Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I've seen that movie!


That would have made a lot better movie. Starting Melancholia now, that should be better.
There will be blood - 6.5/10

Finally saw this, I had high expectations and other than the superb performance from Daniel Day Lewis I didn't think it was that great.
There were several moments where the film would lead you into thinking something dramatic would happen and then nothing would happen.
I found the Eli character tedious and the camera spent too much time panning around with absolutely nothing going on.
There will be blood - 6.5/10

Finally saw this, I had high expectations and other than the superb performance from Daniel Day Lewis I didn't think it was that great.
There were several moments where the film would lead you into thinking something dramatic would happen and then nothing would happen.
I found the Eli character tedious and the camera spent too much time panning around with absolutely nothing going on.

You shouldnt watch Tarr's films then.
You shouldnt watch Tarr's films then.

Loved Werckmeister Harmonies by the way, can't help but be amazed(/amused/confused) by the opening scene and it had that almost unique black and white beauty throughout. Scenes like him seeing the whale, the hospital mayhem and the closing scene really do stay with you, loved the score too. What I don't get is why you have actors in Tarkovsky, Kieslowski, Tarr etc. movies that put in mesmerising performances (i.e. Lars Rudolph in this case) and then seemingly go on to do almost nothing else of note.

Really can't wait to watch Santantango now. Which others should I look out for?
Loved Werckmeister Harmonies by the way, can't help but be amazed(/amused/confused) by the opening scene and it had that almost unique black and white beauty throughout. Scenes like him seeing the whale, the hospital mayhem and the closing scene, loved the score too. What I don't get is why you have actors in Tarkovsky, Kieslowski, Tarr etc. movies that put in mesmerising performances (i.e. Lars Rudolph in this case) and then seemingly go on to do almost nothing else of note.

Really can't wait to watch Santantango now. Which others should I look out for?

The Turin Horse is quite good (he says that its his best) while the Gentleman from London is his worst (still has some good qualities). Damnation I think is the earliest film of his where he found his voice/style.

About Schmidt


Alexander Payne is brilliant, one of the few modern US directors worth following.
Each of these three flicks I watched several times over and like with other great movies you find something new to enjoy at every viewing. Highly recommended.
The Human Centipede

OMG what a sick film.
Not has much blood and guts as I thought there would be.
Quite possibly the sickest film I have seen , just for the subject matter.
I did not hate the film and also did not like the film , but I can't recommend it.
The surgeon in it is has mad as a box of frogs , also 2 of the dumbest coppers you will ever see in a film.
If you like this sort of film , you may love it.
A score , I don't really know what to give it , I had to keep watching it till the end so for that I will give it a 4/10
Alexander Payne is brilliant, one of the few modern US directors worth following.
Each of these three flicks I watched several times over and like with other great movies you find something new to enjoy at every viewing. Highly recommended.
I've only seen 'Sideways' - it was watchable but that's about it.
Treasure of the Sierra Madre Much better than the Maltese Falcon in terms of entertainment. It's not close to Casablanca, but it was pretty enjoyable.


Maltese Falcon Good but wasn't as entertaining or satisfying as the other Bogart films I've seen.

I've only seen 'Sideways' - it was watchable but that's about it.'s well acted, scripted and directed. But that should be the minimum requirement of every film.

I do like Paul Giamatti...he's always fun to watch. His turn as pig-vomit in Private Parts is hilarious.
The Tournament- it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be to be honest. A couple of really annoying flaws in it though; for starters these are supposed to be 30 of the worlds best assassins, so why do 25 of them look like they would feel fail a job application to be a henchman at Terror Mountain in any 1960's Bond film? And why does only one of them have the obvious of idea of doing what the French lad did with his chip? I mean come on. Not to mention the fact that 'the best assassin of his generation' actually appears to be a bit thick and a pretty rubbish assassin if he couldn't even figure out the whole wife thing.

Also the Priest thing was annoying, they could have made this film so much better if they didn't try to make it something it isn't and just have the assassins kicking the shit out of each other for 90 minutes. They should have got rid of any pseudo-message they were trying to impart, and just had non-stop Street Fighter-esque punch ups which would have improved the film immeasurably.

