to end up with a backlash, even with a significantly trimmed down running length. Tarkovsky's version was a deep, ethereal take on man's relation with Earth amongst other things, this however was a sort of an ambient meditation focusing almost entirely on the love story. It starts of very straightforward and rushed, the supporting characters suffered because of this and were left undeveloped like some parts of the story. To sum it up it was an uninspired version which narrowly escapes from being a bad film. If I would have to mention some positive things of note then the scenes on Earth were very well shot at times.

Clooney didn't really have a lot to go on. Natascha McElhone looked stunning and did relatively well considering that I hold Natalya Bondarchuk's performance in the 1972 version as one of the greatest female acting performances ever.


Jeremy Davies was in it, suprisingly playing a whimsical difficult to work with person.


Ulrich Tukur appeared once or twice but was then seemingly ignored and forgotten like most of the other characters. A great actor btw, it's weird that this might be his only English speaking role, should get more and bigger roles.

By the way, has there ever been a case of an author actually liking a film adaption of his or hers book? Stanislaw Lem was very critical of Tarkovsky for not focusing on the alien aspect more and I could only imagine what he felt about Soderbergh's version. Tarkovsky did it in his own spiritual, artistic way and suceeded with a great standalone adaptation.
The Hulk, 2003 version is on the telly right now.

It's alright, better than the reviews imo, but not great, mostly because the Hulk is a shit character for movie adaptation. I am watching it again purely because of Jennifer Connelly. It's ridiculous the movies I will watch and re-watch just because she is in them. I love her.
ITT: I've found out a gif is a film. It's moving images right?
As I got the complete set for Christmas and not just the originals, I decided for my sins, to re-watch the prequels for the first time ever since I saw them in the cinema. I dunno where to go with the criticism, it's all been heard. I'm just stunned that so many seem to happily write off the first two, then claim that Revenge of the Sith holds it own with the original, it clearly doesn't, while there are some things to kind of enjoy about it, I found myself having MORE problems with it that the other two. Just insane really, I simply don't get why Yoda randomly gives up more than anything, like that fight is pretty even, then he rings up his mate Jimmy Smits and runs away, leaving the Senator to finish his evil plans.

Then theres the higher ground thing, or the fact that three Jedi who have been shown to be decent enough fighters getting wiped out in about 2 seconds flat, then theres just generally numerous scenes that with Hayden Christenennen in them, then theres the fact that Anakin, this genius of a man, the chosen one, falling for the most obvious manipulation job in history, or the NOOOOOOO scene, or that beyond stupid looking water thing they are randomly watching when the Senator is giving Anakin a history of the Dark Side, or the fact that Anakin goes from a Jedi with honor who wants to give the Senator a fair trial and wallowing about "WHAT HAVE I DONE" to killing children without batting an eyelid in about 3-5 minutes?

I think I could go on just about Revenge of the Sith, but feck this, feck George Lucas, you ain't Stanley Kubrick bro, hire some ghost writers, editors, and directors to turn your stories into good films like you did first time around while you take all the credit.
By the way, has there ever been a case of an author actually liking a film adaption of his or hers book? Stanislaw Lem was very critical of Tarkovsky for not focusing on the alien aspect more and I could only imagine what he felt about Soderbergh's version. Tarkovsky did it in his own spiritual, artistic way and suceeded with a great standalone adaptation.

I'm sure there are a few, but most are so mad about any tiny alteration to their ideas that they forget that even great books are not transferable to the screen without trimming, compromises and new ideas.

Then they make shit versions of their books, like S. King did with The Shining.