On the plus side, Kelly Hu is perfection. I can't believe she is in her 40's, Asian people have the best skin. 6/10

Just watched this and it was OK , nothing special.
It could of been so much better , I agree the priest thing was just rubbish and not needed.
The ending was predicable.
Also why pick Middlesbrough.
It gets a 7/10 just for Kelly Hu
I flopped on half of my classic list last week on account of being completely drunk for the whole time...I watched Drive a couple days ago though (bout a 7) and The Deer Hunter last night.

The Deer Hunter's one of those I acknowledge is a great, great film. It's scope, it's drama, it's cinematography and it's acting in particular (De Niro, Walken & Streep are fantastic, especially Bobby) but I didn't really like it. That's not strictly true, I did like it by the end. In fact the last 20 minutes and the middle 20 minutes I think are some of my favorite pieces of cinema, but watching it, I felt very bored by most in between. Particularly the first part, which seems completely at odds with the remaining 2/3rds.

The over long Wedding scene for example, is just overly long. You are just watching one long wedding, and it's dull as shit. I can see why it's one of those films people just fail to get into, you've really got to stick with it. In the remaining 2 parts nothing is filler. Everything that doesn't need to be shown isn't.

You don't see them get to vietnam, they're just there. You don't see them captured, they just are. When they're in the POW camp, they face each other at roulette in about 5 minutes. You don't see anyone getting home, they just do. etc, etc..

They could've drawn all these bits out, but they didn't. And it's the better for it. Yet in the first hour they draw everything out, and it's full of seemingly filler..

What's the point of Streep's abusive father for example?..Or Cazale punching his girlfriend?

And I'll be honest, I found it arduous, and spent most of it mainly interested in Christopher Walken's hair.

In many ways this probably helps the film, making the eventual transitions in each character hit home more, but it didn't help me watch it. I also found a lot of the musical choices very close to hackneyed. Especially at two particular points when all the characters sit and listen to a person sing/play the piano in a reflective, "hey, this is deep shit" kind of a mood, which was very close to just being like a sad sitcom episode...Where a dog dies, or Molly's father doesn't understand her so she plays a sad song..I'm pretty sure Ashley did that in Fresh Prince once...Whatever happened to Ashley from Fresh Prince?

It's an amazing film in it's strong parts though, but I'm quite conflicted as to whether I liked it or not.

It's an 8.5...And bits of it are very 9ish...Even though it's also actually quite racist.
Brilliant film, but seems a bit outdated to me. It posits Americans as persecuted innocents, whereas foreigners are generally depicted as moral-free monsters.
Interesting. I didn't see it like that, but I can definitely see how it could be. It is very unfair on the Vietnamese, especially there's no indication Russian Roulette was ever used by the Vietcong and yet this is now entrenched into their iconography. But I saw it more as a general critique of War, and the idiotic tragedy of young men naively eager to join up (hence the Green Beret "feck it" scene)...I saw it as America sending it's own children into horror, rather than innocently fighting savages, but that could well be due to years of intaking that idea from countless anti-war films..I didn't really find it political at all apart from that. Apart from just being crass about their depiction of the Vietnamese, which was down to ignorance and lazyness more than anything IMO. But being one of the first anti-Vietnam films, I can just about forgive it for that.

My problem with it was just boredom at parts of it.
You're probably right, mate, as I think you're a more capable critic than I am. :)
Still, some of the film reminds me of Springsteen's ironic lyrics:

I got in a little hometown jam
And so they put a rifle in my hands
Sent me off to Vietnam
To go and kill the yellow man
The Human Centipede

OMG what a sick film.
Not has much blood and guts as I thought there would be.
Quite possibly the sickest film I have seen , just for the subject matter.
I did not hate the film and also did not like the film , but I can't recommend it.
The surgeon in it is has mad as a box of frogs , also 2 of the dumbest coppers you will ever see in a film.
If you like this sort of film , you may love it.
A score , I don't really know what to give it , I had to keep watching it till the end so for that I will give it a 4/10

You gonna watch the sequel?
I flopped on half of my classic list last week on account of being completely drunk for the whole time...I watched Drive a couple days ago though (bout a 7) and The Deer Hunter last night.

The Deer Hunter's one of those I acknowledge is a great, great film. It's scope, it's drama, it's cinematography and it's acting in particular (De Niro, Walken & Streep are fantastic, especially Bobby) but I didn't really like it. That's not strictly true, I did like it by the end. In fact the last 20 minutes and the middle 20 minutes I think are some of my favorite pieces of cinema, but watching it, I felt very bored by most in between. Particularly the first part, which seems completely at odds with the remaining 2/3rds.

The over long Wedding scene for example, is just overly long. You are just watching one long wedding, and it's dull as shit. I can see why it's one of those films people just fail to get into, you've really got to stick with it. In the remaining 2 parts nothing is filler. Everything that doesn't need to be shown isn't.

You don't see them get to vietnam, they're just there. You don't see them captured, they just are. When they're in the POW camp, they face each other at roulette in about 5 minutes. You don't see anyone getting home, they just do. etc, etc..

They could've drawn all these bits out, but they didn't. And it's the better for it. Yet in the first hour they draw everything out, and it's full of seemingly filler..

What's the point of Streep's abusive father for example?..Or Cazale punching his girlfriend?

And I'll be honest, I found it arduous, and spent most of it mainly interested in Christopher Walken's hair.

In many ways this probably helps the film, making the eventual transitions in each character hit home more, but it didn't help me watch it. I also found a lot of the musical choices very close to hackneyed. Especially at two particular points when all the characters sit and listen to a person sing/play the piano in a reflective, "hey, this is deep shit" kind of a mood, which was very close to just being like a sad sitcom episode...Where a dog dies, or Molly's father doesn't understand her so she plays a sad song..I'm pretty sure Ashley did that in Fresh Prince once...Whatever happened to Ashley from Fresh Prince?

It's an amazing film in it's strong parts though, but I'm quite conflicted as to whether I liked it or not.

It's an 8.5...And bits of it are very 9ish...Even though it's also actually quite racist.

I never understood the hype around The Deer Hunter. The interrogation scenes with "russian roulette" were memorable but apart from that it was imo incredibly long, disjointed and boring film.

Another film that I always thought was hugely overrated is Lawrence of Arabia. OK, the cinematography is great but I found it impossible to give a shit about any of the characters, including the main protagonist or the actual story and it took a superhuman effort on my part to watch it till the end.
I flopped on half of my classic list last week on account of being completely drunk for the whole time...I watched Drive a couple days ago though (bout a 7) and The Deer Hunter last night.

The Deer Hunter's one of those I acknowledge is a great, great film. It's scope, it's drama, it's cinematography and it's acting in particular (De Niro, Walken & Streep are fantastic, especially Bobby) but I didn't really like it. That's not strictly true, I did like it by the end. In fact the last 20 minutes and the middle 20 minutes I think are some of my favorite pieces of cinema, but watching it, I felt very bored by most in between. Particularly the first part, which seems completely at odds with the remaining 2/3rds.

The over long Wedding scene for example, is just overly long. You are just watching one long wedding, and it's dull as shit. I can see why it's one of those films people just fail to get into, you've really got to stick with it. In the remaining 2 parts nothing is filler. Everything that doesn't need to be shown isn't.

You don't see them get to vietnam, they're just there. You don't see them captured, they just are. When they're in the POW camp, they face each other at roulette in about 5 minutes. You don't see anyone getting home, they just do. etc, etc..

They could've drawn all these bits out, but they didn't. And it's the better for it. Yet in the first hour they draw everything out, and it's full of seemingly filler..

What's the point of Streep's abusive father for example?..Or Cazale punching his girlfriend?

And I'll be honest, I found it arduous, and spent most of it mainly interested in Christopher Walken's hair.

In many ways this probably helps the film, making the eventual transitions in each character hit home more, but it didn't help me watch it. I also found a lot of the musical choices very close to hackneyed. Especially at two particular points when all the characters sit and listen to a person sing/play the piano in a reflective, "hey, this is deep shit" kind of a mood, which was very close to just being like a sad sitcom episode...Where a dog dies, or Molly's father doesn't understand her so she plays a sad song..I'm pretty sure Ashley did that in Fresh Prince once...Whatever happened to Ashley from Fresh Prince?

It's an amazing film in it's strong parts though, but I'm quite conflicted as to whether I liked it or not.

It's an 8.5...And bits of it are very 9ish...Even though it's also actually quite racist.
Deer Hunter always felt to me like a 'directors cut'. As in, with all the hype there must have been a shorter slicker movie released before the actual version, which had all of the deleted scenes added to it unnecessarily.

Then again, we've no doubt all got considerably shorter attention spans than the previous generation.
Deer Hunter always felt to me like a 'directors cut'. As in, with all the hype there must have been a shorter slicker movie released before the actual version, which had all of the deleted scenes added to it unnecessarily.

Then again, we've no doubt all got considerably shorter attention spans than the previous generation.

:lol: That's almost exactly what it's like.

And I dunno about attention spans, I means Transformers 3 is almost as long as the Godfath....err...oh, yeah.
I don't think I have been as much on edge watching any film as I was watching The Deer Hunter. I loved it, I agree the wedding scene was a bit drawn out but who cares? The rest of the film more then made up for it.

Walken is the Anelka of actors.
It's a bit strange that the director went on to do nothing after it that even came close to being as good.

Well he fecked himself by bankrupting a studio, didn't he.

I'd highly recommend a film called Thunderbolt & Lightfoot. I think he scripted it. It's one of my fave 70's movies.
It's a bit strange that the director went on to do nothing after it that even came close to being as good.

He fecked up royally with Heavens Gate and was never allowed back to the top table.

The thing about the wedding scene is, it's almost like he saw the Godfather and thought, "I'm gonna make my wedding scene longer, and more poignant."..But it's just too long, and too poignant, and nothing much actually happens (apart from "ooooh, she spilled some") Whereas the Godfather's wedding scene is full of shit happening, character and plot development, neatly disguised between some relatively short filler dancing at a wedding. This wedding dancing crassly disguised between some short filler character development. I'm also not sure what Bobby is supposed to be at this point. He comes across as a weird, creepy drunk lech sort of trying to get with his mates girlfriend, but then doesn't seem like that at all for the rest of the film. War changes him, I get that, but it just didn't seem nearly as clever and important as it thought it was. The little poignant musical interludes sort typifying that.

When they get to vietnam though, it is fantastic, and from then on out it's captivating, but it's a fecking struggle getting there.
Well he fecked himself by bankrupting a studio, didn't he.

I'd highly recommend a film called Thunderbolt & Lightfoot. I think he scripted it. It's one of my fave 70's movies.

Eastwood and Bridges - how could it be anything other than great? Saw it on TV a few months back.
Bang Bang You're Dead

IMDB - Trevor is a troubled high school student, thanks to the effects of bullying. This is the story of his fight to break free.

Well, this one surprised me. Made-For-Tv? It's noticeable in a way, but it's one of those films where the cheaper it is the more realistic it feels. It really gets into the head of a bullied teenager; the guys getting fecked with on a daily basis and the jocks are such dicks that I kinda was willing him to massacre them all by the end of it. I don't think that was the intended message of the film though...

Also it had that guy from Scrubs who played JDs brother. He was basically the same guy without anything funny to say in this film, but I guess he was good... as JDs unfunny brother.

Super 8 - I don't know why I bothered. I knew what this film would be like, all suspense and no climax. It's like foreplay without the sex, except the foreplay itself was pretty bad.

Also, it's hard enough finding one or two decent kid actors, so casting the whole freakin' film around a group of little shits is actually a bit mental.

And what was going on at the end? When the Alien grabs the kid and there's like this profound understanding between them? I mean literally, just between them. We don't get any insight at all. It's like the whole film was building towards this private moment that no-one else gets to share.
